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Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
HI \l'll. I raeml me freal » a bird; ai f r, the abundance the ar 4 i fungus, and throi h the wide range of j litie s \ in all >th » in thi I ose who I ike th most act! part ii the rk. i the | t benefit .ic< ling therefrom. Th< ty a c lit to the college of natural science with which it is so closely relat I, and is accomplishing that which was intended by its originators. >ince its organiza tion about forty special papers have been prepared, which if put in compact form would make a very valuable volumn of scientific essays. Former members have succeeded in securh for themselves places among scientists and some of the present members have national reputations. There is at present roll-call of twenty-five active members Prof. Stephen A Forbes, president; M. S W'aite, vice-president, anClarence M W eed secretary are the officers for the year iSS( Work of inestimable value has been done by the natural history society and there is abundant reason to believe that its future success will be even more marked than its past. kamoui. Wii i<> Prep ire As I kp - l» Ami *B And Ah then Ami Fr ^\ afl hmen bral I stone A I ii i While I \ h v groai Ku' hinlH ul nile; nnin Like* •• tin- gi Why « thl 1 Now, treat me 1 ! A i A Hei and OUd i i,. • n note: I am lade \. utl I"
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