UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1754]

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U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S GilfUlan, B. C , appointment, 805, 1614 Gilkey, C. D., degree, 459 Gill, J- H., degree, 290 Gill, Katharine T., appointment, 162 degree, 129 Gillam, L. V., certificate, 1104 Giller, Patricia J., degree, 1323 Gilles, D- L-. Jr.. fellowship, 394 Gillespie, Mrs. Anna R., appointment, 787, 788, 1595 resignation, 102 Gillespie, D. A., appointment, 759, 1566 Gillespie, E. E., degree, 1314 Gillespie, J., member of advisory committee, Gillespie, Jeanine Q., degree, 1328 Gillett, C. H., appointment, 742, 1192, 1549 Gillett, C. W., degree, 294 Gillett, J. E., certificate, 1104 Gillette, G. R., degree, 1327 Gillette, R., appointment, 716, 1523 Gillies, D. B., appointment, 638, 1443, 1461 Gillies, R. A., appointment, declination, 39 GilHg, R. W., degree, 76 Gilligan, P. J., certificate, 115 Gilliland, Delores J., appointment, 766 Gillogly, D. E., degree, 1312 Gillogly, D- F., appointment, 751, 1558 Gillogly, Ellyn J., appointment, 1623 Gillogly, R. J., appointment, 797, 1605 Gilmore, A. R., appointment, 1236, 1391, 1393 Gilmore, Gladys J., appointment, 1631 Gilmore, H. M,, fellowship, 1346 Gilmore, Margaret J., degree, 472 Gilmore, Sylvia C., appointment, 684, 1489 Gilmore, T. B., Jr., appointment, 926 Gilmore, \V. M., degree, 490 Gilmore Enterprises, Inc., purchase, 66 Gilmour, Marion H. N., degree, 276 Gilroy, Anabel C., appointment, 753, 1560 Giltner, R. E., degree, 1124 Gimpel, J. E. ( degree, 486 Gin, B., degree, 1319 Gin, J., degree, 1137 Gingerich, H. F., degree, 963 Gingerich, J. C., degree, 1317 Gingerich, K., appointment, 969, 1417 Gingiva, research, gift, 1045 Gingrich, Carol J., appointment, 764 Gingrich, S. W., degree, 466 Ginoli, E. E., certificate, 1237 Ginoza, Jeanne Y., appointment, 842, 1653 Ginsberg, J., appointment, T6, 212, 711, 1053, „ r 5i7 Ginsburg, G. P., degree, 488 Ginsburg, Ines M., degree, 281 Ginsburg, M. A., degree, 480 Ginsparg, C , certificate, 251 Ginther, Roseann S., degree, 1328 Ginzel, R. F.. appointment, 358, 740, 1547 Giovacchini, P., appointment, 710, 1516 Girdler, Dorothy L., appointment, 1642 Girtch, C. M., degree, 913 Girven, E. H., Jr., degree, 917 Giryotas, S. J., degree, 78 Gush, ]). G., degree, 1319 Gish, Louise M., degree, 1126 Gi^sing, Anna M. t appointment, 1612 Gist, Geraldine, appointment, 1639 dittelson, L. A., appointment, 19, 882 resignation, 1168 Gitter, A., degree, 1314 fellowship, 1257 Givens, C. H., appointment, 801, 1607 Uvtns, R. G,, appointment, 751, 1557 Gizynski, J. A., Jr., degree, 480 Gjerde, Gladys M., degree, 479 ^ acial till, research, gift, 194, 1031 Uadden, T. D., degree, 1324 Gadish D. F., fellowship, 1261 GJair, H. F., member of Citizens Committee, ^S8 1086 ri Glansbeek, Sybilla, appointment, 1658


Glanz, Lenore M., degree, 962 Glasco, G. D., fellowship, 387 Glaser, D., appointment, 355, 659, 1465 Glaser, Loretta K., degree, 1324 Glasford, Judith B., degree, 479 Glasky, A. J., degree, 1336 Glass, Anne C., appointment, 852, 1662 Glass, J. F., degree, 1136 Glass, P. L., certificate, 2 Glass blowing service, budget, 789, 1598 Glasscock, L. S-, degree, 917 Glasser, H. W., degree, 476 Glassman, A. H,, degree, 1339 Glassman, S. F., appointment, 358, 736, 1543 declination, 425 fellowship, 421 Glassware, purchase, General Chemical Stores, Pharmacy, 537 Glatter, T. R., degree, 472 Glavan, R. J., degree, 291 Glaviano, V. V., appointment, 709, 1515 Glawe, J. F., appointment, 653, 1179, 1458 declination, 1267 Glazier, E. R., appointment, 91 leave of absence, 337 Gleason, Betty A., degree, 472 Gleason, G. J., appointment, 770, 1578 Gleason, H. A., degree, 483 Gleason, M. C , appointment, 18, 881 Gleason, Rosemary, appointment, 834, 1646 Gleave, Gwen, appointment, 19, 882 Gleim, W. L., degree, 1314 Glenn, J. L., fellowship, 421 Glenn, M. \V., Jr., degree, 291 Glenn, T. N., degree, 965 Glenner, R. J., appointment, 10, 872 Glcnnie, D. G., degree, 468 Glennon, Cyrilla M., appointment, 855, 1665 Gleser, Goldine C , appointment, 943, 1412 Glessner, J. R.r degree, 1314 Glezen, J. G., degree, 482 Glick, R. D., degree, 1130 Glicklich, Lucille B., appointment, 137 Glickstein, M. E., appointment, 543, 926 Glidden, Nancy E., degree, 479 Glidden Co., gift, 1024 Glikman, A., degree, 291 Glissendorf, O. F., appointment, 573, 640, 865, 1373, M46 Glitz, D. G., degree, 1134 Glogovsky, R. D., degree, 84 Glorio, Mary N., degree, 1340 Glover, A. G., degree, 2S5 Glover, Anna C , appointment, 572, 1373 Glover, Barbara E., degree, 474 Glover, Edna, appointment, 838, 1650 Glover, Geraldine, appointment, 861, 1669 Glover, M. R., degree, 84 Glubczynski, E. P., degree, 2S4 Glycoproteins, research, gift, 1044 Glyn, D. D., degree, 481 T Gnat, Jean M., degree, 9 9» I 3o8 Gnat, R. E., appointment, 682 degree, 1126 resignation, 1267 Gobbel, A. R., degree, 457 Goble, G. W., appointment, 643, 1448 Gockel, J. A., degree, 4 S 4 Goddard, J. D., degree, 919 Godeke, Harriett N., degree, 475 Godfrey, D. W., certificate, 432 Godfrey, Eleanor P., appointment, 659 declination, 936 Godfrey, Helen A., appointment, 772, 1580 Godfrey, \V. G., degree, 1137 Godin, \V. C , appointment, 817. J 626 Goding, C. A., degree, 86 Godwin, J, L., appointment, 820, 1629 Goebel, C. J., degree, 1129 Goebel, F. Louise, appointment, 754 Goebel, M. C , appointment, 785 Goedert, Jean E., appointment, 766

442, 1207, 1209, 1248