Caption: Booklet - YMCA Student Handbook (1912) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
• S DI Iv UNi •' ' l M J r 8 * tbt M I I Parade tv l and and Qtly tNS II Pj llinoU»» purchased (reet UMVIIKSITV TBIXt anc . I 1 .1 railroad. This is I us a general athletic training an that cannot be i "111 Fi< l or the South R \ i LROAD9 The 1 re d by four railr is on the main line of V. i Chicago to New Or an ig I :r line from Peoria to Ind napol p; brough both Champaign and Urba i. >rt line of the Wabash connc s the Twin Citiwith its main Buffalo-St. Louis line at Sidney. The Danvilh-Springfiel .ouis line of the Illinois Traction S. also through both cities. Since the I tv is betwc I the two cities, tick mav be bought to either one. Noi 1* T Hol-a-ba-l( ! 1 i • Rah I ba-loo! l h ! Rah! Hoo-rah ! Hoo-rah ! Illinois! Rah ! Rah ! \ o . -'. V A R S J T Y V A R S I T1 Y Y V A R S I Varsity ! Varsity ! Rah ! Rah ! V a r s i t y ! V a r s i t y ! Rah ! Rah ! I >o-Rah ! Varsity! A rsity ! Hoo-Rah ! Illinois! I l l i n o i s ! I l l i n o i s ! Os-kee-wow-wow ! Skin-nee-wow-wow ! Illinois! Illinois! "Wow ! N o . 4. U-rah-rah ! Illinois ! U-rah-rah ! Illinois ! U-rah-rah ! Illinois ! ILLINOIS. IjOfomotive Yell Sis ! Boom ! Ah ! Wah ! Who ! Wah ! Sis! Sis! Sis! Boom ! Boom ! Boom ! Ah ! ! I Illinois ! Illinois ! Wow ! Don't try to look or **+ ,< a sport." Such a spectachi 12 l y h"' id game but you can ill afford to V ; <> amusing, Siren 0 0 OO Wow ! 00 OO OO 0 0 0 0 OO Wow ! oo oo oo 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wow ! 00 00 OO 0 0 Illinois! Illinois ! Illinois ! V