Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

117 The following table gives the weights of the grain and stalks when cut up on the 23d, 24th and 25th of October, being then quite dry, and the weight of the ears as husked at Christmas, upon each p l a t : A Plats. B Plats. C Plats. D Plats. E Plats. P Plats. Wt. in huske Wt. in huske Wt. in shock Wtin shock Wt in shock QjS 3 Wtin shock Wtin shock Wt in huske No if ss-<^ * a &W &^ 03 Is- ?3 • cy OO &3 P-Si J s ' Js a^ 9e 235 225 227 207 237 244 254 243 253 248 251 232 114 2970 aS 539 517 533 508 518 573 608 626 622 639 580 532 303 7098 • oo &S! 5 ° 233 223 239 217 259 241 246 x • % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12* 587 550 570 589 595 558 505 490 565 599 640 600 308 7156 216 216 235 235 231 244 235 202 221 210 237 233 103 2818 580 576 490 500 579 560 480 500 570 600 615 598 280 6928 224 222 234 224 228 244 240 219 241 250 245 235 105 2911 594 584 605 568 617 691 684 677 660 633 598 589 286 7786 225 246 233 205 238 109 2914 568 493 510 540 535 532 549 589 620 591 584 530 267 6908 246 230 219 242 216 220 229 233 233 231 247 212 109 2867 580 488 544 469 583 470 568 585 626 594 549 572 265 6893 5 * 256 222 233 203 201 215 212 236 237 226 - 254 243 101 2839 Weight of stalks and ears in lbs. A Plats. B C D E F Averages per tier.. " ' ' plat. " " acre . 7,156 6,928 7,786 7,098 6,908 6,893 42,769 7,128.1 570.2 11, 404 Weight of ears, dry, in lbs. "Weight when cut of stalks and ears in lbs. Plats . 3,448 3,208 3,252 3,174 3, 427 3,384 3,394 3,467 3,663 3,656 3, 566 3, 421 1,709 Weight of ei dry, lbs. 10 11 12 12* Averages per tier.. " " plat., 42, 769 3,421.5 570.2 An examination of the map of the plats and tables shows— 1. Of 9, 600 hills planted, 9, 4§9 grew to maturity, a loss of not much more than 1 per cent, against a loss of 7 per cent, in 1871.