Caption: Sophograph - 1889 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1 It 1 i i il hat *ledgc I inl 'twas si a hk —the which erst un tterc*. iose h< weak, 1 o the Bone s shades us 1 c A I largt the ir ease o the Urn's revenue ! It galls ur soul udents have gall An J so do shun the word) that beardless Youths and unpract bearded men Should tutor in the U. of I Thai n as thef orth so little lot 1 ti s get the start ol this Fair worl and gen s such as ours. 'lood! in und Oh, death and gore las Oi lon't. Oh, anything !\* dge inc, no knowledges, I pra Don't mention it. OMMS: STUDKN I : OMNES: Si HNT: STUDENT S I KNT Beseech thee ! No! But prav Our hairt tho' air. relents. Ha nown thy wish. We'll institute reform. You our Leader. What Yes What \ OM>^ ID) T OMNI S * INT Any mon in it ? Ten a week. I :s dont I am your man—your manager. The J C ters tint > THE Tl7N» and s » unobserve* t a corn* K POODl.l K Oh, we'll moul the Facul s thought An we'll correct abuse, sir Our college shall be alw ght, J s, M'sand I r. (( 'tdfanj t oj ?ts% !>az I I \ I ric ill and st ntl ere w < une >ur poll must first l < omulgati > For tl {h > student k pa n ol: J v i pol keep (the students) ? I >oli • V all it 1 hall it 1 ha t ?" R, m I ht |