UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1804]

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Lyon, Shirley W., degree, 290 Lyon, W. D., degree, 1324 Lyon, W. F., appointment, 17, 880 Lyon-Healy, purchase, 1247 Lyon Metal Products, Inc., purchase, 379 Lyons, D., appointment, 827, 1637 Lyons, E. D-, degree, 287 Lyons, J. P., degree, 293 Lyons, Janet P., degree, 84 Lyons, Janet S., appointment, 796 Lyons, Margaret E>, appointment, 807, 1616 Lyons, Mary M., appointment, 19, 882 Lyons, R. J., degree, 1321 Lyons Lions Club, gift, 188, 1022 Lyssenko, A., degree, 474 Lytle, A. K„ I I I , degree, 1311 fellowship, 979, 1264 Lytle, H. R., appointment, 790 Lytle, J. R., degree, 482 Lytle, Myra, appointment, 682, 1488 Lytle, W. , F , , appointment, 578 resignation, 937 Ma, H. J., degree, 76 Ma, M. T., degree, 910 Mabilangan, L. M., appointment, 138 MacCorquodale, Judith E., degree, 1333 MacDonald, B. E., degree, 286 MacDonald, D. H., Jr., degree, 486, 1312 MacDonald, Joan M., appointment, 767 MacDonald, Livia R., appointment, 737 MacDonald, Mary J., appointment, 684, 1489 MacDonald, V. M., degree, 1315 Macey, R., appointment, 709, 1515 MacFadyen, D. A., appointment, 5, 867 MacFarland, K. F., degree, 1331 MacFarlane, R. F., appointment, 779, 1587 MacGregor, J. G., degree, 1306 Macha, J. F., certificate, 3 Machalek, Esther A., degree, 1135 Machen, Alice C , appointment, 828, 1638 Machinist's equipment, International Cooperation Administration, purchase, 267 Macino, Rosemary P., appointment, 852 Maclntyre, Elaine C , degree, 1328 Maclntyre, J. M., appointment, 651, 1456 Maclver, I. R., Jr., degree, 962 Mack, D. W., degree, 1325 Mack, E. J., degree, 78 Mack, Helen I., appointment, 845, 1655 Mack, R. B., appointment, 972 Mack, R. M., degree, 488 Mackay, D. B,, degree, 1335 MacKay, J. S., degree, 462 Mackay, R. P., appointment, 703, 1509 Mackey, Myrna L., degree, 1323 Mackey, O., appointment, 797, 1605 Mackey, R. D., appointment, 758, 1564 Mackey, R. J., degree, 488 Mackin, J. E., degree, 1326 Mackin, J. H., Jr., appointment, 737, 1544 Mackin Venetian Blind Co., purchase, 65 Mackler, 11., appointment, 972 Macklin, B. A., degree, 1134 Macklin, Catherine D,, appointment, 808 degree, 288 Macklin, \V. H., degree, 467 Mackowiak, R. J., degree, 495 Maclay, H. S., appointment, 641, 1446 leave of absence, 550, 1268 Macleary, J. R., degree, 294 MacLeay, J. C , appointment, 544 degree, 277 MacLeod, D. S„ certificate, 884 Mac Leod, R. C., degree, 1326 Maclin, E. W., appointment, 832, 1644 Maclin, Joyce A., degree, 1328 Maclin, M. M., degree, 1338 MacMaster, D. M., member of Citizens Committee, 256 MacMillan, Marjorie B., degree, 1135 MacMillan, Susan A., degree, 479 MacMillan, T. L., degree, 483 MacMurdo, P., degree, 291


MacNaughton, J. R., certificate, 115 Macon Supply Co., purchase, 994 MacRae, Edith K., appointment, 943, 1504 Macri, R. J., degree, 490, 1338 Macns, D. L,, degree, 1306 MacShane, J. E., degree, 292 Mac Sween, M. D., fellowship, 393 declination, 426 Madan, S. K., degree, 463 Madary, C. J., degree, 487 Maddalosso, Michele, appointment, 883 Madden, G. G., fellowship, 392 declination, 426 Madden, R. E., appointment, 19, 881 Maddox, Donna J., degree, 1328 Maddox, H., member of Citizens Committee, 1085 Madenberg, F., appointment, 1175, 1542 Mader, G. E., resignation, 549 Madge, R. B., degree, 1307 Madison, K. M., appointment, 358, 736, 1543 leave of absence, 1157 Madison Silo Co., purchase, 412 Madonia, P. P., degree, 1317 Madow, W. G., resignation, 426 Madsen, B. G., appointment, 35 Madsen, Dolores J., degree, 1334 Madsen, M. R., certificate, 2 Madsen, R. E., degree, 289 Maertens, Gabriella E., appointment, 773 Maesky, F. J., degree, 1317 Magallona, Estrella, appointment, 842, 1654 Magana, D., degree, 1318 Magill, H. T., certificate, 516 Magill, J. N., degree, 495 Maginot, J. J., Jr., degree, 1130 Magista, Josephine, appointment, 826, 1636 Magnan, Carol J., appointment, 759, 1566 MagnastJerres, Pharmacy, purchase, 537 Magnavox Co., gift, 186, 188, 1050 Magnes, G. D., degree, 490, 1338 Magnesium, study, contract, change, 31, 446 Magnetic storage drum, Digital Computer Laboratory, purchase, 442 Magnet power supply, Physics, purchase, 318 Magnifico, Rose M., appointment, 720, 1527 resignation, 1348 Magnon, Lucille M., fellowship, 397 Magnus, Rachel S., appointment, 1556 Magnuson, G. D., degree, 961 Magnusson, R. A., degree, 482 Maguet, M. L., degree, 1334 Maguire, J, T., appointment, 35, 650, 1182, 1455 Maha, E. R., degree, 1330 Mahaffey, A. R., appointment, 763, 1570 Mahaffey, J. C , appointment, 757, 1564 Mahaffey, W., neighbors, gift, 1048 Mahannah, C , Jr., appointment, 763, 1570 MaHarry, R. H., degree, 292 Maher, D. B., appointment, 11, 874 Maher, Eileen T., appointment, 1626 Malier, J. E., degree, 494 Maher, R. T),, degree, 1137 Maheshwari, B. L., degree, 912 Mahler, Alice V,, degree, 1138 Mahler, C. A., appointment, 1180 Mahon, J. H., degree, 467 Mahon, J. M., degree, 1137 Mahoney, Mary M., appointment, 854, 1665 Mahoney, P. E., degree, 1137 Mahrous, H., appointment, 618, 928, 1181 declination, 1268 resignation, 1348 Mai, J. H., degree, 1131 Maibenco, Helen C , appointment, 1504 Maichele, M. E., fellowship, 1257 Maier, Virginia J., appointment, 1634 Mailick, Mildred, appointment, 95, 336 resignation, 937 Mailing Service, budget, 805, 1613 Main, H. D., degree, 1129 Main, Joyce E., fellowship, 393 declination, 426