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NumbtrSl IC4 JW >o i I rary School Association NEWS LETTER $ University of Illinois Library School ' * Fiftieth Anniversary art!*****,, Wf, M k t IV JfcUi^j u c* eiac are to milie I life a.' it n p ^ H E general committee appointed by the Illinois Library School planning a program school met in Milwaukee June 1942. The that nmittee are Phineas L. Winds in Errett W. McDiarmid, Frances Simpson, Josie Houchens, Helen Crane, Grace [ Derby, Margaret Hutchins, Ruth Krueger, Margaret Old father, Ida \\ right, Paul Dunkin, Metella Williams, and Ida Tod, chairman. As the University of Illinois is planning to celebrate the seventyfifth anniversary of its founding on March 2, 1943, our committee decided to celebrate our fiftieth anniversary on the same date, thus making it a double celebration for the Library School. Our tentative plans provide for a one-day meeting ending with a reception or dinner in the Illini Union, We hope many of you can arrange to be with us in Urbana at that time. Because of conditions due to the war, Professor T. C. Pease, chairman of the University committee, informed us that their program w ill be limited to the holding of a University convocation and to the Publication of the history of the University which is near completion. It was agreed by our committee that a history of the Library School would be a valuable contribution to our program—not that it could be completed by March 2, 1943, but that it could be well under way by then. Mr. Windsor has accepted the committee's invitation to serve as compiler of the volume. He will be assisted in the work by an editorial committee. Most of the historical facts for that history will be found in the University records, but the committee feels that much of interest can k contributed by the faculty and students who were connected with UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Volume U) I BULLETIN Number 18 December 22, 1942 i
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