UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 25 [PAGE 4]

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/ Me,

v t / v of Illinois


" \Vhn o K o S - n «lrivc was <•„„, ,«•,,.! in the L i b ™ r B d i d S J £ | of the nicinlK-rs of the staff an<l facility who con.nlnrted,Mid the*: were m a I asked to have cither all ... par. of their con.r.hution allocated to the A,|ah INtton Memorial IMIIMI or to the Alumni \sM.eiatioii scholarship Endowmefl Fund, and this has been done by the l-oiindation. We feel that Illinois has been very slow m asking for alumni support, and


now that it is being done, that the move is m every way deserving of the tiipj>.,rt

The following excellent statement was taken from the Illini News which is published by the Foundation:

A Foundation for Illinois

P u r p o s e and P r o g r a m the The University of Illinois Foundation is an agency of the alumni irprotv nt Illinois p u b l i s h e d for the nurnosc of making their alma i greater and finer institution. To accomplish this purpose, the Foundation is undertaking to enlist financial support and aid in every possible way the work of the University as a whole, and the work of its various colleges and departments. The Foundation has concern, too, for the reputation of the University everywhere and its support by all the people of the state. Directors of the Foundation, some of them at the University and the other in various parts of the United States, represent the alumni body in looking into the needs of the University and taking action to promote special projects which will add strength and prestige to this already-great institution. In recent years, the University has fallen behind in its income. As a result, the faculty and the physical plant are beginning to suffer. It is impractical to wait for all needs to be satisfied through legislative appropriation. The Foundation, of course, will not undertake to supplant any of the regular financing of the University. But, through the Foundation, the alumni now have the oppor : tunity to do their alma mater a lasting service by helping finance a number < important advancements. In arriving at a decision as to what projects to give active sponsorship at a particular time, the Foundation seeks to consider immediate needs and satisf them before focusing attention on a long list of items which deserve recommendation. The Foundation does not seek to route all contributions through its office tfut it otters to serve as a central agency for those who wish to make use »f the conveniences and leadership it affords. Alumni and other friends are en0 g f r a y worthy ur se either Foundation * ° " P P° directly or through th frr,J^ / i « ° J g through the Foundation is that to be derived rrom organized effort; from concentration on particular gifts at a given tim f nc p r o j e c t b e f o r e S T 1. ° i° turning to another; pooling of numer 8Um r a Spedfic ur se handled Z i ^ ** -J° P P ° ' opportunity to have gift m ' k ^ organization geared to the express task making them serve the purpose for which they are intended officials%<°rl? „ i J T ^ ^ great reliance on the recommendations of Universit officials as to needs which merit the attention of the alumni. At the pi it U n ty 0f C ,als r € that the r^f.r f nrnr - r f 5 « Pr-Posed Union building, to be ? J * center for Illinois life and spirit, be given the consideration a n l hearty sum rt of alumni and other friends everywhere. ncari) MI pi Foundation directors.share this opinion and gladly carry this messau thci sons and daugh ers of Illinois. While encouraging every » C o f f i n ? ' press .on of loyalty and faith, the Foundation believes that its first g^eu S t

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