UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Convocation - 1942 Winter-Spring [PAGE 47]

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Hty oj Illinois I m\


nearl) half the population oi China, both politic II) and n \\u Phe ( hine \\ ei e able to keep them aw .i\ 1 om the 1 I 1 1 During I940and 1941 the) obtained b) forcible advai , diplomati preparations, and skillful use oi money, the superior authoril in KM ihh [ndo (liina and the partnership oi the government oi I hailand IIK formei Siam, rims the stage was set fot the Midden and tn hci ous attack of Decembet 7, 1941. Since then theii a ivetn s h j)i ad like a large blot «»t ink on a \asi shed < i blottin paper, In th > first two months oi war the) took lion kong, nearl) all of the Philii

pines, a n d the Malax p e n i n s u l a , a n d m a i n p o s i t i o n s m R o m e o ,



Vmboina, and other islands oi ( >ceania. At onl) two points was their advan< slowed down, the Bataan peninsula where General Ma< Arthur

held o n l . a n d S i n g a p o i < •

In the next stages oi Mien imperialistic ambition the [apan< i ai known io desire all of die Dutch I asi indies, Burma, the rest of China, Australia, and \Cw Zealand. A n n that the) have spoken of

India, all ol' R u s s i a in A S M , I r a n . ha<|, ,\\\(\ S a n d i A r a b i a .

Until lately these and their further aims seemed to be fantastu

l»nl now all inns! he t a k e n Seriously. The} wish to o w n H a w a i i , th

Aleutian Islands, and Alaska. But this is no! all: ih ) have their eyes "ii the whole eastern shore of the Pacific Ocean Western ( inada, the l nited Stales to the Rock) Mountains, Mexico, Panama, and so on down; Chile they desire exceedingl) be< ause oi its valuable natural resour s. All this brings the imperialistic ambition of Japan to include the

control of nearly all of A s i a , the island world, part of the



i l h an

a n . all o i the P a c i f i c < V e a n , a n d the w e s t e r n s h o r e s o f

South Vmerica: nearly hah oi the land, more than halt' the waters, and more than halt" the people of the world. If the [apanese were t r h/e this ambition, the) would divide the world about equall) with < the Germans, .w\(\ the two empires would then i in it out. Bui tin

is not to h e : the p o w n of J a p a n a n d t h e p o w e r <»f ( i e n n a m brol • n, a n d t h e n impel lalisins will he d e s t r o y e d ! w ill both


The n i great underlying cause <•! the War in the Pat I isl con < i in the Japane i justification foi then imperialism kins has mam ph • of which the chiei ones v\ ill be ( onsidei 6d, The [apanese believe them elves to be the great t people m th world. In n li .i delusion the) are not done; .dl great peoples belie> < that. I hit they and the Germans regard them • Ives as peoph divineh d tin I to Nile othei < the) are lordl) peoples, //<•/ n\ Ik, destined in guide oi even hold in I rulage the lessci peoples Hie an i n tin. i io prove i > them b) ill mean including superiot too « thai thinnoi enslavt the n it < i the world I he i rrible asp i » \\\^w