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Caption: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 16 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY SCHOOL ! ASSOCIATION NEWS LETTER Number 16 REUNION AT A.L.A.—WILL YOU BE T H E R E ? April, 1932 To the University of Illinois Library School Association ] DEAR FELLOW MEMBERS: I cannot tell you how eagerly I am anticipating the A.L.A. meeting and the opportunity which it gives of welcoming you to Louisiana and New Orleans. Those of you who have had the pleasure of visiting New Orleans will, I am sure, want to get back and wander again under the overhanging galleries with their hand wrought iron railings. Those of you who will be seeing New Orleans for the first time have a treat in store for you. Our Illinois dinner is to be held Wednesday, April 27, at the Patio Royal, a charming French restaurant with a fascinating open courtyard in the heart of the Vieux Carre. I won't tell you in detail about the things you are going to see for I don't want to lessen your pleasure of discovery. Please watch the bulletin at Headquarters and sign forx reservations for the dinner on Monday, as the number must be reported Tuesday morning. The price will be $2.20, which includes tips. I hope that we will have a large representation of alumni in New Orleans. Cordially yours, Lois F. SHORTESS, '23 President To the Class of 1931: Greetings from New Orleans! Although the last News Letter shows that we are scattered to all parts of the country, it is time for a reunion. Let's have a big one on April 27th at the Library School dinner. There is no need for me to write of the interesting things to do in New Orleans, or of the fine meetings which are being planned. I just hope that most of us will be here, for we "Intimate Strangers" must have a grand time at this—our first A.L.A. Meeting. MARY HELEN JAMKS, '31 Tulane University Library
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