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THE ERA OF EDMUND JANES JAMES • 1904 J 920 Edmund Janes James' sixteen ) * president were i haracterized by ventui on a grand scale. He left the presidency of Northwestern to come to Illinois. At his inauguration in 1905 nearly 200 universities and colleges, from .is far away as India. nt delegates. Twenty-four of the long list of distinguished guests representing jovernment office husiiH organizations, learned a cties, churches tnd universities were given honorary degrees. Vmong those so honored was Abbott Lawrence Lowell, then a professor at Harvard, During the five-day inaugural ceremonies all classes were suspended, and students went in for a week ol frolif the big event being a mtic torchlight parade with floats. J a m e s was hv 1! I the U n i t e d Stat. I a national figUl ind in 1916 was talk.d over as a candidate for the pi \ n international flavor d ic) i terixed the Janus period, i rnian, Chinese, Jaj „.. and Ai ntine ambassadors app n omrnenccmcnl program! World famous nd icholancamc to the campus under th< .„„,. nrl) ,., the irveral flourishing lectures 5V