UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Today in the History of the University of Illinois

Welcome to the new "Today in the History of the University of Illinois" feature! This is an extremely experimental project to build a database of major events in the University's history, currently totaling more than 500,000. The current database below was compiled using software programs that identified all dates in the pages on this site and in its more than 70,000 pages of digitized historical material. Since all dates were 100% automatically identified, there may be errors, and many date references may refer to routine events. This is a work in progress, please contact University Archives with comments, questions, recommendations, etc. A total of 37 events are recorded for today.

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Extended Matches

Matches from large statistical sources like the Board of Trustees Proceedings can generate thousands of results. These are currently hidden, but you can also view all matches.

Page Matches
  • 1885: " On June 19, 1885, the State Assembly recognized the University's change of name from Illinois Industrial University to the University of Illinois . 3 1 Charles Albert Kiler On the banks of the Boneyard published May ... (University Name Change)
  • 1885: On June 19, 1885, the State Assembly recognized the Universitys change of name from Illinois Industrial University to the University of Illinois . 31 1 The 1 st Board of Trustees Minutes, pages 200-201 gives Septembe... (Settling into a Prarie Life)
  • 1963: ...ifts. It was designed by Ganster Hennighausen in conjunction with University Architect Ernest L. Stouffer, ftn6 6 and built by A. F. Krall Construction Co. Inc, with the contract awarded June 19, 1963. ftn7 7 Opened in September 1964, the facility was designed to handle up to 300 students and offer ftn8 8 facilities and offices for administration, federal-state agencies, counseling, services to th... (Rehabilitation Services Center)
  • 1963: ... of one of the photos , so it would have to have been in this field ftnref3 3 Illinois Alumni News, April 1963 ftnref4 4 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref5 5 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref6 6 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref7 7 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref8 8 Illinois Alumni News, April 1963 ftnref9 9 Illinois Alumni News, April 1963 ... (Rehabilitation Services Center)
  • 1963: ...mni News, April 1963 ftnref4 4 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref5 5 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref6 6 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref7 7 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref8 8 Illinois Alumni News, April 1963 ftnref9 9 Illinois Alumni News, April 1963 ... (Rehabilitation Services Center)
  • 1963: ...boratory Materials Research Laboratory Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory Construction for Phase I ftn1 1 of the 4,750,000 Materials Research Laboratory ftn2 2 was approved on June 19, 1963, with Phase II to begin in October of that year. Phase I involved "sheet piling the sides of the Boneyard Creek through the site and the provision of additional supporting piles for and the construct... (Materials Research Laboratory / Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory)
  • 1963: ...full president of the National Academy of Sciences. He was also largely responsible for luring John Bardeen to the University of Illinois. ftn7 7 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref2 2 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref4 4 Courier - 5 12 1963 ftnref5 5 Onsite dedication plaque... (Materials Research Laboratory / Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory)
  • 1963: ...is. ftn7 7 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref2 2 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1963 ftnref4 4 Courier - 5 12 1963 ftnref5 5 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref6 6 http: www.history.navy.mil sources il rqj.htm http: www.history.navy.mil sources il rqj.htm - UI Archives 11 10 23 ftnref7 7... (Materials Research Laboratory / Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory)
  • 1968: ...14 ftnref1 1 Building entrance engraving and building marker sign ftnref2 2 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref4 4 major building projects since 1949 on ui urbana-cham campus - 1961 ftnref5 5 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives ftnref6 6 University Buildings Spreadsheet... (Veterinary Medicine Complex)
  • 1968: ...on to the animal housing problems on campus, the University proposed to construct a new 6,240 square foot Research Animal Holding Facility for 787,000. 1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ... (Animal Research at the University)
  • 1968: ... 3 http: starfire.ne.uiuc.edu ne201 1995 baranko abbott.html http: starfire.ne.uiuc.edu ne201 1995 baranko abbott.html ftnref4 4 Plaque in Loomis ftnref5 5 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref6 6 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref7 7 The onsite dedication plaque has damage in the area of the first two characters of "Rkland", but from matching the remnants of the characters against othe... (William Lamont Abbott Power Plant)
  • 1968: ...s Alumni News October 1974 ftnref8 8 Building dedication plaque ftnref9 9 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives ftnref10 10 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref11 11 Building dedication plaque ... (Speech and Hearing Clinic)
  • 1968: ...0 10 and was architected by Ezra Gordon, Jack M. Levin Associates, while English Brother's Co. provided the general contractor services. ftn11 11 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref2 2 Bill Maher, Archives ftnref3 3 Provisional Long-Range Campus Planning Report 1971-1980 ftnref4 4 DI july 11, 1974 ftnref5 5 DI july 11, 1974 ftnref6 6 Comparison of exterior photographs ftn... (Speech and Hearing Clinic)
  • 1968: ...dams Papers 1812-1971; 15 5 23 - Box 54 - Speeches ftnref3 3 Courier - 5 12 1963 ftnref4 4 Onsite building plaque ftnref5 5 Courier - Oct 23,1977 ftnref6 6 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref7 7 Onsite dedication plaque ... (East Chemistry Annex / Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Building / Roger Adams Laboratory)
  • 1968: ... RS 2 0 808 ftnref3 3 University of Illinois Archives, Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2 0 808 ftnref4 4 Rich Holme, Reactor Director ftnref5 5 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref6 6 "UI removing radioactive material from research lab" - News-Gazette - 8 10 2004 ... (Nuclear Reactor Laboratory)
  • 1968: ...sciences physiology, microbiology, and biological chemistry ". ftn1 1 The Medical Sciences building was completed around 1974-1975. ftn2 2 ftn3 3 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref2 2 Archives Buildings Vertical File - Chapel Robert email wed ma 9, 2001 gives 1974 ftnref3 3 University Buildings Spreadsheet - Vertical File, University Archives gives 1975 ... (Medical Sciences)
  • 1968: ... 1963-1964 shows FAR, but not PAR ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref4 4 It is not known which Illini Grove was refered to in the Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968. By 1963-1964, the current Illini Grove had its name, yet the Proceedings specifically state "Illini Meadows formerly known as Illini Grove ", while by 1983-1986, Illini Meadows refered to an area ro... (Forestry / Illini Grove / Illini Meadows)
  • 1968: ... of the Veterinary Medicine Complex across Lincoln Avenue. ftn5 5 ftnref1 1 Campus Map 1915 ftnref2 2 Campus Map 1963-1964 shows FAR, but not PAR ftnref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref4 4 It is not known which Illini Grove was refered to in the Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968. By 1963-1964, the current Illini Grove had its name, yet the Proceedings specifically ... (Forestry / Illini Grove / Illini Meadows)
  • 1968: ...nger Bob" to the students who frequent the library, the sculpture is quite detailed, down to his watch, which is stuck forever at 11:25. ftn11 11 ftnref1 1 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref2 2 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref3 3 The architect was Woollen, Molzan and Parterns, Ltd - from onsite dedication plaque ftnref4 4 Groundbreaking was May 14, 1992 - from onsite dedication pla... (Grainger Engineering Library Information Center)
  • 1968: ..., Building and Statue Dedication Programs: RS 2 0 808 ftnref4 4 100 Years of Campus Architecture at the University of Illinois by Allen S. Weller ftnref5 5 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ... (Education Building)
  • 1968: ...November 21, 1957 ftnref4 4 http: www.physics.uiuc.edu General Info history.html ftnref5 5 Onsite dedication plaque ftnref6 6 Courier - 5 12 1963 ftnref7 7 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref8 8 Board of Trustees Proceedings, July 26, 1967 ... (Digital Computer Laboratory / DCL)
  • 1968: ...ref3 3 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 13, 1951 ftnref4 4 Board of Trustees Proceedings, November 20, 1953 ftnref5 5 Courier Septber 26, 1960 ftnref6 6 Board of Trustees Proceedings, June 19, 1968 ftnref7 7 http: www.uif.uillinois.edu public InvestingIL issue16 art02.htm ftnref8 8 http: www.uif.uillinois.edu public InvestingIL issue16 art02.htm ftnref9 9 University of Illinois Archives, Buildi... (Campbell Hall for Public Telecommunication and Richmond Journalism Teaching Studio and Swanson Center)

Digital Library Matches
  • 1885: ...AR ILLINOIS INDUSTRIAL UNIYEESITT, URBANA, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY, ILL. 1 884-85. CHICAGO : J. S. STOTT, PRWTER AND STATIONER. ,,By authority of an Act of the Legislature of Illinois, approved June 19, 1885, the Illinois Industrial University will be known on and after the 1st July, 1885, as the UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. ,BOARD OF TRUSTEES. UNDER LAW OF MAY 7, 1873. EX- OFFICIO. His EXCELLENCY, GOVERNOR R... (Course Catalog - 1884-1885)
  • 1885: But on June 19 1885, Governor Oglesby approved the bill' changing the name to ' ' The University of Illinois.'' In this same year the State Laboratory of Natural History was transferred to the University from Normal. Th... (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1895: June 19 Arrest of Trustees for violating flag law held unconstitutional (Book - Early History of University (1916))
  • 1896: ...ing was placed in the hands of Professors Ricker and White of the Department of Architecture, who produced the design which was carried out. The site, however, remained in question until June 19, 1896, nearly a year after the first decision in the matter, when the present location suggested by the Governor was accepted in lieu of that looking down Daniel Street. Additional building activities at t... (Book - 30 Year Master Plan (Tilton & O'Donnell))
  • 1918: ... the 101st Infantry, Field Signal Corps, of the 26th Division. In September he went overseas with that unit and was cited for gallant conduct at Siecheprey on April 20 1918. The following June 19th he was severely wounded at Beaumont and he'never fully regained his health. At the close of the World War, Mr. Whiting attended Columbia University and the University of Illinois, receiving his degree o... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 22)
  • 1938: ...ic Library to accept a similar post at the Urbana Free -30. library, Urbana, Illinois, in October. I Ruth Grossman, M.S 40, and Lt. Wallace McMartin of the Air Forces orate I were married June 19 in Sioux City, Iowa. Mrs. McMartin resigned her Position at the University of Texas and is now working part time in the Catalog and Circulation Department of the Morningside College Library, Rich, oux Cit... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 33)
  • 1941: ... the f o l i E f a tc s Mr. m . from r i u Windsor written ,from h e p r e s b y t e n a n Hospital, Chicago fir" moii S e he was convalescing from an operation: C h i c a g o , Illinois June 19, 1941 Dear Friends, Library School Alumni: Mrs. Windsor and I deeply regret the fact that my disability prevents out attendance at the meeting in Boston. During the past months since my retirement from act... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 29)
  • 1944: on June 19. In Gaylord's Triangle for May 1944, Becky San lord describes the attractive post library of which she is librarian, at the A A F Basic Advanced Flying School, United States Military Academy, Stewart Fiel... (UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 35)
  • 1953: ...nt I oi ol I bor and Industi d 01 s Rel.it xi n I Ph D 21 ,Students use research tools in ILIR Library. CALENDAR 1953 SUMMER SESSION Graduate registration. Authorization cards distributed June 19, Fri. June 2 0 , Sat. on a l p h a b e t i c a l basis. Registration schedule a v a i l a b l e b y May 15. June 2 2 , M o n . July 4 , Sat. A u g . 14, Fri. Aug. 15, Sat, A u g . 15, Sat., 12 noon Instru... (Booklet - Graduate Study in Labor and Industrial Relations (1953))
  • 1956: ...egin Feb.9 Easter Mar.29vacation Apr. 4 Honors Day May.4 Memorial Day May 30 Semester Hay 31examinations June 8 Commencement June 16 Summer Session 1956 Registration June 18 Classes begin June 19 Independence day..July 4 Session exams aug. 10-11 Mar.29Apr.4 Apr.27 May 30 June 4-12 1956 June 22-23 June 25 July 4 Aug.17-18 THE UNIVERSITY grew out of a demand of the people that higher education be av... (Reference Folder - 1955)
  • 1959: ...19 Memorial Day Holiday May 30 Spring Quarter 1959 May 30 Commencement June 13 Spring Vac. Mar.22-29 Summer Session 1959 Classes begin Mar.30 1959 Registration June 15 May 30 Memorial Day June 19 Classes begin June 16 June 8-13 June 22 Examinations Independence Day July k July k June 12 Commencement Examinations Aug.7-8 Aug.lU 1st Semester 92nd Year Freshman Week 1959 Summer Quarter 1959 1959 Regi... (Reference Folder - 1958)
  • 1959: ...ons Independence Day July k July k June 12 Commencement Examinations Aug.7-8 Aug.lU 1st Semester 92nd Year Freshman Week 1959 Summer Quarter 1959 1959 Registration Sept.li-19 Registration June 19 Sept.9-18 Classes begin Sept.21 Classes begin June 22 Sept.21 Thanksgiving Vacation Nov,25-30 Independence D.July k Nov.25-30 Christmas Vacation Dec.19-Jan k Sept.7 Dec. 18-Jan. 1 Labor Day Semester Exami... (Reference Folder - 1958)
  • 1964: ...d wish for a successful and productive meeting. LYNDON B. JOHNSON Vii ,MESSAGE FROM LADY BIRD JOHNSON Conveyed in a telegram to Margaret R. Fox, Chairman, Technical Program Committee, on June 19, 1964 How sorry I am to miss the opportunity to join in the First International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists -- I know it will be a most informative and rewarding experience. In this challe... (SWE - Proceedings of the First International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists )
  • 1964: ...complex sphere of the science of the Earth. They are all united by a selfless devotion to and love for their job, the study of the nature of the ocean for the good of man. IV-44 ,Friday, June 19, 1964 9:00 A.M. - TECHNICAL PROGRAM SESSION V Reports on the Current Status of Engineers and Scientists Chairman-Moderator: Katharine Stinson, Past President, SWE; Chief, Procedures Section, Federal Aviati... (SWE - Proceedings of the First International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists )
  • 1965: ...y a c t i n g p r e s i d e n t , 1953-5- I m ,Page 3 UNIVERSITY CALENDAR UrbanaChampaign Campus 1965 Ends Jan. 4. Jan. 18-26.. 1965 Feb. 3-6 Feb . 8 Apr. 17-26... Apr. 30 May 31 June 1-9 June 19 Medical Center Campu s, Chicago Chicago 1964 Unde rg raduat e Winter Quart Registration... Dec. 13"17 Division y Cla b e g i n . Dec. 27 1965 Classes begin.. Jan. 3 Ends Jan. 4 Examinations " Mar. 14-19 J... (Reference Folder - 1965)
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