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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

t h THE ERA OF SELIM HOBART PEA BOD) 1880 -1891 Si Hi11 Hobart Pcabody had been a profcssoi oi mechanical engineering for two years before he was appointed regent in 1880. The new i cut and tinold o n e w e r e close friends. - Their ideals for Q State university were so similar thai there was no break in the direction of the University's development. When Pcabody took over, how< vcr, the finant ial outlook was bleak. All t.u nlt\ salaries had been < ut ten per cent. I he average salary, not counting the regent's $4,000, was about $2,000 a year. The dc prcssion of the period had resulted in dcfaultin on the interest on bonds whuh the University held Term fees for students were raised from $15 to $22.50, which did not help the dot lining enrollment. The average appropriation from the legislature for the eighties was about $22,000 a yeai Onl) one new building went up during IVaUuK's regime t )! all the midwestern states, none did less foi its univcrsit) than Illinois during tin years bctwi i 1880-91. In 1885 the n.une ol tlie Illinois Industrial I venit) was chan d to the Univcrsit) ot Illinois Just .is the alumni had been largel) ivsix>nsiblc foi
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