UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1454]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Schnebiy, J. R., degree, 444 Schnebiy, M. L, appointment, 384, 645, 1146 Schneewind, J. H., degree, 472 Schneider, A. J., appointment, 390, 724, 1152 Schneider,. Charlotte R., degree, 1026 Schneider, E., degree, 123 Schneider, E. D., degree, 273 Schneider, G. A., degree, 1033 Schneider, H. G., degree, 437 fellowship, 427 resignation, 844 Schneider, J. F., degree, 464 Schneider, J. L., degree, 126 Schneider, J. N., degree, 1214, 1217 Schneider, L. H., degree, 266 Schneider, Louise G., degree, 453 Schneider, Mrs. Mary J., fellowship, 107 resignation, 513 Schneider, R. C , degree, 439 Schneider, Sophia, appointment, 838 resignation, 981 Schneider, W. H., degree, 1243 Schneiderman, D. R., degree, 859 Schneiderman, H., degree, 128 Schnell, Mrs. Phyllis, appointment, 797 Schnell, V., gift, 905 Schnepp & Barnes, purchase, 129 Schnipper, Patricia J., degree, 453 Schnirring, W. R., degree, 1235 Schnitz, S. E., degree, 456 Schnizlein, M. E., degree, 1221 Schober, M. J., certificate, 1035 Schocken, V., resignation, 304 Schockmel, W. M., certificate, 1035 Schoen, E. W., degree, 450 Schoen, S., appointment, 806 Schoenberger, J. A., fellowship, 344 Schoendienst, T. P., degree, 1236 Schoenfeld, L., appointment, 41, 385, 565 Schoenherr, E. W\, Jr., degree, 449 Schoenherr, G. G., degree, 447 Schoenleber, W. J., degree, 446 Schoeppel, Bonnie J., appointment, 735 Schoeppel, C , degree, 1022 Schofield, S. E., degree, 276 Scholarly publications, appropriation, balance reappropriated, 70, 484 Scholars, appointment, 106, 155, 182, 254 Scholarships, agriculture and home economics, regulations, amendment, 324 AHerton, appointment, 427 foreign students and displaced persons, established, 325 funds, budget, 672, 712 General Assembly, amendment of law, 528, 529 vetoed by Governor, 529 regulations, changes, 819 gift, Air Foundation, 904, 1165 AHerton, R., 66, 903, 1164 Anderson, Mrs. Margaret, 903, 1164 Berkelhamer family, 165, 911 Borden Company Foundation, Inc., 69 Boudreau Trust Fund, 1164 Brook Hill Farms, Inc., 904, 1164 Campus Chest, 903, 1164 Chicago Farmers, 165, 904 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 906 Godley, R. W., 165 Gorman, F. J., Estate, 236 Harrington, Mrs. Kitty P., 66 Illtni Achievement Fund, 903 Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, 903, 1164 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 66, 903, 1164 Illinois Mining Institute, 165 Illuminating Engineering Society, 66, 904 Johanna Lodge No. 9, United Order of True Sisters Philanthropy Fund, 1164 Kroger Co., 904

Schiffman, R. H., degree, 439 Schiffrin, M. J., appointment, 56, 877 Schildein, Mrs. Clara, appointment, 780 Schiidkraut, H. S., degree, 1225 Schildt, F. H., certificate, 133 Schilf, Lorraine, appointment, 794 Schiller, A. A., appointment, 688 Schiller, A. S., & Son, purchase, 959 Schiller, J. W., appointment, 41, 386, 638 Schiller Strom, Mrs. Alice G., appointment, 103, 654 resignation, 1056 Schilling, H., gift, 905 Schilling, H. E., degree, 124 Schilling, W. M., appointment, 425, 557 Schillinger, G., Jr., degree, 267 Schilson, R. E., degree, 1025 Schilt, H, L., degree, 435 Schimmel, E. M., degree, 1024 Schindler, W. E., certificate, 1035 Schizophrenia, research, gift, 911, 1170 Schlacks, C. V., degree, 1029 Schlansker, K. C , degree, 1220 Schlarbaum, Donna, appointment, 794 Schlarman, Cecele E., appointment, 745 Schlatter, C. F., appointment, 377, 623, 1140 Schlechter, Lois J., degree, 124 Schleich, C. M., degree, 1225 Schlenk, D. M., degree, 1225 Schlenz, H. E., director of Athletic Association, 294, 1047 Schlesinger, B. F., degree, 1242 Schlesinger, Joan, appointment, 790 Schlesinger, K. O., degree, 470, 1247 Schlesinger, R. G,, degree, 865 Schlickan, D. W., degree, 863 Schloesser, D. F., degree, 128 Schloss, H., appointment, 789 Schlosser, M., Jr., degree, 1032 Schlueter, M. L., degree, 1225 Schlung, Phyllis F., appointment, 803 Schmalenberger, E., degree, 1219 Schmalhausen, Jo C , appointment, 759 Schmeckebier, W. J., degree, 1215 Schmelzle, C. F., degree, 1221 Schmelzle, W. J., degree, 1236 Schmid, C. P., degree, 1232 Schmid, H. E., Jr., degree, 1229 Schmidt, A. I., degree, 1216 Schmidt, B. J., degree, 1240 Schmidt, Barbara L., degree, 122 Schmidt, C. D., degree, 128 Schmidt, E. C , appointment, 772 Schmidt, F. R., Jr., degree, 1221 Schmidt, H. W., degree, 473 Schmidt, Mrs. Helen B., appointment, 838 Schmidt, K. F., degree, 1206 Schmidt, M. O., appointment, 378, 608, 1141 Schmidt, R. H., degree, 1248 Schmidt, Shirley M., appointment, 794 Schmidt, W., appointment, 801 Schmidt, W. E., degree, 1214 Schmidt, W. L., degree, 468 Schmidt, W. O., Jr., degree, 468 Schmidt. Gorden, & Erikson, contract, 65 Schmied, Jacqueline R., degree, 454 Schmielau, R. E., degree, 268 Schmitt, H. C. C , appointment, 638 Schmitt, J. A., degree, 454 Schmitt, J. E., degree, 122 Schmitt, J. Y., degree, 1221 Schmitt, Nancy L., degree, 453 Schmitt, Ruth H., appointment, 838 degree, 159 Schmitt, V. A., degree, 865 Schmittle, S. C , appointment, 254, 596, 644, 838 degree, 442 Schmitz, P., degree, 1221 Schnabel, Betty L., degree, 1225 Schnaer, I. L., appointment, 51, 871 Schnake, J. W\, degree, 1021 Schnauber, Enid, appointment, 642, 957