UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: UI Library School Alumni Newsletter - 5 [PAGE 2]

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M n v A. HaiicM-son, 'OS, Head of flu- Circulation Department of the T u v n i a ' P u b l i c Library and President of the Association, writes "the staff of the T a c o m a Library are having a general picnic for all v i s i i i n - librarians who happen to arrive earlv at o u r stall c o t t a r on \ ashon Island on Sunday, fuly 5th. If a n v o n e from Illinois plans t o be here t h a t d a y please let me know so I can a r r a n g e for them to come to the picnic. It is to be a Beach >icnic with clam chowder, etc., and I should love to h a v e my Illinois riends present." T h e business meeting is i m p o r t a n t as the new a m e n d m e n t t o the Constitution must be acted on and there should be time given t o a discussion of the work of the School in relation to the recommendations of the Board of

Education for Librarianship. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution In order to establish a life membership, it will be necessary to amend the Constitution. The following amendments were printed in the December News Letter and are ready to be acted on at this meeting.

III—Membership—Section 3. Life members. All persons who have been members of the Library School of Armour Institute of Technology or of that of the University of Illinois may become a life member of the Association on the payment of the required fee. ARTICLE IV—Dues—Section 1. Annual Dues. The annual membership dues for the Association shall be one dollar. Section 2. Life Membership. On the payment of twenty-five dollars any member may become a life member. This amount shall be paid in full, or in installments of not less than five dollars for five consecutive years. ARTICLE XIII—-Endowment Funds—AH receipts from life memberships and all gifts for endowment purposes, shall constitute an endowment fund, which shall be kept forever invio late. The endowment fund shall be in the custody of three trustees, one of whom shall be elected by ballot at each annual meeting, to hold office for three years from the date of his election and until his successor shall be elected. No money from the endowment fund shall be invested or expended except on check signed by a majoritv of the trustees. The interest from this endowment fund shall be expended as the Executive Board may direct in accordance with the approved policy of the Assnci.it inn


Board of Education for Librarianship The School was visited by Mr. Keogh, Mr. Strohm, and Miss Howe on November 11, 1924. They spent the day visiting classes, inspecting eauin ment and talking with the faculty. In January, Miss Elizabeth \ f oL:lk School w r The open meetings of the Board in Chicago and in California were attended bv many of our Alumni, among whom were representative^ appointed by the Association to speak for the School in case of n ? Jackson E. Towne, '22, reported the Chicago meeting. He says i n h ? f sheets vuauiouted to Board to KA... of an advanced school. Prominent members of the profession w c r e ^ s ^ * ^ before the meeting, to have something definite to say on certain secti^ i choc
