Caption: Booklet - YMCA Student Handbook (1912) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
11 S ii <i ' HANI b;< and 1 rnv of the .. , '•< ouial distinction v Q ofton < \ n ndemic life. " A Pi dent J a i n . lias ii,i .. g it . ••many people have i tin l>; Idii who are not, eithei members of the Christ I 18 b< ause they belie\ e l t th through the I cilith win. their houses are doing a! whl h j open to all student < I si * ce on the same terms." Th Association wishes to tii] statement. A.ssociatic ill i V more than a club house tor th< I W ll room in I dormitories or pro Ive nt< in its activities. II 1 privih are extended cheerfullj 1 nn 'y m a n . w h e t h e r a m< lation or not. Frequent turns w will be Iven durin th hl ° I be mtothiim intere eg every night durinj the open \ Bibl« Study M V" 'r \\ , n " hl bu> !V,i s Study departmenl of chr < n A lation a. u i l d! In th. I niversity to t. >", ble to the needs , . eh ma help to .1 to the bull T V, ^ e eoui 11 i di v< , U r " ^^™ i I > \y[\\ n >t in Hall in lub hou tho tho I !Ulii;vpv > uro on )1] •f I nt tter to wait for a ba t\i ou: