Caption: Book - Century of Physics (1973) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
App m l JH 1' r-1967 /' 1-1967 MM B ih i k vers J ty Ol ' ;l i B«1 M, , • »1 1 • l l l I nlvers okyo \ 1960-1967 1958- Universi / of Hamburg, F. c :a< an J 196119661967196719681968-1970 1969Univers of Virginia it la M. Jones Tre I Chang Lo: J. I m; h for nuclear physics at Illinois from 1935 to about 1968. Le: s take up the chronological thread again. The War Years and Reconstruction World War II brought a great reduction in the normal activities of the depa of ne About two thirds o f the regular faculty including Loomis. the Head The department e Department, d i s a p p e a r e d into w a r research and development. is a n e n o r m o u s load of teaching militai ersonnel w h o were In ra ng on the c a m p u s . A c t i n g Head P. G. Kruger had to find teachers for eak load of 2400 s t u d e n t s in general physics, a load not approached again he mid 1960's. e cam i: Some teacht an i n t e n s i v e were re uited from other departments refresher course, professors v< oi mu did a 1 1 Aite agriculture, able job of teac and b i o i o g ' and some fa< is o Ing p h y s i c s to regir en unv I l i n g so . ^Arnold Hordsieck cont n*. - ibuted to n |i< le.- I but 1 [ 11 i p a led over mu< dr. •« o b» o* gi • s c l o s e t o b< Lng a gen, i l i s t Hi was c h a t Ll> * lax all ** «odt potniM v • • < hs l . ltd rol i e c « <t v di «• i * •! rtnputti support