University of Illinois: Virtual Campus Tour
A UIHistories Project by Kalev Leetaru   

Campus Trivia - Answers


    Below are the answers to the Campus Trivia questions. 

  1. What three campus buildings are connected via a pedestrian tunnel?

    Roger Adams Laboratory, Noyes Laboratory, and Chemistry Annex.

  2. What is the oldest campus building still standing? 

    Mumford House, built around 1870

  3. Which campus building was used in military training for the precursor to the modern special forces? 

    English Building - On July 28, 1943, the Board of Trustees voted to allow the program of Physical Education for Men to use the building's pool and gym to facilitate the newly-established "Army and Navy specialized training programs, which will include instruction in swimming".  The University War Committee, in conjunction with the "Director of the School, the Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women, and other staff members concerned" agreed to a plan whereby the pool would be released to the Army and Navy trainees "from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 [p]m. six days a week and the women students will have the use of the pool during the afternoons and evenings". (Board of Trustees Proceedings - July 28, 1943)

  4. How many buildings have been named "Bevier Hall" and what are their current names? 

    English Building - Named Bevier Hall on April 17, 1947 and renamed English Building on May 22, 1956
    Bevier Hall - Name approved on May 22, 1956 and dedicated April 4, 1957

  5. The inauguration of which campus building caused the University to formally adopt orange and blue as its campus colors? 

    Engineering Hall (1894).  See University Colors.

  6. What was the University's original name? 

        Illinois Industrial University.  See
    University Name Change.

  7. What pivotal campus figure is buried on campus and where? 

        John Milton Gregory, the first Regent/President of the University, buried between Altgeld Hall and Henry Administration Building.  See
    Gregory's Grave.

  8. What was the name of the University's first building and what was its intended purpose when it was first constructed? 

    Champaign and Urbana Institute Building, later known as Old Main University Building, built around 1860 as a seminary.  See the founding of the university.

  9. Which Main Quad building used to have a swimming pool? 

        English Building.

  10. What was the first major campus building to be commissioned by the University itself?

    Mechanic and Military Drill Hall

  11. Which First Lady helped to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of a campus building and which building was it? 

        First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt cut the cake at the
    Illini Union's first birthday.

  12. What campus building was the first to be funded by private donations?

        Tina Weedon Smith Memorial Building / Smith Hall

  13. When were women first admitted to the University?

        Fall of 1870, with 15 signing up that term.  See
    Women at the University.

  14. What was "Project 500"?

        The Higher Education Act of 1965 mandated that minorities be more actively recruited by campus to provide greater racial balance across the campus student population.  Students lobbied the University to admit 1,000 minority students, while the administration wanted to admit only 200.  The two groups finally agreed on the number 500 as a compromise, and so "Project 500" and the Special Educational Opportunities Program was born. See
    Racial Equality.

  15. What was the University's "Charter of Freedom"?

        Illinois Supreme Court rulling of January 21, 1943 that affirmed the University's right to hire its own legal counsel.  This was termed the University's "Charter of Freedom" by Trustee Judge Johnson because it clarified that the University was an independent entity with all of the rights of a public corporation.  See
    Charter of Freedom.

  16. What was the University's original motto? 

        "Onward and Upward".  See
    University Seal.

  17. When did the University first begin to confer degrees?

        In 1877, prior to that, only certificates were awarded.  See Certificates to Degrees.
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