Caption: War Publications - WWI Compilation 1923 - Article 30 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
EXTENSION CIUCUI-AR NO. 24 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OK AGRICULTURE EXTENSION SERVICE IN AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS \S COOPEtATION WITH T H I UNITKI) STATKS HKI'AKTAIKNT OF AGRICULTURE \ \ . K. HANDSCHIN, YICK-IURKCTOR / URBANA, ILLINOIS GROW MORE WHEAT IN ILLINOIS BY \Y. L. BURLI80N AND W. F. HANDSCHIN If " F O O D W I L L W I N T H E W A R / ' bread and the men who produce it will play a large part in winning it. serious enough acreage to take care of 01 crop year, but in a year of poor is about one-third of what we used a four- or five-year rotation in which the wheat crop occurred once. Cirr»wi«rt foil wtiAof :•• tit* mtAtinn saves labor, because thruout the cropping season t yield as well as the acreage of wheat should be increased in every way practicable. Plow as toon as the previous crops are removed. Prepare a good seed bed. Choose a standard variety of seed. GET YOUR SEED NOW.