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Caption: Book - Illini Years This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Chicago. Over 7.000 dentists were enrolled in 1949 JO College oi Dentistry in iduatc demonstrations on the { g s( . nVs 0f I)()S|. In the spring of 1 9 5 0 ^ e ^ ^ ^ ^ 0V cr Station WBKB-TV from Chicago, practice of periodontics ^ ^ ^ ^ foy ! n ^ ou tpatienl departx in K'** - 'tizens oJ Illinois w< << * .•«»»• , w. I,,,M- ^ ^ S S L the hospitals of the College of Medicine. ment ana o, . j rjniVersity maintains a library of films and di visual aids in education for loan to schools and churches throughthC ° \^VZlTn March, 1950. the Division was carrying on 107 college-level 0U 'te 3ind99 extramural courses for University credit. Over 5.000 citizens ttao^hout the State were enrolled, and nearly 8.000 more were enrolled in norT-crodit correspondence, conference, or short-cou studi In L949, 3,828 undergraduates and IW58 graduates attended the University Summer Session. The Division of Extension also conducts a Speakers' Bureau pro\ iding \a turers from the University staff for educational programs throughout the State. Hundreds of volumes printed by the University Press have shared the research of Illinois professors with scholars throughout the world. A publication of the Press in 1949 was included in the Fifty Books of the Year, a national award of the Institute of Graphic Arts for fine printing and d< ign. More than three million pamphlets and books are printed e v e n year by the the University discovers with the people whom the University represents. The Library, housing two and one-half million book>. is the lare s< of anv of the state universities and the third largest university library in tl country Many alumni have made outstanding contributions to the nation's literatun and arts. Allan Xevins won the Pulitzer Prize in 19 and again in 1 for biographies of Grover Cleveland and Hamilton Fish: Carl Van Doren, in 1939 for a biography of Benjamin Franklin: Mark Van Doren. i n 1 < for a dis anguished volume of poetry; James "Scotty" B. R :o„. in 1 r n o n b I r reporting to the Neu York Times on the Dumbarton ( )al Facultv members and alumni have exhibited then ( , of art in tn - 3 r:;;;;: " anH itc ™ L. 0o ,oirpi i m f am • - * - -2 * in r |en< > C " — w i, and its members arc on the faculty of th. S '• »1 of \f - n p u s , the Q u a r t r t ^ :«» M publi .;. co™ Stat, uid recently toured E . L n States Armv • D J x : : i es teaching2 or II in ,; * (,r the I'nit, "" . in rth, r u t u i , U" ' • • " '1" ' • • « prod , the co lh d) rou SUN 'l»,„K could llli. ,s, ; ,i, „ 118
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