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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

^"7 *T7>;: :' ;:ll;;;:i"., rownTotcL h , , i ,1 mums Fraternity Park »i - •« N ' R,, ( h) »| ngn.Oneoft ,->' J , , hi iwl n the Orpl •'" " " uton »nd ended in ^ S| m ,, S u „ a Student rebelled ^ t u b o « o ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ cl vu P s were up m an™ . wiere inaugurated at Illinois m i VNU: i n n l d m ^ r the l i f e ^ ^ ^ .1 «-« » « « the autonomous [ independents, Homecoming, the Union's greatest •• became n pn ntioui with the passing years. At the spectacular dedicat n ol the Memorial Stadium in the tall oi 192 Harold "Red" Grang ma< ill hi Twenty-one special trains me to town, and I »plc wj bed -Red"' run against Michigan no one had ever run 1 run .. 9i> yaj 65 yards, 55 yards, and irds all foi tow hdowns in the first 1 minut rhe score that famous Satu .t\ aftern< n w Illinois Michij , 1 ; n. tans went wild. Between 1920 and 1930 lllin athletes distinguished then Ives at 1 and at the World Olympics. 1 h decade mark < the Inch } nt ol (.1 Huff's career. Zuppke was still the coach and still j m; ball teams. Under James Craig Rul s i hii the Illinois 1 all t tied for the championship in 1924. And 'Red" t. .an rial i 'Air. Football" throughout the country. Illiniwek. the dancing lllini brave who was m a ti < n, appeared between halves in the opening g a m ol the 1926 I n I the- delight oi thousan lllini." Class memorials 1 > funds to make p Complete in Indian i h« still i Ml ll d \1 i\in : ill 'mbraiV h I • the the lual music of King's "Pride of the lllini" and dan, nne more elaborate, benches, fountains, arches, and fl the cl; s now j men; il dble the purchase ol mole e n d u OtV Cl * the two b known memorials of the d< ide 19K I were th hinics \ k to strike the quarter hours, in tht W\ Id Hall tower, the t 1914-22 and the wartime School ol Military v ronaut s \t • « standing memorial, the Alma Matei statuary, was the t of the • Lorado Taft, the Alumni Fund (an endowment established b) the Ahum \ tion in I! md th. i lasses betw< i 1" and l At ,,,r (! , ,h " « dccad< th( idolescent sti ol student 1 it tb« I n v,i, o| > niinoUcamc to an abrupt end The era ol the serious Mud U1 h l 1 1I "" ' " • ' education to work most ol hia way through I M ft dvcnt, 1 ;htened by tin world-wide economu depress b, ht . note ol maturity to student lifi ,i Illinois BO
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