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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1873 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

109 the ordinary way of feeding. Said experiments to be commenced with reference to a two or three year's course : Provided, that these experiments shall be paid for out of any appropriations that the Legislature may make for such purpose. They recommend that the Stock Farm be under the control of Mr. E. L. Lawrence the coming year, at a fixed salary of $ 1,200 per annum. They also recommend that the net proceeds of the farm be appropriated to the permanent improvement of the same. That all the minor details of management of both Stock and Experimental Farms be referred to the Executive Committee. J. H. PICKEELL, A. BLACKBURN, ABRAHAM E. SMITH. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Your Committee, to whom was referred so much of the Regent's Address as related to the above department, report that the ^detailed statements have been glaid before them, showing the amount of work done during the past year. Some loss has been sustained by reason of failures to pay[for work done.^ We feel that the business management cannot succeed unless in the hands of a purely business man, with whom all contracts and agreements should be made. We commend this subject to the careful consideration of the Board. We find much upon which to congratulate the Board in the working of these shops; much valuable instruction has been given, and the shops themselves were never in so good condition. We would like to increase the stock of tools, did our means permit, but in our present straightened circumstances we forbear. We ask that a sufficient sum be appointed to these shops as will defray the expense of running the engine and the wages of a foreman in each shop. This will require the sum of say three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500). Respectfully, M. C. GOLTRA, O. HUSE, JOHN M. PEARSON, DARIUS JOHNSON. FACULTY AND COURSE OF STUDY. To the Board of Trustees of the Illinois Industrial University : Your Committee on Faculty and Study, recommend as follows: 1. J That the Executive Committee be instructed to continue their efforts to engage a suitable person to fill the chair of Agriculture, to devote his whole time to that department. 2. That the Hon. W. C. Flagg be reappointed for the coming year, to take charge of the Agricultural Experiments, contingent upon appropriations being made for these experiments. 3. That Mr. N. C. Ricker be employed as instructor in Architecture for the next college year, beginning in September, at such salary as they may determine not exceeding $1000. 4. That the Executive Committee be authorized to employ, in their discretion. Dr. F. W. Prentice as Lecturer on Veterinary Science, at such compensation as they may determine. 5. That the Faculty be requested to arrange a course of study for the School of Domestic Science ; and that the Executive Committee be instructed to engage at an early da}^ a competent instructor on Domestic Science. 6. That the petition of students in regard to an instructor in Gymnastics be referred to the Executive Committee. J. M. GREGORY, JAMES P. SLADE, SAMUEL EDWARDS. R. B. MASON, A. S. PROCTOR. REPORT OF MILITARY COMMITTEE. Your Committee on the Military Department respectfully report: That they find upon the military roll of the Institution, and receiving military instructions, the names of 352 students, of whom all except about 60 are in uniform. The students are assigned to 6 companies, comprising 50 each, rank and file. The armory contains 350 muskets and accoutrements, with 12 swords for officers. The students are drilled in companies dining the first year twice each week ; during the second and third years, once each week; during the fourth year, in battalion only. „..r^ This department of instruction has been under the charge of Capt. Edward Snyder, Professor of Modern Languages and Military Tactics.
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