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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

164 The following bills of current expenses were audited and allowed: C.I. Hays W. S. Chase F. A. Parsons D. S. Covert Enterprise Coal Company The Student Waters & Pancake W. B. Keen, Cooke & Co E. V. Peterson Trevett & Green Stock farm Geo. Immell Illinois Central Railroad Company . Horticultural department E. Snyder Beidler & Son N. A. Williams New building and grounds. Dodson & Hodges Horace S. Leland & Co Salary, July... Various workSalary, July... 2 cars coal 126 copies Lumber Boohs Books and stationery Work on drill hall Expense. July Fruit drier..!. Freight on donation account.. ' ' from Springfield Labor on experimental farm.. Expense for July Petty expenses Lumber Pipe. tile, cement, etc Pay-roll.: Tin tube and rope. , Board $50 00 10 00 50 00 15 92 13 00 17 90 14 31 1 27 1 25 6 30 1, 246 55 15 00 102 57 9 70 60 90 283 72 22 19 73 71 405 20 248 70 3 12 22 50 |4t 403 51 The following warrants were ordered to be drawn on State appropriations : S. J. Surdam, hooks S. W. Shattuck, Superintendent, services and expenses Eield, Leiter &Co., carpets, shades, etc—20 per cent, oft E. E. Hollister & Co., matting and furniture—20 per cent. off. $13 164 707 759 50 95 48 10 Eecess until 7:30. EVENING- SESSION. The Board re-assembled on time. Mr. D. Gardner, being detained on business, joined the meeting. Prof. Shattuck, Regent pro tern., made the following report as chairman of a committee on furniture for new building: Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : GENTLEMEN :—Your committee on furnishing the new building, beg leave to make the following report of progress : After consultation, it was considered best that the chairman should visit Cincinnati to inspect settees, etc., and get bills on the proposed library cases. This he did. After this visit, the full committee met in Chicago on the 23d ult. They found it necessary to spend two days in the work of choosing and contracting for seating the chapel, curtains for the building, matting for chapel, library and halls, carpets for recitation and dressing rooms, and furniture for reception room. The whole amount thus far contracted for i s : Library cases and railing $2, 000 00 Settees for chapel 1,067 20 Matting for library, halls, etc 464 10 Carpets for reception and dressing rooms 239 30 Eurniture for reception room, chapel, etc Curtains for building Gas fixtures—including street conductors—about Clothes and hat hook Assigned. $3, 770 60 414 00 468 18 1,200 00 13 50 $5, 866 28
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