UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1891]

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Wieneke, R. G., degree, 1318 Wienke, Irma J., appointment, 766, 1573 Wier, J. M., invention, patent rights, release to Office of Naval Research, 159 Wiersema, Alice K., degree, 476 Wiersema, H.. Jr., certificate, 885 Wiersma, A. F., appointment, 11, 873 Wierwille, W. W., degree, 1318 Wiesinger, Charlotte, appointment, 812, 1621 Wiesinger, F. P., appointment, 141, 741, 1192, 1548 declination, 1348 Wiessing, W. J., certificate, 1105 degree, 1136 Wigell, Vera H., degree, 461 Wigert, A. T., appointment, 164 Wiggers, Natalie S., degree, 83 Wiggins, E. D., degree, 1139 Wiggins, J. H., Jr., fellowship, 1260 Wiggins, Patricia N., degree, 281 WiggishofF, C. C , appointment, 933 Wight, R. L., degree, 469 Wightman, E. S., member of Citizens Committee, 255 Wihtol Industries, purchase, 154 Wijas, Rose S., appointment, 1655 Wijsman, R. A., appointment, 514, 656, 1462 Wikblom, Corinne, appointment, 824 Wikrent, R. K., certificate, 1105 Wilber, G. G., degree, 1129 Wilborn, Patricia G., appointment, 814, 1623 Wilbur, J. W., appointment, 933, 1548 Wilcock, R. C , appointment, 675, 1482 leave of absence, 307 Wilcox, Dona, appointment, 1638 Wilcox, K. M., appointment, 9 resignation, 299 Wilcox, R. H., appointment, 575, 1376 Wilcox-Davis, purchase, 445 Wild, J. L., degree, 906 Wilder, A. B., Jr., degree, 479 Wilder, H. L., appointment, 705, 1511 Wilder, Nancy T., appointment, 665, 1471 Wilder, R. R., Jr., degree, 479 Wildhagen, A. R., appointment, 754, 1560 Wild Heerbrugg Instruments, Inc., purchase,


Wilkins, C. T,, appointment, 349, 651, i 4 S 7 Wilkins, Carole H., degreej 288 Wilkins, Dorothy E., appointment, 780 ieQ7 Wilkins, G. T., Jr., degree, 384 ' Wilkins, H. F., degree, 280 Wilkins-Bloomingtor. Co., purchase, 1208 Wilkinson, R. R„ Jr., degree, 1133 Will, Dorothea F., appointment, 1609 Will, F. L., appointment, 353, 657, I 4 4 g 1462 ' Will, F. S., degree, 1331 Will, Pauletta G., appointment, 1578 Willand, R. C , degree, 1336 Willard, A. C , appointment, 559, 1360 commemorative brochure, funds, gift, 1021; Willard, Betty J. T., degree, 465 Willborn, Lauretta, appointment, 820, 1629 Will County, land for agricultural research, acquisition, application to Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, 509,



County Pharmaceutical Association Women's Auxiliary, gift, 1049 Wille, M. G., fellowship, 395 declination, 428 Wille, W. A., certificate, 407 Willems, Mary S., degree, 211 Willenbring, G. J., appointment, 803, 1612 Willerman, Barbara B., degree, 465 Willett, H. L., Arthritis Research Fund, gift,

201, 1041

Willett, Maurita F., appointment, 37, 358, 737, 1544 Willey, F. H,, degree, 908 Willheim, I., degree, 73 Williams, A. 1'., resignation, 103 Williams, A. D., appointment, declination,


Wildman Boiler & Tank Co., purchase, 209 Wildner, D. E., degree, 487 Wilens, Hinda, appointment, 1647 WTiles, Jo Ann, appointment, 680, 684, 1054, i486, 1489 Wiley, C. C , appointment, 613, 1417 Wiley, D. B., degree, 494 Wiley, F. R., appointment, 762, 1569 Wiley, L. H., degree, 82 Wiley, Rosemary F., appointment, 358, 738, 1545 r Wiley, W. R., fellowship, 1258 Wilford, J. W., degree, 285 Wilhelm, Constance C., appointment, 752, I5S8 Wilhelm, G. L,, fellowship, 396 Wilhelm, G. P., degree, 493 Wilhelm, H. S., member of Citizens Committee, 257 Wilhelm, M., appointment, 420 Wilhelm, W. E., appointment, 1179 Wilhelmsen, R. A., certificate, 516 Wilhite, D., degree, 286 Wilhoit, R. D., degree, 1139 Wilken, D, F., appointment, 576, 1377 Wilken, D. R., degree, 1125 Wilken, Patricia P., degree, 1334 Wilken, R. E., degree, 913 Wilkens-Anderson Co., purchase, 442, 1165,


Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams,

A. J-, degree, 1330 A. Richard, appointment, 631, 1435 Arthur Russell, degree, 457 Augusta, appointment, 836, 1648 B. E., degree, 293 Barbara E., degree, 1326 Barbara J., degree, 77 Barbara R., degree, 279 C, appointment, 830, 1639 C. A., appointment, 654, 1460 C. N., degree, 1305 Charlye B., appointment, 861, 1669 Cora C , appointment, 837, 1648 D. B., book, printing, 153 Dave C , Jr., fellowship, 1257 Dennis C., degree, 289 D. E., certificate, 885 D. H., degree, 477 D. L., degree, 82, 487 D. T., degree, 911 Doris J., degree, 468 Dorothy R., appointment, 840, 1652 E. J., Jr., degree, 1306 E. W. P., degree, 77 Edna, appointment, 858, 1666 Eudora M., appointment, 1652 F., appointment, 297, 547, 600, 9/6.

Wilkerson, Julia L., appointment, 847, 1658 Wilkerson, Willie, appointment, 849 Wilkes, J. T., Jr., certificate, 1174 Wilkes, L, W., degree, 1302 Wilkes, Rachel C , appointment, 351, 1184 Wilkey, Violet L., appointment, 1616 Wilkin, A. W., Jr., degree, 83

1179 resignation, 299, 1348 Williams, G. A., I l l , degree, 129 Williams, G. T).f degree, 491 Williams, G. J., degree, 84 Williams, G. L., certificate, 250 Williams, G. P., degree, 1131 Williams, H. F., appointment, 743. lI92> 1549 , Williams, Helen E., appointment, 840, 1652 Williams, Jack, appointment, 8, 871 Williams, Joseph, fellowship, 393 declination, 428 Williams, J. E., appointment, 348> 618, noi» Williams, Williams, Williams, Williams,


J. G.; degree, 1132 Jimmie J., degree, 1126 John Jones, degree, 1313 John Joseph, degree, 286