Caption: Book - Century of Physics (1973) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

! / tecured * • »r> • « > * r a M *• foi ih. paduatea was not easy in L936f two of the ftt^ota at the National m .aXi 0J Standards by coupeti i ™* *• • * ! < * woio open to high school graduates, Kus< ral n vail ^•••rch appointment, with John late at Minnesota. rhe salary, aa I recall, was $100( per year. s '«•' tht «* e ot hard times, physic a was ax ln l]w ting. 1 \2 was an especially ' Hoquium in 1932, reports on current research included tha neutron, the positron, and the deuteron; the first * pert- ovarlot o inents on the disintegration of elements by fast protons (Cockroi -Walton and Lav and on Milne's i.deas on the expanding universe. NucK-ar and Particle Physics at 111 inois The depression eased and the department pushed rapidly into nuclear physics along lines that can be traced continuously to many o: a Lvitiea in the department. Loomis' annual report in 1936 describes the building oi c; lotro: a two-mi 11 ion-volt machine, as follows: e most important new development in the research of the department this .-ear has been the construction of the cyclotron by Professor K* ger. Mr. Green Of th and a group of helpers. Plans for it were laid last spring. Most he first Illinois ha present material was ordered during the summc ornia, studying and ass vhlch Professor Kruger and ting in the similar work Green spent in Cal of Pre essor Lawrenct Construct on was started in September, and. due to rotesso: Kruger ind Mr. Grtcn, the m. n a *aD. That a beam has This han lved n he he energy and enthusiasm of ratus is already complete and in operat obta d and brought out of the magnetu field. design, construe on, and gett Lng into op* rat a fort! Jable array of iph to have s cjeded very complicated apparatus, and it is quit, a tri so quickly he M Bra< I re fed t is George K h nois. >le In i deaiy e /, who, twenty years later, played a central • the uc'ion, and opt ookhaven Hal Lon of the JO billion-volt a1 Laboratu prol » l >*s t .1 l i i a aleratoi at i ' U m foi the Bt P Of I • * red |n(J the n m/» ••«• begun a S u miplrt \'>. ite 1 op was e> ilvalv irimxlrlnl and modrrm ad. »atni\ b\ *\\i