UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1958 [PAGE 1689]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Barr, T. R. B., appointment, 542, 1166, 1444 Barratt, G. A., certificate, 250 Barrett, Dorothy J., degree, 1308 Barrett, H. C , appointment, 593, 1396 Barrett, R„ J., degree, 472 Barrick, M. E., degree, 457 Barrick, W. R., certificate, 1104 Barringer, F., member of advisory committee 5i5 Barrington, E. P., degree, 490 fellowship, 547 Barron, D., appointment, 161, 879 Barron, S. H., appointment, 135, 294, 710, Barrow, W. C , degree, 493 Barry, A. J., degree, 277 Barry, Daniel R., degree, 1330 Barry, David R., degree, 483 Barry, R., purchase, 1245 Barry, Rita L., appointment, 772, 1580 Barsky, S., appointment, 5, 868 Bart, R. K., appointment, 1252 degree, 1316 Bartell, M. O., degree, 291 Bartels, J. F., appointment, 10, 873 Barth, J. E., degree, 470 Barth, R. A,, degree, 113 5 Barthel, G. L., degree, 914 Barthel, H. O., appointment, 32, 3^3, 612, 1341, 1415 degree, 277 Barthelemy, C. R., degree, 1338 Bartholomew, C. R., degree, 1331 Bartholomew, H., appointment, 633, 1437 Bartle, R. G., appointment, 656, 1461 fellowship, 420 Bartleson, B. L., degree, 1307 Bartlett, Alice C , appointment, 823, 1632 Bartlett, I. E., appointment, 13, 875 Bartlett, J. H., appointment, 626, 1430 Bartlett, K. \V., appointment, 780, 781, 1589. -n I 5 9 ° Bartlett, R. YV., appointment, 574, 1375 Bartlett, Ruth F., degree, 85 Bartlett, Theresa A., appointment, 791 Hartley, J. C , appointment, 1139, 1398 Bartley, J. W., fellowship, 1261 Bartley, L. A., appointment, 1616 Bartley, N. A., appointment, 1635 Barto, Harriet T., appointment, 350, 5911394 Bartoletti, J. J., degree, 77 Barton, Betty P., fellowship, 395 declination, 424 Barton, E. M., appointment, 6, 868 Barton, F. L., degree, 1128 Barton, Helen M., appointment, 743, 1192, Barton, J. J., degree, 487 Barton, S. L,, degree, 921 Barton, Sally J., degree, 479 Bartosik, L. M., degree, 470 Bartow, Virginia, appointment, 647, 1452 Bartucci, Mari A., appointment, 816, 1625 Barus, R. B., degree, 286 Basch, A. S., degree, 522 Baseball squad, spring training trip, expenses, appropriation, 1107 Basement construction, research, gift, 1029 Bashor, O. A., certificate, 516 Basketball, expenses, appropriation, 531 Baskin, Earline B., appointment, 841 Basner, Paula L., degree, 1333 Bass, A., degree, 490 fellowship, 38, 547* 934 Bass, A. R., appointment, 542 Bass, C. E., degree, 134 Bass, James, appointment, 850, 1661 Bass, Jarman, certificate, 55 Bass, M. H., degree, 291 Bassani, G. F., resignation, 298 Bassett, C. G., appointment, 404, 633, 1437 Bassick Co., purchase, 903


Bardell, H. M., degree, 913 Bardens, W. H., degree, 470 Bareis, E. F., Jr., degree, 478 Bareither, H. D., appointment, 352, 623, 999, 1368, 1427 Barger, R. D., appointment, 812, 1621 Barger, Sharon L., degree, 476 Bargh, G. H., appointment, 88, 559, 1360 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 1148 Barham, Patricia J., appointment, 1569 Barkdull, Sandra, fellowship, 394 declination, 424 Barker, A. V., degree, 1314 Barker, J. I., degree, 469 Barker, J. M., member of Citizens Committee, 257, 1086 Barker, J. S., degree, 491 Barker, J. T^ appointment, 88 Barker, M. E., degree, 287 Barker, R. D., appointment, 1580 Barker, Dr. and Mrs. T. W., gift, 207 Barker, W. L., appointment, 18, 881 Barker, W., Research Fund, gift, 1039 Barker, W. T., certificate, 883 Barkley, B. O., appointment, 800, 1578 Barkley, Clare E., degree, 1122 Barkley, H. J,, degree, 918 Barkley, Margaret K., degree, 131 Barkman, Sharon A., appointment, 782, 1590 Barkson, J. A,, appointment, 618 degree, 453 invention, patent rights, release, 902 resignation, 935 Barkulis, S. S., appointment, 699, 1099 invention, patent rights, referred to Foundation, 159 release, 1211 resignation, 980 Barley variety fertilizer tests, study, gift, Barlow, R. R., appointment, 640, 1445 Barn, Weber Farms, removal, contract, 155 Barnbaum, G., degree, 1340 Barnes, C, W., purchase, 124S Barnes, F. P., appointment, 346, 496, 604, 607, 923, 1407, 1410 declination, 935 Barnes, G. A,, degree, 463 Barnes, H. E., degree, 914 Barnes, J. D., appointment, 813, 1622 Barnes, L. E., Jr., appointment, 1185 Barnes, R. F., degree, 491 Barnett, Z, G., appointment, 1180 declination, 1347 degree, 131 Barnhart, D. P,, fellowship, 395 resignation, 1055 Barnhart, Dorothy L., appointment, 182, 850, 1661 Barnhart, Mabel L., degree, 79 Barnhart, Mary M., appointment, 1650 Barnhill, J. G., appointment, 599, 1402 Barnothy, Madeleine, appointment, 719, 1526 Barnouw, V., appointmenc, 89, 178 resignation, 101 Baroid Division, National Lead Co., gift, Baron, D. J., degree, T312 Baron, F. E., degree, 1320 Baron, H. I., degree, 291 Baron, W. J,, degree, 1333 Barone, L. J., degree, 292 Barone, M. C., degree, 291 Barone, S., degree, 1136 Barov, Arlene L., degree, 487 Barr, Doris W., degree, 1299 Barr, F. T., degree, 914 Barr, G. B., degree, 478 Barr, J. D., degree, 1136 Barr, J. R., degree, 1319 Barr, Janet E., appointment, 1562 Barr, Margaret A. appointment, 841, 1659 Barr, N. K., Jr., degree, 482

190, 1027 1030