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Caption: Booklet - YMCA Student Handbook (1912) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
ft' I * vi;i OF ILLI 61 P. m. ' > n \* 7 ltin n " under. High iving ) reIng the i i of Trust B. March 20, Thui lay, 12 m. Easter r. begins. March 25, Tuesday, 12 m. Instruction resumed. April 1, Tu( lay, 5 p. in. Latest day for filing of completed tin by c a n d i d a l for professional degn i in engine* ring. April 7, Monday, 4 p. in. S< t meeting. < May 16, F r i d a y , evening. Inter dastic oratorical contest. May 15-17, T h u r s d a y to Saturday. Public school a r t exhibit. May 17, Saturday. Interscholastic athletic meet. May 17, Saturday, 5 p. m. Lat t day for receipt by the Dean of the Graduate School of certified copies of doctors' theses. May, between 15th and 31st. Hazelton prize drill. Annual inspection. Company competitive drill. May 20, Thursday. Semester examinations begin. May 30, F r i d a y . Military Day. J u n e 5, T h u r s d a y . Semester examinations ended. J u n e 7, Saturday, 12 m. Latest day for acceptance of u n d e r g r a d u a t e theses. J u n e 7, Saturday, 12 m. Latest day for receipt by the Dean of the Graduate School of certified copies of masters' theses. J u n e 8, Sunday. Baccalaureate address. Jui 9, Monday. Class Day. J u n e 9, Monday. Senior Ball. J u n e 10, Tuesday. Alumni Day. J u n e 11, Wednesday. Forty-second Annual Commencement. The m a n who calls himself a victim of >g • • 7N ' ' '•' m. 1 Tl1 Day. ruct i> befdn& «, g£ 1913. Burned'. n 3 m f L IIol: re cess « ' Friday ThUl « L»t< day for >< tl ; by ndiD en, ,eer' 12 m - > truction re- ' tions i>e^in J JH' T tillion! • Bud of first semester. lal s <>PAomor coL912-1918 1 [ QGStcr exam!na eeond S e m e s t e r , tra fi ^ M ° n i toy- Kegis- begins. 5 bi I', W°££ £y * ' m. In * 11 rucUon 'ting. ' I Feb! g 5rtS *•* " ? March 1, Sat rri-iv An " • r ball. band 2. Sun • *nd ' ' ncert. March 2, Sunrilav, l»n. v '' j March 11, Tu, lla v !'ty Day. a y- Annual m tling of i t i • unbusinessiiv 1 a personal ch wlth^^u f Day. IM '» '• ,f flcient deposit to cover jV lf * ~ Circumstances la often to blame for the
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