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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

150 The Eegent was authorized to employ the service of a competent Mechanic to take the inventory of material and assist contractors by showing to them the work to be done, and material on hand. The Eegent and Mr. Scott were appointed a Committee on Mechanical Department. Certificates of scholarships were granted students G. H. Lyman and A. C. Bradway. The communications from Profs. Stuart and Eobinson were received, but action postponed until next meeting. The Committee adjourned, to meet on Wednesday, June 4, 1873, at 4 P . M. WEDNESDAY, J U N E 4, 1873. The Committee met in the Eegent's office, at 4 P. M. Present—Messrs. Cobb, Lawrence, Edwards, Pickrell, Scott, and Prof. Shattuck, the Eegent pro tern. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. An amount of $31 85 was ordered to be refunded by warrant to Prof. S. W. Eobinson, for overcharges on duplicate books from February. A motion to open bids received for finishing the new University building was carried, and the same were opened, except those for the heating apparatus. The Committee took a recess to 7:30 P . M. EVENING SESSION. Committee assembled as per adjournment. The following motion was adopted : Resolved, That the Eegent be authorized to accept the bid of Mr. Samuel H. Gehlman finishing of the new University Building, at $13,150, he being the lowest bidder; and him provided he furnish bonds to the amount of $5,000, by Friday, the 6th inst., noon. further, that in case Mr. Gehlman fails to furnish such bond by the time aforesaid, the thorized to close contracts with the next lowest bidders, to-wit: Messrs. Patrick & Peter Ward, plastering. Messrs. Tobias & Besore, carpenter work. Messrs. Price & Bros., painting. for the entire contract with And provided Eegent is au- 'The Eegent was authorized to employ an attorney to draw up contracts and bonds. The following motion was adopted: WHEREAS the time has arrived when we should decide whether Mr. Card shall continue as the business agent of the University; and, whereas, the new board provided by law will come into office in July next; therefore, Resolved, That this Committee dispense with the further services of Mr. Card. It was decided that the Eegent and Eecording Secretary be authorized to procure such clerical help as may be necessary to keep the books, etc., of the University, at an expense of not to exceed $50 per month,
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