UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru |
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Today in the History of the University of IllinoisWelcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 161 events are recorded for today.
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Page Matches- 1949: ...ted and ready for occupancy by September 1, 1949, the Faculty Staff Houses that were later leveled in the late 1990's due to disrepair. ftn2 2 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, January 13, 1949 ftnref2 2 Personal observation recollection ... (Faculty Staff Houses)
Digital Library Matches- 1832: Jan. 13 throughout the State and country as a vigorous helper and exponent of all good works. He was a typical leader of the agitation for the abolition of slavery and led in a region of country where there could... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
- 1853: ... of the "college ' and "univers i t y " funds will be found below, p. 156. "From a copy in long hand signed by each member of the committee and found in a letter by Lumsden to Turner, January 13, 1853, Turner manuscripts Springfield. See appendix, p. 430 for letter and the memorial. "Illinois State Agricultural Society, Transactions, 5:37. ,Illinois Plan for Land Grant College 53 After discussion ... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
- 1853: , Jan. 13, 1853. Prof. J. B. Turner Dear Sir: Yours of yesterday I got this evening. And feel highly complimented with your kind insinuation; but nevertheless am not so elated as to lose my balance. My heart is in t... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
- 1853: ...ss, Free West and certain German papers gave notices of the meetings, reports of the addresses, and frequent editorials. The first lecture by Turner was given on the evening of Friday, January 13, and the second the evening following. During the next week Rutherford and Turner lectured in each of the public schools of the city. The attention of the city council was drawn to the subject by resoluti... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
- 1865: ...ourned without action because of the disagreement upon the subject of the location of the proposed industrial university. It will be recalled that the bill introduced in the senate on January 13, 1865, by Senator Lindsay was the same as the bill introduced by the agriculturists with the exception of section 11. The substitute section shows just what Champaign county offered the state in 1865: " I ... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
- 1865: ...4 History University of Illinois passed the house by a vote of 45 to 34. In the senate, Mr. Lindsay proposed a second reading but it was lost by a vote of 9 to 12. Previous to this, on January 13, another bill on the subject had been introduced into the senate by Senator Lindsay. Back of this were the Champaign county men who had secured a copy of the bill formed by the Decatur committee, and stri... (Book - History of the University (Powell))
- 1869: WEDNESDAY, January 13th. Morning, 9 o'clock. Meteorology. Prof. W. M. Baker. Afternoon, 2 o'clock. The Soils of Illinois. H. C Freeman, of the State Geological Survey. Evening, 7 o'clock. Management of Soils Dr. John A. Warder... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1869)
- 1871: ...y Evening, January 12. Dr. Manly Miles, Professor of Agriculture in the Michigan Agricultural College, will lecture on Agricultural Education and Experimental Stations. Friday Evening, January 13. Dr. E. S. Hull, Horticultural Lecturer in the Industrial University, will deliver an address upon Horticulture. Monday Evening, January 16. Prof. J. B. Turner, of Jacksonville, will lecture on Climatolog... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1871)
- 1892: ...ast Mr. Pillsbury wrote Hon. S. T. Busey, asking him to visit the Land Office and ascertain what disposition, if any, had been made of the case. A few days later Col. Busey wrote that January 13, 1892, the case had been decided in favor of the University, and t h a t the decision had been transmitted February 3d to the local land office. Application was at once made to the General Land Office for ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
- 1892: ... of the decision. In reply the following paper was received last Saturday: R. W . L. R. S. D E P A R T M E N T OF T H E I N T E R I O R . Vol. 14,703. F R A N K M. E D D Y WASHINGTON, January 13, 1892. y Timber culture entry Act of March 3, 1891, Section 1. , vs. U N I T E D STATES, Copy of so much of the decision of the First Assistant Secretary in the above case as relates to the University of t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1892)
- 1894: Jan. 13 T h e C o m m i t t e e on I n s t r u c t i o n m a d e t h e following r e p o r t with r e g a r d to a s u m m e r school: CHICAGO, JANUARY 13, 1899. To the Board of Trustees. "The following communica... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
- 1897: ...n National Bank; the first for 25,000 on demand, given April 15, 1896; the second for 20,000 on demand, given November 13, 1896; the third for 20,000, discounted at ninety days, given January 13, 1897. Your Committee also found that the bank claimed to hold these bonds as security for a demand note of 20,000, given by Charles W. Spalding November 4, 1896. Said note being secured according to the p... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898)
- 1899: , Friday, January 13, 1899, at the Sherman House, in Chicago, to consider legislative appropriations and such other business as may be duly presented." T h e r e were p r e s e n t at t h e m e e t i n g Governor T a n n e r ,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
- 1899: ...TY O F I L L I N O I S . SUMMER SCHOOL. Jan. 13 T h e C o m m i t t e e on I n s t r u c t i o n m a d e t h e following r e p o r t with r e g a r d to a s u m m e r school: CHICAGO, JANUARY 13, 1899. To the Board of Trustees. "The following communication was referred to your Committee on Instruction at the last meeting of the Board see page 28 : December 13, 1898. President A. 3. JDarper. DEAR S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
- 1899: Jan. 13 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, January 12,1899. To the Board of Trustees. The Council of Administration makes the following recommendations: 1. That the University year be divided into semesters. It has been fou... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1900)
- 1905: ...e 1, 1904. The statement was referred to the Finance Committee. SALARIES OF PROFESSORS. T h e Committee on Instruction presented the following report which was adopted: URBANA, ILLINOIS, Jan. 13, 1905. To the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: The Committee on Instruction, to which was referred the matter of adjusting the salaries of the faculty, begs leave to report that it found the sala... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908)
- 1906: ...dry hills paid F e e as examiner Ernest Reckitt 3823 , do. Lahor , J. W. Harp 3824 ..do. Mothballs, etc E. L. Dillon 3825 ..do. Trucks.'. The Jewett Car Company 3826 ..do. Lectures ; 3827 Jan. 13 David Felmley Lectures and recitals Leopold Kramer 3828 ..do Payment on woman's building Collins Brothers 3829 ..do T. R. Agg : 3830 ..do Labor Labor and material . . . .i A. C. Durr 3831 .,dO ..do. , 383... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1908)
- 1912: ...1. College of Physicians Surgeons of Chi644 ..do cago Rent due Jan. 31,1912... 645 ..do 1D. A. K. Steele, actuary Sundry bills p a i d . . . . . . . 1912. 1 646 Jan. 12 C. H. Killough 647 Jan. 13 Western Journal of Education 648 ..do..... The Garden City Shade Company C. L. Frame Dental Supply Company.. 649 ..do 650 ..do Amanda Shay Blue Island Specialty Company 651 ..do 652 ..do..... Elmer D. Bro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1914)
- 1912: ' January 13 Opening of short courses in Agriculture and Household Science, and convention of Corn Growers and Stockmen. Eight hundred and sixty-five registered (Book - Early History of University (1916))
- 1913: ...ndation that the President of the University be authorized to appoint Mr. George E. Frazer, of Madison, Wis., to be Professor of Public Accounting, for a term of three years beginning January 13, 1913, with the further assign ment of the duties of Comptroller of the University until further notice,, with a salary at the rate of thirty-six hundred dollars 3600 per annum for the first year, and at t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1913: ... President of the University to fill vacancies in positions authorized by the Board of Trustees: Frazer, George E., Professor of Public Accounting, for a term of three years beginning January 13, 1913, with the further assignment of the duties of Comptroller of the University until further notice, with a salary at the rate of thirty-six hundred dollars 3,600 per annum for the first year and four t... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1913: ...def. Ernest R. Dewsnup, Professor of Railway Administration Indef. Ernest L. Bogart, Professor of Economics Indef. ... George E. Frazer, Professor of Public Accounting and Comptroller January 13, 1913-January 12, 1916 see under Office of the Comptroller. Simon Litman, Assistant Professor of Economics Indef. , Professor of Accountancy , Assistant Professor of Accountancy and Business Organization J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1913: ...ry, 1914-15 Ernest R. Dewsnup, Professor of Railway Administration Indef. Ernest L. Bogart, Professor of Economics Indef. George E. Frazer, Professor of Public Accounting and Comptroller Jan. 13, 1913-Jan. 12, 1916 salary under office of the Comptroller. Simon Litman, Assistant Professor of Economics Indef. R. E. Heilman, Assistant Professor of Economics t 3 years from Sept. 1, 1914 .t W. A. Chase... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1914: ...ittance of sixty dollars made by the business office of the University on January 2, 1913, had not been credited by the State Auditor on his books. I accordingly addressed a letter on January 13, 1914, to the State Auditor, calling his attention to the discrepancy. The State Auditor replied under date of January 14, acknowledging the error and confirming the accuracy of the statement made by the b... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1914: HartwellCo Jan. 13 Illinois Traction System ..do.., C , C , C. S t . L. Ry. C o . . . do.., Prof. Percy Ash ..do... Bennett's Magazine Agency. ..do... H, J. Snider do... Harry C. Gilkerson ..do... A.N.Abbott ..do... Alfred ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1914: January 13, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND EQUIPMENT VOUCHERS Continued. No. Date. 1914. To whom. For what. Laboratory apparatus.. Laboratory supplies Concrete work Clippings... Cleaning Cafe supplies Chickens Cafe supp... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1915)
- 1914: ...ittance of sixty dollars made by the business office of the University on January 2, 1913, had not been credited by the State Auditor on his books. I accordingly addressed a letter on January 13, 1914, to the State Auditor, calling his attention to the discrepancy. The State Auditor replied under date of January 14, acknowledging the error and confirming the accuracy of the statement made by the b... (Book - History of Illinois Land Grant Endowment)
- 1915: January 13, 1915. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of a draft in the amount of 481.50, being full payment of balance due on principal and interest on the land contract betw... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: ...4866 ..do.... Macy Bros., Fithian 4867 ..do.... Earl Dickson, Fithian 4868 ..do....I J. F. Frances, Fithian 4869 ..do.... James Freeman, Fithian 4870 ..do.... T. N. Barker, Bondville 4871 Jan. 13 Cora Stacker, 4872 ..do.... R. A. Lumsden 4873 ..do.... David Wilkins 4874 ..do.... R. S. Mclnnes. 4875 ..do.... C. C. Gordon 4876 ..do.... O. A. Mclnnes 4877 ..do.... W. D. Rohl, Homer 4878 ..do.... L. W... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: ...r e a u ..do.... V. M u e l l e r Co ..do... A . J . N y s t r o m C o 697 ..do... F a i r b a n k s , Morse Co ..do... J. G. C h e r r y Co ..do... P e c k H i l l s F u r n i t u r e Co Jan. 13 P a y r o l l C 701 . . d o . . Rice, G. B W h i t e , J. M P a y roll H a v e n s , C. H Murphy, M Oberdorfer, H . D ...... howers, T . J Towne, L. J . W r i g h t , G. E 702 J a n . 14 A u t o m a t i c... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5623 Jan. 13 James, Edmund J Frazer, George E Ctd. Fair, Sue M Warnock, A. R Clark, T. A Strong, Lillian Kyle, Martha J Huff, G. A Manley, E. J Jones, R. R Gill, Harry Fargo, R. N Casner, Sidney Moulton, Gertrude E Br... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 1915 5623 Jan. 13 Fisher, 0 . S Garrett, F. W Gentle, G. E Gernert, W. B Gilkerson, H. C Gustafsorj, A. F . Holt, S. V Hoskins, E. E Logan, C. C Mosier, J. G. Neiderman, Gertrude Sachs, W. H Schoonover, W. R Smith, L. H Sn... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5623 Jan. 13 Rees, C. C Robinson, C. M Ctd. Root, R. R Ruth, W. A Smith, F. A. C Watkins, 0 . S Evans, F. N Blaney, H. W Brown, H. D Englis, D. T Miles, L. E VanKleck, J. R Deal, Edwin Hecht, August Bevier, Isabel Gol... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 1915 O 5623 Jan. 13 Leutwiler, O. A Richards, C R Ctd. Willard,A.C Godeke, H. P Kennedy, R. E Waterfall, H. W Torrance, F. C Rebman, P . J Gross, G. A Frank, Edwin Duncan, J M Lanham, E. T McDowell, H. S Domonske, A. B Radeb... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 1915 O 5623 Jan. 13 Thorp, Lambert Ctd. Tippitt, R. W Shepard, A. D Skinner, G. S Wildman.E. A Wickers, E Hull, C M Westhaefer, T. O Valentine, H . B MacArthur, C. G Barbre, Clarence Footitt, Frank Vollweiler, E. H Ruby, G.B... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5623 Jan. 13 Forbes, S. A MacGillivray, A. D Ctd. Peterson, Alvah Glasgow, R. D Bayley, W. S Rolfe, C. W Savage, T. E DuBois, H. M Read, M. K Ross, C. S Rich, J. L Storrer, James Brooks, N. C Flom, G. T Goehel, Julius... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5623 Jan. 13 Carry, C. S Epples, Joseph Ctd. Wesenberg T. G Kessler, James Moore, 0 . H Blondheim, D. S Soto, Rafael Hayes, E. C Hibbs, H. H Kmgsley, J. S Smith Frank Ward, H. B . . Shelford V. E May, H. G Heimburger,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5623 Jan. 13 Elliott, John A Cld. Garmah, Philip Hanson, F. B Harder, 0 . E Holley, C. E Howard, J. W Kernall ,M . J Lamb, B. F Macfarlane, Wallace M osher , E dna Pasmore, D. F Rutledge, George Sabin, Ethel E School,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: 0 1915 5624 Jan. 13 Flattery, Amanda M Fraser, Viola C . . Ctd. Galpin, Stella Garwood, Frances Glenn, Eleanor Goetz, Antoinnette H . Goodspeed, W. S Gordon, Marie A Grabbe, Florence H Griffith, Mabel F Halliday, Mabel. Hawg... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: O 1915 5624 Jan. 13 Wheeler, H. H Cld. White, Loretta K Salary do Winchester, B. L do Wyninger, H. T . do Buchanan, Harold C do Ellis, E . R do Harper, Julia do Lonius, J. O do do Vanderbeek, H. J 56251Jan. 14 Twin City Roof... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: do MM 117 Jan. 13 Payroll January, 1915 Zipprodt, Ella MM 118 . . d o . . . . Pay roll January, 1915 :. Easton, H. D Morgan, W L ..do Smith, H. E ..do Williams, R. Y ..do Lee, Edward C ..do MM 119 Jan. 15 H.G.Schmidt Servi... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: ...mptroller... W184 Jan. 12 W. W. Hanford W185 . . d o . . . . International Press Clipping Bureau.. W186 . . d o . . . . Edward Bartow W187, . . d o . . . . Central Union Telephone Co W188 Jan. 13 Payroll Hart, Eliza Jester, Marie Johnson, J. J Steitz, Carman H W189 . . d o . . Pay roll Bartow. Edward Bennett, A. N. Corson, H. P Ferguson, H. F Hansen, Paul Hilscher, Ralph Schnellbach, J. F Sjoblom,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1915: January 13, 1915. President Edmund J. James, University of Illinois. DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of a draft in the amount of 481.50, being full payment of balance due on principal and interest on the land contract betw... (Book - History of Illinois Land Grant Endowment)
- 1915: January 13 A. W. Douglas, prominent St. Louis business man, gave second talk before Liberal Arts Assembly (Book - Early History of University (1916))
- 1916: January 13, 1916, President E. J. James, University of Illinois. MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT : I am sending for information and record in the President's office the enclosed communication from Dr. Hopkins, head of the Agro... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: ... of the University- ,916 UNIVBKSITY OF ILLINOIS. F e b . 8, Whitecarver, R. L., Stenographer in the Department of Military Science, a t a salary of fifty dollars 50 a month, beginning January 13, 1916, and continuing until further notice, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. January 22, 1916. W, L. ABBOTT, President. H. E. CUNNINGHAM, Secretary. ,MEETING OF MARCH 14, 1916. The ann... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: Carroll 84 Jan. 13 M. E. Thompson, Cashier. 85 ..do Jacob Reeds Sons 1 86 Jan. 15 C . F . Belshaw 87 ..do.... Elliott Billman 88 ..do.... E. C. Swartout 89 Jan. 18 J . W . W o o d 90 Jan. 25 M. E. Thompson, Cashier. 91 ..do... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: ...o...J Freeman Brooks 270 ..do.... Marrs-Tanner Electric Co. 271 ..do.... Carson Payson Co lA. 272 ..do....I W. Stoolman 273 ..do.... Hatfield Electric Co 274 ..do.... Daily O'Brien Co 275 Jan. 13 Pay roll Rice, G. B White, J. M : 276 ..do.... H. S. Capron, Treasurer... Bills paid Freight Traveling expense Lead Contract Motor Advance payments Services : One complete marquise Contract do do Racks Co... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: 382 Jan. 13 Pay roll IClark,T.A Warnock, A. R Fair, Sue M Fiero,E. E Kyle, Martha J Martin, Ada N HufLG.A Fargo, R . N Zuppke, R . C Manley, E. J Glimstedc, O. H Gill, Harry E Jones, R. R Romeiser, Alvin Evans, W. E ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: ... 11 20 85 45 24 ,1915 PROCEEDINGS OE T H E BOARD OF TRUSTEES. G E N E R A L D E P A R T M E N T S VOUCHERS Continued. 1137 No. Date. To whom. For what. Cld. D D D D D D D D D D D D D 1916 Jan. 13 Hemenwav, Margaret Webster, F . D Harding, A. A . Lamkins, L. E Gift,L.H Lewis, J. T Hollister, H. A Dideoct, J. J Windsor, P . L Gaulding, P . S Patton, Adah Signor, Nelle Hubbard, Marie Baeehtold, Elsie... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: .... . A. B. Dick Co 5323 . . d o . . . . Whitall Tatum Co 5324 . . d o . . . . Chicago Medical Book Co 5325 . . d o . . . . C. H. Stoelting Co 5326 . . d o . . . . Harvard Apparatus Co 5327 Jan. 13 Pay roll Miller, E v a G Davenport, Eugene Checkley, J. H Hieronymus, H. E Jamison, A. W Nolan, A. W Rankin, F. H Greene J. H Aumer, J. P Bauer, F. C Brunson, A. M Clevenger, C. B Dickenson, R. W Dickerso... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: I 1916 5327 Jan. 13 Gusler, Gilbert Ctd. Morkel, W. A Rice, J. B Allen, P. W Fraser, W. J Harding, H. A Hulce, R. S Lang, L. R Nevens, W. B Ruehe, H. A Hepburn, N. W Turner, Frank Yapp, W. W True, L . J Chambers, W . H Kohma... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: Jan. 13, No. Date. To whom. For what. Amount. I 1916 5327 Jan. 13 Hillebrand, H. M Ctd. Thurber, C.N Whitford, R. C Sutcliffe, E. G Harrington, H. F Phelps, J. M Weirick, R. B Copley, Beatrice Curl, M . J Folsom,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: I 1916 5327 Jan. 13 Hillebrand, H. M Ctd. Thurber, C.N Whitford, R. C Sutcliffe, E. G Harrington, H. F Phelps, J. M Weirick, R. B Copley, Beatrice Curl, M . J Folsom, J. W Forbes, S. A MacGillvray, A. I Mosher, Edna Hamilton... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: ... 00 291 66 333 33 .. 130 00 .. 100 00 216 66 116 66 60 00 ,1916 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. INSTRUCTION VOUCHERS Continued. 1269 No. Date. To. whom. For what. Amount I 1916 5327 Jan. 13 Garner, J. W Ctd. Mathews, J. M Fairlie, J. A Storey, R. M Cushman, R. E Bently, Madison Ruckmich, C. A Rahn, Carl Rogers, Sophia Wichman, Gerald McKenzie, Kenneth Carnahan, D. H Fitz, Gerald, J. D. I I O... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: R 1916 268 Jan. 13 Westergaard, H. M Old. Spindler, G. W Allen, O . W Amsterdam, Harry Booth, H. T Cullum, W. H Davidson, L. J . Dole, Lillian D Harris, Olive Jennings, W. W Maddock, Kathryn Marvel, C. S Morgan, Erne . Murr... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: ...what. Amount. 1916 W 99 Jan. 5 M. E. Thompson, Cashier M. E. Thompson, Cashier W100 ..do. W101 Jan. 8 Edward Bartow J. F . Schnellbach W102 ..do. W103 Jan. 12 M. E. Thompson, Cashier W104 Jan. 13 James Cassiday W105 Jan. 14 Edward Bartow W106 Jan. 15 Pay roll. Bartow, Edw Bennett, A . N Mohlman, F . W Schnellbach, J. F Langlier, W. F Mickle, F . L W107 ..do. Pay roll Hart, Eliza Johnson, J. J Jone... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916)
- 1916: January 13 lllio roast cups awarded to P i Beta P h i and Phi Kappa (Book - Early History of University (1916))
- 1917: ...is statement w.as received for record, INSURANCE ON M I L I T A R Y SUPPLIES 2s A statement of insurance now carried on the military supplies. The grand total of insurance carried 611 January 13, 1917, was 20,747.04. It will be necessary, however, to extend this : insurance considerably under the new National Defense Act, bwiiig to the increased supplies to which the University is entitled. This s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
- 1917: January 13, 1917 . Hilbert, J. O., Student Assistant in Chemistry in the College of Medicine, for the first semester of the academic year 1916-17, to give six hours' service each week, at a remuneration of fifty doll... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918)
- 1919: ...at a salary of one hundred dollars 100 a month, beginning December 17, 1918, and continuing until further notice. January 2, 1919. Deahl, Neulon, Graduate Assistant in Chemistry, from January 13, 1919, to June 30, 1919, at a salary of thirty dollars 30 a month. January 16, 1919. Dice, L. R., Assistant in Zoology, at a salary of sixty dollars 60 a month, beginning February 17, 1919, or as soon as h... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1920)
- 1920: ...the Board as created and existing pursuant to the conditions provided in the Articles of Incorporation issued by the State of Illinois, under date of February 21, 1890, and as amended January 13, 1920, and amended March 11, 1922. In carrying out its duties the said Board shall conform to any requirements or regulations imposed by the Trustees. ARTICLE V. BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION I . The Board sh... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1923: January 13, 1923 1 "The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. ,1923 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 117 Brams, Julius, Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1924)
- 1926: January 13, 1926 Rubin, H . H., Assistant in Anatomy, in the College of Medicine, on onefourth time, for four months beginning February 1, 1926, at a cash compensation of seventy-five dollars 75 (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1926)
- 1928: 10 per January 13, 1928 One year from January phone Company versity under- annum I, 1928 ground cables ORDERS ISSUED DURING FEBRUARY, 1928, AMOUNTING TO 1000 OR M O R E Date 2- 3-28 2-17-28 2-20-28 Amount 2850 00 1232 00 53... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1928)
- 1931: ...three dollars and thirty-three cents i83.33 a month this supersedes her previous appointment . January 30, 1931 Genung, E. N., Laboratory Helper in the Chemistry Department, beginning January 13, 1931, and continuing until August 31, 1931, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy-five dollars 75 a month. January 21, 1931 Henneberger, Olive... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1931: January 13, 1931 Lockard, Earl Norton, Assistant in English, forfivemonths beginning February 1, 1931, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundredfiftydollars J150 a month this supersedes his previous appointme... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1931: ...Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of December 15, 1931. O n motion of Dr. Noble, the minutes were approved as printed on pages 491 to 500 above. 501 ,502 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY PRESIDENT C H A S E T h e Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. FINANCIAL SITUATION 1 A statement concerning the financial situa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1931: ...authorized the change in the size and style of the diplomas but requested further suggestions with respect to the actual design. Accordingly, the Committee which ,5Q4 boakd of trustees January 13 has been studying this matter secured several additional designs which are submitted herewith. O n motion of M r s . Hopkins, design N o . 3 w a s approved and adopted. C O N T R A C T F O R UNIVERSITY D ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1931: ...y was granted. PATENTS M r . Barrett, for the Committee onpatents be sought for the protection from the faculty committee that Patents, presented recommendations ,506 board or trustees January 13 of the discovery by Dr. Swann and Dr. Johnstone of a new improved method or a n e w modification of the Johnstone scheme of flue gas scrubbing; also for Dr. Heubaum's discovery of an electrolytic method f... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...zed. DATE OF J A N U A R Y MEETING O n motion of M r . Trees, it w a s voted to hold the January meeting at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on W e d n e s d a y , January 13, 1932. D E G R E E O F M.D. C O N F E R R E D T h e Secretary presented for record the following list of persons on w h o m the degree of Doctor of Medicine has been conferred on the completion of one year... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...llars 300 a month. December 1, 1931 The Board adjourned. H. E. Cunningham W. L. Noble Secretary Chairman ,MEETING O F T H E B O A R D O F T R U S T E E S OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS January 13, 1932 The January meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 1932. The following members were ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ... OF ILLINOIS January 13, 1932 The January meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, at 10 o'clock a.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 1932. The following members were present: President Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Hopkins, Dr. Noble, Mr. Trees, Mr. Williams. President Chase was present; also, during part of the day, Judge John... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ... Medical and Dental Laboratories Buildings was 5,034.43. A n allowance of 2,000 for this work was made in the budget. A n additional payment of 1,034.43 was authorized by the Board on January 13, 1932. H e recommends that payment be made from the appropriation for the second unit of this new building. It w a s the opinion of the Board that this expense should not be paid from the appropriation for... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...nishings in the new Woman's Gymnasium. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this authority w a s granted. CONTRACTS FOR DIPLOMAS 6 A report that pursuant to the instructions of the Board on January 13, 1932 Minutes, page 504 , I have authorized the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board to enter into contracts with the following firms for the University's diploma requirements for 1932-35 inclusive: Prie... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...his fund. At the time of the closing of the Bank on January 16, 1932, the balance in that fund was 243.65. This report was received for record. REPORT ON PURCHASE OF SECURITIES 14 O n January 13, 1932 Minutes, page 506 , the Board authorized the purchase of 2500 of Houston Power and Light 5 bonds of 1953 at a price not to exceed 95. The Comptroller reports that 500 of these bonds were purchased at... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...dical and Dental Laboratories Building Minutes, page 503 , be rescinded, and the entire sum be charged to the Reserve and Contingent Fund. O n motion of M r s . Hopkins, the action of January 13, 1932 page 503 , authorizing the payment of 1,034.43 from the appropriation for the n e w Medical and Dental Laboratories building, w a s rescinded and the entire s u m w a s charged to the Reserve and Con... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...562 BOAKD OF TRUSTEES April 20 AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION O F RESEARCH A N D E D U C A T I O N A L HOSPITALS 12 A report that, pursuant to the instructions of the Board at its meeting on January 13, 1932 Minutes, page 502 , the agreement with the Department of Public Welfare for the operation of the Research and Educational Hospitals as approved by the Board of Trustees has been executed by the Depar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...t: Changes and Adjustments to Budget: Miscellaneous Salary Adjustments: Physics 2 100 00 Education Special 200 00 2 300 00 Special Appropriations made by Board of Trustees: In meeting January 13, 1932: Death Benefits Charles B. Smith Page 503 610 00 In meeting February 6, 1932: Moving into Medical and Dental Laboratories Building Page 515 3 034 43 In meeting February 10, 1932: Premium on Treasurer... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...ginning January 1, Psychiatry, in the Bernard,of Medicine, for without salary. of Neurology1932 1932, Skorodin, College Resident 1932, Department January 4, and ,508 board o f trustees January 13 at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty dollars 50 a month. December 22, 1931 Vanneman, Mary Elizabeth, Assistant in Junior Club W o r k in the Division of H o m e Economics, in the Agricultural Exten... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ... during the last two months of thefirstsemester. Miss Eda A. Jacobsen, Assistant Professor of Clothing, from January 12 to February 8, 1932. Wesley Swanson, Instructor in English, from January 13 until such time as he is able to resume his duties after the beginning of the second semester. Dr. E. Muriel Poggi, Associate in Geology, from January 18 until such time as she is able to resume her dutie... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1932: ...trong, Mr. Barrett, Mr. Blair, Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Hopkins, Dr. Noble, Mr. Williams. President Chase was present. MINUTES APPROVED The Secretary presented the minutes of the meetings of January 13, and of January 22, January 28, February 6, and February 10, 1932. O n motion of Mr. Williams, the minutes of the meeting of January x3 J932, were approved as printed on pages 501 to 508 above. O n motion... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932)
- 1936: January 13, 1936 Taylor, Sidney Asher, Special Research Assistant in the College of Pharmacy, beginning January 16, 1936, and continuing until December 31, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty-five dolla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
- 1936: January 13, 1936 Taylor, Sidney Asher, Special Research Assistant in the College of Pharmacy, beginning January 16, 1936, and continuing until December 31, 1936, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty-five dolla... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936)
- 1937: January 13, 1937 Diller, Aubrey, Assistant in the Classics, on one-half time, for five months beginning February I, 1937, at a cash compensation at the rate of seventy dollars 70 a month (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1937: ..., deduct the sum of Total Deductions Net Deduction on this Change Order Change Order No. 10 For connecting and disconnecting 47 units of temporary radiation as listed in our letters of January 13 and 22, 1937, a t 6.50 each V. Electrical Contract Change Order No. 7 For furnishing labor and material to install 8th floor outlets shown on drawing No. 9-E which were unintentionally omitted when estima... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: January 13, 1938 Glass, Martha, Stenographer in the Department of Dairy Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, for eight months beginning January I, 1938, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: January 13, 1938 Heidrick, Fausteena, Resident in the Division of Anaesthesia, in the College of Medicine, beginning January I, 1938, and continuing through June 30, 1938, with a vacation allowance of one week, the c... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: January 13, 1938 Roth, Harold A., Assistant in Surgery, in the College of Medicine, for eight months beginning January 1, 1938, without salary. J a n u a r y 4, 1938 Russell, Winifred A., Junior Clerk in the Dispensa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: January 13, 1938 Sluder, Alyce, Stenographer in the Accounting Division of the Business Office, for eight months beginning January I, 1938, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: January 13, 1938 RESIGNATIONS, DECLINATIONS, A N D CANCELLATIONS The Secretary presented also for record the following list of resignations, declinations, and cancellations. Briggs, Mrs. M a r y S., Assistant in Chem... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: ...have been granted leaves of absence for the periods and under the conditions indicated in each case: 1. Professor E. G. Young, of the Department of Railway Engineering, sick leave from January 13 to February 12, with pay. His work was carried on during his absence by his colleagues without additional expense to the University. 2. Ross Hutton, truck foreman in the Physical Plant Department, sick le... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1938: ...authorized and the rules were amended as recommended. RESOLUTION OF ILLINOIS GUERNSEY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION 17 The Illinois Guernsey Breeders' Association at its annual meeting held on January 13 adopted the following resolution addressed to the Board of Trustees of the University: Resolved: T h a t the Illinois Guernsey Breeders' Association request the University of Illinois Board of Trustees to... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1938)
- 1941: ...ng; Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois requests the Federal Works Agency to extend the time for the completion of this project to January 13, 1941. Director Havens commented on this matter. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this resolution was adopted, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Cleary, Mr. Davis, Mr. Jensen, Mr. Mayer, Dr. Meyer, Mrs. Plumb, Mr. P... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1941: January 13, 1941 ROSALDO, RENATO, Assistant in Spanish, beginning December 15, 1940, and continuing through J u n e 30, 1941, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred eighty dollars 180 a month this supersed... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1941: ...46 00 Total Additional Cost 488 20 Change Order No. 5, contract with G. H . Schanbacher Son Company for interior decorating. 1 Furnish P.W.A. tablet in accordance with quotation dated January 13, 1941 43 50 2 Provide 20 extra rolls of wallpaper in accordance with quotation dated January 13, 1041. Original order of paper was covered by Change O r d e r No. 1 3000 Total Additional Cost 73 SO Change ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1942: January 13, 1942 DIETZ, VIRGINIA NORMA, Assistant Typist in the Bursar's Division of the Business Office, for eight months beginning January 1, 1942, subject t o the rules of the Civil Service Commission, a t a salar... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1942: January 13, 1942 JONES, Mrs. DONNA S., Assistant Stenographer in the Bursar's Division of the Business Office, for eight months beginning January 1, 1942, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a sa... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1942: January 13, 1942 ,1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 765 RIDGLEY, Mrs (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1942: ..., 1942. , This leave was granted last June but was not previously reported to the Board for record. ,1942 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 749 Adel B. Carson, Typist in the Business Office, from January 13 through August 31, 1942. On motion of Mr. Davis, these leaves were granted as recommended. LEAVES OF ABSENCE FOR WAR SERVICES 5 A special committee representing the University Council and the University S... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1942)
- 1944: ...meritus Charles M. Thompson during his campaign for Congress. GARNET BELLE RENAKER, Senior Clerk-Typist in the Physical Plant Department, leave with pay from December 8, 1043, through January 13, 1944, and without pay from January 14 through August 31, 1944, because of illness. MRS. CLARA D. F A Y , Assistant to the Director of Student Housing, leave without pay from December I through 31, 1943. M... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
- 1944: ...t ninety-six dollars 96 a year, while on duty this supersedes her previous appointment . January 7, 1944 CHAMBERLIN, VIRGINIA S., Instructor in Physical Education for Women, beginning January 13, 1944, and continuing through June 30, 1944, at a salary at the rate of two hundred ten dollars 210 a month. January 18, 1944 CHASE, M R S . STEPHANIE PREDIKA, Junior Clerk-Stenographer in the Depart- ment... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
- 1944: ...ary at the rate of one hundred dollars 100 a month. February 22, 1944 BECKER, GRACE MARY, Senior Clerk-Stenographer in the Department of Surgery, in the College of Medicine, beginning January 13, 1944, and continuing through August 31, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, at a salary at the rate of one hundred thirty-five dollars 135 a month this supersedes her previous appointment . F... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944)
- 1945: January 13, 1945 TROST, KATHRYN A., Assistant Clerk-Stenographer in the Extension Service in Agriculture and H o m e Economics, for nine months beginning December I, 1944, subject to University Civil Service rules, a... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1946)
- 1947: ...F LAND Professor Britton reported also that the suit for the exercise of eminent domain on land in Urbana required as a site for the Chemical Engineering Building would be in court on January 13, 1947, and that Mr. H. I. Green, who is acting as special counsel in this suit, recommends that as many of the members of the Board as can do so arrange to be present. LEASE OF NAVY PIER Professor Britton ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
- 1947: ...equested and 38,000 for phone service extension entirely expended in 1945-1947. CONTRACTS FOR UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 14 Bids were received in the office of Sargent and Lundy on January 13, 1947, for the construction of additions to the Utilities Distribution System at Urbana, for which an appropriation of 791,000 was made for the current biennium. It is recommended that contracts be awarded... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
- 1947: ... Secretary presented also for record the following report of sale of lots in Roselawn Cemetery since the last report of such sales: To Lottie E, Young, SEJ4 Lot 101 Section G, at 105, January 13, 1947. SECRETARY'S REPORTS The Secretary presented also the following lists for record, as printed in the Appendix: 1. 2. 3. 4. Appointments made by the President of the University page 276 . Resignations ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1948)
- 1947: ... with The Northern T r u s t Company, in the City of Chicago, Illinois, under a Deposit Agreement entered into between the Board of Trustees of the University of ,2l6 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 Illinois and the said Bank, and used only for the purpose of paying the fees and expenses of such Depositary, principal of and interest on the bonds of said University that are issued under authority of s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ...nvestment can be recovered. In the meantime, four additional family units will be added. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recom- ,192 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 mend that the contract for the general work on this property be awarded to Lewis S. Colbert under the standing contract with him for minor remodeling, on a cost plus basis previously approved by the Board... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ... D A V I S PARK LIVINGSTON President Fornof, on December 30, 1948, appointed Mr. Kenney E. Williamson and resident George D. Stoddard to serve on this committee. ,196 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 EXECUTIVE SESSION MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD The Board in executive session considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. STAFF HOUSING RESEARCH PROJECT 1 The... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ...ng bids were received on the installation of a 3" high-pressure steam line and a V i" return line in the basement of the Nurses Home at the 1 See page 226 below. ,198 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 Chicago Professional Colleges. This installation is needed to provide a dark room and a laboratory to be used in connection with the Medical Betatron. Fettes, Love, and Sieben, Chicago 1 747 M . J . Corbo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: .... Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Dr. Luken, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Stevenson. ,202 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 SCHEDULE I BIENNIAL BUDGET FOR OPERATIONS, 1949-1951 ANALYSIS OF INCREASES BY P U R P O S E AND LOCATION With Tentative Allocation of Revision t o Conform to Budgetary Commission Recommendation Tentative ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ...ology Art and Music Military Minor in: Biological Science Social Studies English and Speech Psychology Fine Arts Electives Total 44 17 14-16 12 7 4 4 , 16-14 130 ,208 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 The purpose of the curriculum is to train recreation leaders, youth leaders, and similar workers for employment in public, industrial, and other types of recreation programs requiring trained leadership. ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ...ber October October October October O c t o b e r 21 1948 O c t o b e r 25 1948 ,236 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Amount to be Paid to the University None 25 00 a student 800 00 minimum 10 000 00 January 13 Date June 8, 1948 October 5,, T948 With Whom Mary Barnes Stith American Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages War Department, Office of the Surgeon General Purpose To establish the "R. M. Barnes Memorial Fund"... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1948: ...onal Bank of Los Angeles. I concur. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this recommendation was approved. ESTATE O F ALBERT BELLAMY 34 The will of the late Albert Bellamy, Class of 1881, who died January 13, 1948, in Oak Park, Illinois, includes the following bequest to the University of Illinois: "23. When all of my just indebtedness has been paid, and when all of the specific legacies above listed have been... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
- 1948: ...s accepted. ESTATE OF ALBERT BELLAMY 21 On September 29, 1950, a report was rendered t o the Board on the bequest of Mr. Albert Bellamy, a graduate of the University in 1881, who died January 13, 1948. There has now been received from the Executor of t h e Estate an additional sum of 55,099.21 as the final distribution, with the result t h a t the total amount received by the University under such... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
- 1948: '22, died on January 13th in Bloomington, Illinois after a lone illness. He completed the Junior year of the Library school in 1921, after his return from oversea - tere he was a member of the American Expeditionary Forces. Afte... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 2)
- 1949: On January 13, 1949 minutes, page 200 , the Board of Trustees adopted a "Report of Finance Committee on Insurance Practices," Section C II of which lirovides that fire and extended coverage on University risks shall be ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
- 1949: ...LICY GOVERNING UNIVERSITY INSURANCE 28 The Vice-President and Comptroller recommends that the policy of lt Board of Trustees governing the placement of University Insurance adopted on January 13, 1949 Minutes, page 200 , on recommendation of the Finance Committee be amended by deletion of Section C II which reads: "Fire and extended coverage on University risks shall be placed with stock and mutua... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962)
- 1949: ...xecutive Committee Meetings of December 28, 1948, and January 18, 1949 The regular January monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held on Thursday, January 13, 1949, at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, according to the following schedule: 10 a.m. Executive session as in Committee of the Whole. 1 p.m. Open session. The following members were present: President F... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: .... On motion of Mr. Livingston, authority was given as requested. PURCHASE OF FARM LAND 4 I recommend that in accordance 'with the recommendation of Dean Rusk, referred by the Board on January 13, 1949, to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds with power to purchase an option Minutes, page 196 , approved by the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Executive Committee on January 18, 1949 Minu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...rded as recommended. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING LABORATORY QUARTERS 9 Included in the special appropriations for nonrecurring expenditures made by the Board on January 13, 1949 Minutes, page 204 , are funds for the construction of an addition to Warehouse No. 1, near the Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, to provide quarters for research in hydraulic engineering. Since the wo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...ight, Director of Public Information, and Miss Marietta Stevenson, Director of Social Welfare Administration. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Secretary presented the minutes of the meeting of January 13, 1949, with the minutes of the Executive Committee of December 28, 1948, and January 18, 1949. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, the minutes were approved and received for record as printed on pages 189 to 238 ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: Minutes, January 13, 1949, page 197 . A meeting of the Committee on Chicago Departments of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held at 12 o'clock noon on January 20, 1949, at Dr. Karl A. Meyer's apartment,... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...nd not be leased. CONTRACTS FOR SMALL HOMES COUNCIL HOUSING RESEARCH PROJECT 2 T h e Board of Trustees, through its Committee on Buildings and Grounds and Executive Committee Minutes, January 13, 1949, pages 196 and 226-227 has authorized the construction under the supervision of the Small Homes Council of approximately thirty houses as a research and demonstration project and for rental to member... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...omy Laboratory in the First Unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building. Funds for this work are available in a special appropriation made by the Board of Trustees on January 13, 1949, for equipment and improvements in the College of Medicine. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the contract. CONTRACT FOR GENERAL LIGH... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...rred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, to secure new bids and to award the contract. INCREASE IN CONTRACT FOR BUILDING ALTERATIONS IN RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL HOSPITALS 21 On January 13, 1949 Minutes, page 211 , the Board of Trustees authorized a contract with E. H . Marhoefer, Jr., Company, Chicago, for building alterations in the Research and Educational Hospitals to provide additional ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: On January 13, 1949 Minutes, page 204 , the Board of Trustees appropriated 50,000 for safety improvements in the Noyes Laboratory, including construction of additional exits in certain laboratories, emergency showers an... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...the meantime, it has been found that effective January 1, 1949, there will be a 10 per cent increase in price. The Ritter Company has fourteen chairs of the type ,194 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 used by the University available for delivery, and the purchase of this group of chairs immediately will result in a saving of approximately 600. I concur. On motion of Mr. Davis, this purchase was author... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...s and the Dean of the College of Medicine that malpractice insurance be carried on the full-time staff engaged in the direct treatment and care of patients. This ,200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 also goes beyond the extent of the legal liability of the University but we believe should be provided. C. The Finance Committee recommends as recommended by the Advisory Committee that the following prin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...0,000 Women's Residence Halls Revenue Bonds of 1949," and for the sale of the bonds to Shields and Company, and Eastman, Dillon, and Company, on their joint bid. ,212 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 R E C O M M E N D A T I O N O F T H E F I N A N C E C O M M I T T E E ON W O M E N ' S RESIDENCE HALLS REVENUE BOND ISSUE Bids were received on January 11, 1949, for 800,000 revenue bonds of the new Women... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...ues derived from the operation thereof shall be set aside as collected in a separate account and fund and apart from any other funds of said University, and said ,218 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 University covenants that all the revenues, income, receipts, profits, rates, rents, charges, fees and returns derived from the said women's residence halls and the operation thereof, after setting aside ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...eof and for all other purposes, and the Depositary, as paying agent, shall be fully protected in making payment of any such bond or coupon to the bearer thereof. ,222 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 SECTION 4. The Depositary has executed this agreement and agrees to carry out the terms and provisions hereof on its part, but only upon and subject to the following express terms and conditions: a The De... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...dispose of said women's residence halls, including any and all extensions and improvements that may be made thereto, until all of the bonds herein authorized to ,224 BOARD O F TRUSTEES January 13 be issued shall have been paid in full, both principal and interest, or unless and until provision shall have been made for the payment thereof in full, and the said University further covenants and agree... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...iversity consistently maintained by Governor Dwight H. Green, and instructs its Secretary to prepare a scroll setting forth these facts and conveying to Governor ,226 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 Green the appreciation and good wishes of the Board and of the President and the Executive Staff of the University of Illinois. O n motion of M r . Williamson, this resolution was adopted, by unanimous vo... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...LSEY, JAMES F., Research Assistant Professor, Fluid Mechanics Theoretical and Applied Mechanics S , two years beginning September 1, 1949, 5000 a year 12-15-48 . ,230 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 HINCHCLIFF, K E I T H H., Assistant Professor, F a r m Structures Extension and F a r m Structures Research E S , ten months beginning November 1, 1048, 6000 a year, supersedes 11-18-48 . HUNESBERGER, IRV... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: ...uilding: 2 sectional sofas, 2 twocushion sofas, 3 chairs all leather upholstered Ceramic Engineering Physical Plant College of Law Mechanical Engineering Library Electrical Engineering JANUARY 13, Physical Plant Interstate Printing Co., Danville Marquette Paper Corp., Chicago Hydraulic Press Manufacturing Co., Mt. Gilead, Ohio Hunter Lumber Co., Urbana Twin City Printing Co., Champaign Pickands Ma... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1949: CLARK 17 On January 13, 1949, a report was made to the Board of Trustees of certain provisions of the will of Mrs. Alice V. B. Clark, widow of the late Dean Thomas Arkle Clark. The Comptroller reports there has now been received... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1952)
- 1949: ...ice have checked this proposal and find the estimate of the cost reasonable. On motion of Mrs. Holt, the action of the President was confirmed. CANCELLATION O F BOILER INSURANCE 33 On January 13, 1949, the Board of Trustees approved a recommendation of the Finance Committee for the adoption of broad principles governing the University's insurance practices. Section I I , Subsection 3 states: "Casu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
- 1953: ...pay, on account of illness. SPROW, ALLEN J., Education, Philosophy, and Psychology Librarian leave of absence from December 10, 1952, through January 12, 1953, with full pay, and from January 13, 1953, through August 31, 1953, without pay, on account of disability. FEBRUARY MEETING By unanimous consent, the next meeting of the Board of T r u s t e e s was ordered to be held on Monday, F e b r u a ... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1954)
- 1957: ...RUDOLPH, Research Associate in Electrical Engineering C , J4 time, eight months from January 1, 1957, 3375 a year 1-10-57 . INOUYE, TOHRU, Research Assistant in Biochemistry Medicine , January 13August 31, 1957, 4020 a year, supersedes 1-18-57 . JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM W., Assistant in Ophthalmology Medicine , six months from January I, 1957, without salary 1-30-57 . KAGANIEC, IRENE G., Clinical Assist... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
- 1958: ...amples, with a- particles at 400 amp.Laboratories, f.o.b. hours bombardment, with 100 fi amp. Lemont Lemont r greater intensity; to be completed m twelve separate irradiations between January 13, 1958, and May r, 1958 Collection of twenty-five early English 6 750 00 Library C. A. Stonehill, Inc., Printed almanacs and prognosticaNew Haven, Conn. tions dating from 1551 to 1568 ,1096 BOARD OF TRUSTEE... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
- 1958: ...uary 1, 1958, without salary 1-28-58 . PAULL, DONALD, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Counselor in the Student Counseling Service Chicago Undergraduate Division , full time from January 13, 1958-August 31, 1959, 7300 a year, supersedes 1-28-58 . PAULL, M R S . ELISE T., Resident Assistant in Allen Hall S o u t h , February i-Junc 18, 1958, 160 a month; for the convenience of the University s... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958)
- 1959: ... W H E R E A S the said bonds are payable both as to principal and interest and premium, if any, solely from the net revenues to be derived from the operation of ,220 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 13 the said women's residence halls, the term "net revenues" as used herein meaning the gross revenues of the said building, less the reasonable cost of operating, insuring, maintaining and repairing the sai... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950)
- 1961: ... State Notre Dame Iowa Wisconsin Ohio Indiana Northwestern Butler Creighton Iowa State Xavier Cornell Michigan Wisconsin Indiana Minnesota Northwestern Purdue Iowa December 9 January 8 January 13 January 27 February 10 February 19 Februarv 24 March 5 March 10 1961-62 University Theatre Schedule October 11, 12, 13, 14 November 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18 January 10, 11, 12, 13 March 21, 22, 23, 24 May 4... (Student Regulations - Undergraduates - 1961)
- 1964: ...cy P h a r m a c y , V time, academic year beginning September 1, 1963, 2,500 9-20-63 . NORTHCOTE, R. S., Visiting Research Associate in the Digital Computer Laboratory, one year from January 13, 1964, 7,945 9-5-63 . OATES, GEOFFREY D., Clinical Instructor in Surgery Medicine , 2 5 time, August 30, 1963-August 31, 1964, 3,000 9-20-63 . O'CONNOR, JOHN T., Assistant Professor of Sanitary Engineering... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
- 1964: ...AKSHMIKANTHRAO, Research Associate in Chemistry resigna- tion effective January 1, 1964. WANG, MRS. VENETIA, Bibliographer in the Library with rank of Instructor resignation effective January 13, 1964. WANN, ELBERT V., Research Associate in Vegetable Crops resignation effective December 1, 1963. WENTE, HENRY L., Instructor in Clinical Dentistry Dentistry resignation effective November 1, 1963. LEA... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
- 1964: ...Applied Mathematics and Head of the Digital Computer Laboratory resignation effective March 1, 1964. TAUBMAN, JOANNE H., Clinical Instructor in Medicine Medicine resignation effective January 13, 1964. TILLMAN, ALBERT C , Instructor in English, Summer Session of 1964 declination effective June 15, 1964. TUCKMAN, IRWIN E., Assistant in Electrical Engineering, Summer Session of 1964 declination effe... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
- 1964: ...EHMDEN, ALICE A., Research Assistant in Electrical Engineering C , seven months from February 1, 1964, 3,616.69 2-3-64 . WESLEY, THOMAS D., Instructor in Dentistry Dentistry , Y2 time, January 13August 31, 1964, 3,750 a year 2-11-64 . WESTEMEIER, RONALD L., Project Assistant in the State Natural History Survey and in the Graduate College, five months from February 1, 1964, 2,166.65 2-26-64 . W H I... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1964)
- 1966: ...OARD OF TRUSTEES December 8 mittee, and providing for open University hearings by the committee before making a report to the Senate. This motion passed. V. A committee was appointed, January 13, 1966, in a letter from the Chancellor which emphasized that "while no time limit is in effect upon the deliberations of the committee, if its recommendations are to be of any value in the University's con... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
- 1967: ...sor of Psychology resignation effective September 1, 1967. PATRICIA A. YANZY, Extension Visual Specialist in Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics -resignation effective January 13, 1967. LEAVES OF ABSENCE Chicago Circle WILLIAM D. GRAMPP, Professor of Economics leave of absence, without pay, for the winter quarter 1966-67. ROBERT H . RATCLIFFE, Assistant Professor of Education leave... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968)
- 1972: 14 Jan. 13 Semester Examinations Dec. 15-22 Jan. 15-23 Spring Semester Registration Instruction Begins Spring Vacation Last Day of Instruction Semester Examinations Jan. 17-19 Jan. 21 Mar. 18-24 May 10 May 11-18 Feb... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1972)
- 1982: ...n plan and the procedures for its further consideration within the University were discussed in some detail at a meeting of the board meeting as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, January 13, 1982. Documents detailing the plan and other matter w e n distributed to the trustees and are on file with the secretary of the board. ,1982 UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 443 United States and who qualify in al... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1982)
- 1986: ...salary of 45,000. HELEN S. MAURER, associate professor of clinical pediatrics, on 88 percent time, and physician surgeon, on 12 percent time, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning January 13, 1986 AY88;NY12 , at an annual salary of 82,500. CHO-YAU YEUNG, assistant professor in the Center for Genetics, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning January 1, 1986 1 Y , at a n annual salary of 38,00... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
- 1986: ...Genetics, College of Medicine at Chicago, beginning January 1, 1986 1 Y , at a n annual salary of 38,000. Administrative Staff JUDITH A. BROWN, assistant university counsel, beginning January 13, 1986 N Y , at an annual salary of 39,500. ,1986 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 485 RICHARD N . PETERSON, assistant university counsel, beginning January 21, 1986 NY , at an annual salary of 39,500. TERRY L. SHEPA... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1986)
- 1992: ... at Chicago, beginning December 2, 1991 NY , at an annual salary of 85,000. MARK A. NEVILLE, director of corporate foundation relations in the Office of Development, Urbana, beginning January 13, 1992 N , at an annual salary of 70,000. On motion of Dr. Bacon, these appointments were confirmed. Redefining Summer Session and Adjusting Fee Assessment, Urbana 3 On April 11, 1991, a new tuition structu... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
- 1992: ...E BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS February 12-13, 1992 On Wednesday, February 12, 1992, the January meeting of the board the Annual Meeting , which had been recessed on January 13, was reconvened. The meeting began at 11:40 a.m. This meeting was held prior to the February meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, which was held in Chicago Room C, Chicago Illin... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1990)
- 1994: ...INOIS January 13-14, 1994 The annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois was held in the Pine Lounge, Illini Union, Urbana, Illinois, on Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 14, 1994, beginning at 1:45 p.m. on January 13. In the absence of Chair Judith Ann Calder, Trustee Gloria Jackson Bacon called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll. The follow... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
- 1994: on January 13. In the absence of Chair Judith Ann Calder, Trustee Gloria Jackson Bacon called the meeting to order and asked the secretary to call the roll. The following members of the board were present: Dr. Gloria J... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992)
- 1995: ...ates indicated. Awards are made to candidates who have fulfilled all legal requirements based upon sections in the Illinois Public Accounting Act of 1994. Summary Certificates Awarded January 13, 1995 Reciprocal candidates based on Section 5 5506 Reciprocal candidates based on Section 1400.160 d Total, Certificates Awarded January 13, 1995 6 8 14 ,482 BOARD OF TRUSTEES January 18 1 017 7 8 1 032 1... (Board of Trustees Minutes - 1994)
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