Caption: Book - Century of Physics (1973) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
tit piM*io »i' each t. : least in mm\c out .ill B( I ' " ' claae cardi *i < • / Laat and m t n i ihc grades on tin- i« »i<) tii. MI icquii i. h« brought about th< change The ch.-mge wasstrongly supported by i;\ tutton in L885 from the I l l i n o i s [nduatrial University to the :v oi Illinois. 1 and bitterly opposed in the General Assembly, especially ate • Fi and iys 1885 to 1889 Theodore B. Comstock, Professor of Mining Si was in charge of the work in physics. igineering a In the spring of 188 i the separate 1 partment of Physics was established and Comstock was appointed Head. At the end of the summer vacation, however, he unexpectedly failed Regent Peabody asked S. W. Stratton, a young to return to the University. man who had been his undergraduate assistant in physics, to take charge of the new department, with the rank of Assistant. ment, even in emergency, for Stratton .ssistant in Architecture. It was a surprising appoint- had just accepted an appointment as But Peabody knew what he was doing for it turned out to be a really excellent appointment. Samuel Wesley Stratton Samuel Stratton was born in Litchfield, Illinois in 1861. He received From a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Illinois in 1886. 885 to 1889 he was a mathematics instructor in the University's preparatory school. As noted above, he was appointed Assistant in Architecture in 1889. but was transferred to be Head of the new Physics Department before he took up his duties in Architecture. He was 28 years old. He was pro: hya I to a He was an immediate success in his new posit ion. Assistant Professor of Physics in one year, and to Professor Electrical Engineering in the following year. to r ^and the work in theoretical and . he announc His great contribut Lon was In his s i c\ ipplied electricity. 1 in the Catalog of 1890-91 I t the Univcrsit\ \ to r ent fr a - 11 curriculum in elec 11 I engineering. A v u latei e e grourd flo c of the east win^; oi i rait) Hall had been