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Caption: Booklet - State of University (1920) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I \ I V E R S I T V O F I L L I N O I S \ \ I EKLY B U L L I. T I N N it 1A 1912 mai ISSUED Vol. W i l l at i itter 1 I 191 1 it t the pon i November s, 1920 it Urbana, Illi 1,1917, aut hoi \ |uly J 1. 191B ) ll PUBLISHED BY l i l t I NIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, LJRBANA T11K C O N D I T I O N S T O D A Y A year > 1 called public attention to the difficulties of the University, ft is n< i a dh. As was pointed out last winter, unless considerable relief is gran d by the 1 which nn next January, the opening of the next biennium will see a decided redu ion of thle Univ< sity and a permanent lowering of its standards. i The in >me of the mill lax for the pr< nf Univ< year is $2,5 ,000. In 1! L-12 it $2,292, K). This is n incr< of less than 11 per cent since 1911-12. Meantime, the purchasing power of the dollar has fallen 50 per cent. Meantime, the student ( rollment has inert 1 100 r cent. The total regi ion 1; . It will be near or beyond 10,000 thi year. The numl r r I No nber ry ure k \ w Meantime, it has b n impracticable to equip or man the building for the Coll. lucation. Meantime, the teaching has b n inadequ '. paid for at h two ; ars, and it has en difficult, and in >me lin impo ible, to get t ichers. Meantime, the res< rch work of the Agricultural Experin at Ste*^ >n, the Engine tin ment Station, and the Gr luate School is insufficiently provid 1 for, and mam lin re su tended. h AN A D D I T I O N T O W E A L T H 7 / has j ' its direct r that son. f th ri, the I ni to the Stah \ nation than all the . propn /// Uni ity tm "I. Us pi f planti at in Illinois. ur i land 'it and wld up i //• th \'. h u u u ()>ily a t h/ t Th six t ; /
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