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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1984 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1983] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 175 Honorary Degrees (7) The senates at the Chicago and Urbana-Champaign campuses have recommended that honorary degrees be conferred on the following persons at Commencement Exercises in 1983: Chicago University Center — on June 12, 1983 MARY L. GOOD, chemist, vice president and director of research for UOP, Inc., Dcs Plaines, Illinois — the degree of Doctor of Science. PHILIP M. KLUTZNICK, statesman and urban planner — the degree of Doctor of Laws. Louis SUDLER, musician and patron of the arts, chairman emeritus of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra — the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts. Health Sciences Center — on June 10, 1983 LASZLO LORAND, medical scientist, professor of biochemistry, molecular and cell biology, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois — the degree of Doctor of Science. Urbana-Champaign On May 15, 1983 SHIH-LIANO CHTEN, chemist, former professor of National Taiwan University and president of Acadcmia Sinica — the degree of Doctor of Science. EINAR HAUGEN, linguist, professor emeritus at Harvard University — the degree of Doctor of Letters. SAMUEL A. KIRK, educator, professor emeritus at the University of Illinois, and professor at the University of Arizona — the degree of Doctor of Letters. The chancellors concur in the recommendations of the respective senates. I recommend approval. O n m o t i o n of M r . H o w a r d , these degrees were authorized as r e c o m mended. Redesignation and Redistribution of Graduate Programs, College of Engineering, Chicago (Report for Information) (8) The College of Engineering at the Chicago campus has completed the renaming and redistribution of graduate curricula, consistent with the departmental reorganization approved by the trustees last year. A chart displaying the relationship that existed between the graduate degree programs and the departments before the reorganization and the relationship as it will be under the new structure is filed with the secretary of the board. The changes indicated follow those made at the undergraduate level and complete the reorganization of the College of Engineering. This report was received for record. Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration, Chicago (9) The University Center Senate has recommended the establishment of a program leading to the Ph.D. in Business Administration. The program will offer specializations in business economics, finance, human resource management, and marketing. It is intended to provide training for those who wish to pursue academic careers or prepare for research careers in business, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies at levels where the doctorate is important for employment or promotion. This program seeks to alleviate a national shortage of Ph.D.'s in business administration. The demand for faculty members with such training is strong and
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