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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

162 On motion of Mr. Sabin, it was voted that the County Teachers' Institute be permitted to hold sessions in Chapel. The Governor, being obliged to depart, made a short address to the Board, expressing his satisfaction with the state of the Institution, and his confidence in the ability of the Board to successfully manage its affairs. The appropriations for the next fiscal year were regulated as follows : ESTIMATE OF EECEIPTS TO FEBRUAKY 28, 1874. Balance on hand Interest on Sangamon county "bonds Interest on Chicago water bonds Interest on Illinois six per cent bonds From State appropriation for taxes Fees Sales from farm Sales from Horticultural department State appropriation for experiments Rents of land and interest / ? $8, 479 93 2, 250 00 875 00 930 00 2, 660 00 4, 000 00 1, 500 00 1, 200 00 750 00 4,000 00 $26, 644 93 $500 00 12,333 33 8, 000 00 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 720 00 450 00 450 00 600 00 260 00 450 00 450 00 15, 813 33 750 00 1, 500 00 1, 200 00 500 00 3, 000 00 750 00 150 00 $24,163 33 Appropriated as follows: Board expense Salaries—Eegent Eight Professors Corresponding Secretary Treasurer Instructor in Architecture Instructor in Veterinary Assistants in Chemical Laboratory Assistants in Languages Assistants in Civil and Mechanical Engineering Com. department and clerk services Teacher in free hand drawing Library assistants Math, and other assistants Fuel and lights Building and grounds Incidental expenses Stationery and printing „ Chemical and mining apparatus Library and cabinet Military department and gymnasium Total The President was ordered to draw the State appropriations for taxes and agricultural experiments. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That, considering the state of the finances of the University, we deem it inexpedient to continue a full Professorship of Ancient Languages, and instead of that an assistant should be employed for teaching those languages.
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