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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

166 The Eegent was directed to have the leaks in the roof of the new building repaired. Messrs. Gardner, Cobb and Mason were appointed a committee to control the future operations of the mechanical shops, and report on same. Mr. J. M. Yan Osdel, jr., Architect, presented the following report: AUGUST 14, 1873. To the Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : This is to certify that S. H. Gehlman is entitled to a payment of four thousand fifty-eight dollars and fifty-nine cents, on account of work done and materials furnished in the new University ^building, at Urbana, classified as follows: Carpenter work Nails Plastering Painting Stairs Ironwork Framing Concreting $1,800 00 75 00 800 00 500 00 500 60 1,000 00 40 00 250 73 * $4, 9G5 73 993 20 |3, 972 53 86 06 $4, 058 59 J". M. V A ¥ OSDEL, J E . , Architect. , -i Less 20 per cent, per contract Hardware from Surdam & Covert A warrant to the amount of $4,058 59 was ordered to be drawn on State appropriation. Mr. Yan Osdel also reported work to the amount of $9,025 55, done on heating apparatus. A warrant was ordered to be drawn for such amount. Prof. Shattuck made his report as Eegent pro tern., as follows: Gentlemen of the Board of Trustees of the 1 llinois Industrial University : As Eegent pro tern., I have the honor to make the following report: Since your last meeting quite the usual amount of office work has been done; the students record completed to date, a large number of inquiries in regard to the University answered, and catalogues sent representing it in part. The appointment of Dr. Prentice as Resident Instructor in Veterinary Science, at $1, 000 per annum, is again recommended. Mr. A. C Swartz, a graduate from the school of civil engineering, is recommended for an appointment aa tutor in that school, at $40 per month. An arrangement with Mr. Hays, similar to the present one, for the coming year, is proposed. Mr. Hays has given satisfaction, and I hope his services may be retained. I suggest that authority be given to a committee to engage the still required tutors and instructors, subject to the assignment of funds made at your last meeting. Dr. Gregory thinks it desirable that the University should have the services of Professors in Agricultural Chemistry, and in Physics, as soon as its funds will allow. I heartily concur in this opinion. Authority is asked for having done the usual annual binding and repair of books in the library ; also for having printed the usual examination blanks and circulars to county superintendents. The annual cleaning and repairs of the University building and furniture calls for attention. In this connection the question to what use the proposed vacated portions of the old building shall be put, may be raised. Some fifty students could be accommodated in the room thus made, not including the chapel. The use the present heating apparatus is to be put to, calls for settlement. You are requested to assign the rooms of the new building to their several purposes, either directly or by
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