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Alumni News Letter

\ «Mr. Windsor's horizon has not been limited to local or statewide library L i r s He has continuously during the last thirty-five year, attacked n a t i o S jffiS problems modestly but vigorously He has been an active member oHhe S c a n Library1 Association for almost forty vears » rving as its first v i ! fSdent in 1923-24 He has been a member of the Executive Hoard and of the g K for three different, terms, the last term ending i„ 1941. His committee services include the following committee chairmanships: Professional Training Action, 191041; Committee on Standardization of Libraries and Certification JTubr^rians, 1917-22; Committee on Code of Ethics, 1926-28; R n S C o S "Mr. Windsor's interest in national librarianship is also exemplified by the fact that he has served ^ ^ ^ s as President of the Association of American • Library Schools, (1921-22, 1926-27, 1934-35) ; has been a Fellow in the American [ Library Institute for many years; and has served as Second Vice-President of he Bibliographical Society of America (1931-33) of which he has been affiliated or many years. "During the World War, 1917 and 1918, Mr. Windsor was granted a have from the University to become Assistant Director of the American Library Association War Service, with headquarters at the Library of d u r e s s . His contribution was notable among those of our national library war sen ice. "Nor has Mr. Windsor limited his interests to professional matters. He has been a civic and religious leader in his community. For many vears lie has been an active member of the Urbana Chamber of Commerce, and the Rotary Club. He has served as a member of the local Public Library Board and as Trustee of his church and the Wesleyan Foundation for students of the Methodist Church. "There are achievements, rare and unmeasurable, which cannot be designated by objective description. They are of the spirit, and observable only as reflected in such personal expressions of others as loyalty, devotion, respect. It is this sort of achievement, perhaps, for which Mr. Windsor will he longest remembered. It is the deep devotion, the profound respect, and the personal loyalty that he has inspired in members of his staff and in the Library School. To these persons and to others in the profession, his greatest achievement is in being a wise and just counsellor, a true professional and personal friend."


DR. CARL M. W H I T E TO BE NEW DIRECTOR Dr. Carl M. White of the University of North Carolina who has been appointed as director of the University Library and director of the Library School is at present university librarian and chairman of the division of the Library and Library School at the University of North Carolina. , He received the Master of Arts degree from Mercer University in 1928 and the Ph.D. degree in philosophy from Cornell University in 1933. He obtained a B.S. degree in library science from Columbia University in 1934. From WM to 1938 he was librarian and professor of philosophy at Fisk University, ami instructor in the department of library science at the University of Michigan J? the summer of 1938. He has been librarian at the University of North Carolina , r o m j u i y 1938, to date. . •• . ' . ^ One of the younger librarians in the nation whose reputation is growing, > : White's understanding of the problems of library work is widely recogn.ml < • His \v.,rk as a library administrator has met with general approbation in the field. Dr. White is active in profess.onal associations is a good speaker, and has contributed a number of worthwhile articles, largely on umversity hbrar.es, !° ^Among his articles arc "Knsl„„,n and the Library," in the Journal of Higher Educa ion, January, 1937; ."The Bearing of.John Dewey s Ph. osophy of Education on Problems Confronting Librarians, in School and Society, 193/. and "Trends in the Use of University Libraries," ta School and Society 1'38. Dr v , ; . ;married and has two children of pre-school age. Mrs. White was an S u c t o r T n homeEconomics from .1930t ? 1934 at Cornell University, and has a Master's degree from the University of Iowa.