UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1327]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S CHne, Polly F., appointment, 784 CHnebell, P. W., degree, 1021 Clinical faculty, Medicine, 15, 46, 810, 866 Clinical psychology, training of students, gift of funds, oio» 1168 Clinical Science, budget, 680, 782 clinical faculty, 47, 867 fellows, 344 gift, research, 908, 909, 910, 1173 arteriosclerosis, 1171 cancer, n 72 cholecystokinin, 1172 gastric mucosa, 1171 nutrition and digestion, 1170 peptic ulcer, 1172 resuscitation, 1170 polarigraph, purchase, 164 Clinics, budget, Dental, 694, 786 Research and Educational Hospitals, 702, 789 Clinite, Ruth G., appointment, 736 Clinton, R. A., degree, 459 Clocks, watchmen's, Physical Plant, purchase,


Coderre, R. A., degree, 270 Codling, R. B., degree, 437 Coe, F. G., degree, 1220 Coe, G. C , appointment, 49 resignation, 842 Coen, T. W., degree, 274 Coffee, C. T., degree, 1227 Coffee House, petition from businessmen, 88 Coffeen, W. W., degree, 4 3 2 Coffey, G. R., degree, 1201 Coffey, L. R., degree, 1019 Coffin, Georgia R., appointment, 95» 662, 831, 1088 degree, 118 Coffman, Mrs, Betty, appointment, 798 Coffman, Mrs. Carrie, appointment, 777 Coffman, J. F., degree, 1018 Cofoid. VV. S., degree, 1019 Cogen, R. F., certificate, 496 Coggshall, W. T., appointment, 777 Cogswell, J., appointment, 746 Cohen, A., degree, 1244 Cohen, A. J., appointment, 423 degree, 430 1162 Cohen, Mrs. Annette, appointment, 803 Clothes dryer, Home Economics, gift, 1169 Cohen, B. B., degree, 1240 Cloud, R. T., degree, 862 Cohen, I). A., degree, 1238 Cloyd, R. H., degree, 451 Cohen, D. B., degree, 1237 Clucas, Lucille M., degree, 1223 Cohen, D. L, degree, 451 Clutterham, D. R., appointment, 385 Cohen, D. S., degree, 1240 Clymer, R. O., appointment, 1148 Cohen, E., degree, 127 Cmarik, G. F., appointment, 302, 577 Cohen, E. B., degree, 1223 degree, 115 . , Cohen, G., degree, 1021, 1223 Coaches clinic, Athletic Association, expenses, Cohen, H., degree, 272 appropriation, 1188 Cohen, H. S., degree, 125 Coad, C, S„ appointment, 741 Cohen, J. B., appointment, 567, 1X49 Coal, compliance of Republic Coal & Coke Co. Cohen, L., appointment, 229, 876 with contract specifications, 935, 1184 Cohen, L. M., degree, 1237 purchase, 24, 62, 63, I79i 393, 4*9. 5^3, Cohen, M., certificate, 1034 902, 916, 953. 974> 984. 1001, 1051, Cohen, M. L., degree, 1210 1260 Cohen, Marian D., degree, 471 procedure, 507 Cohen, Muriel, degree, 1223 price adjustments, 1001 Cohen, Phyllis S., degree, 451 statement of emergency situation, 916 Cohen, R. J., degree, 127 supply, report, 990 Cohen, S. A., degree, 1032 Coal silo, waterproofing, contract, 483 Cohen, S. H., degree, 1220 Coan, J. M„ Jr., appointment, 95, 375, 606 Cohen, S. M., degree, 850 Coapstick, Mary C , degree, 445 Cohen. S. S., degree, 1233 Coates, C. L., Jr., appointment, 381, 611, Cohen, Svlvia, appointment, 787 1144 Cohen, T. P., degree, 1234 Coath, J. R., degree, 267 . . Cohen Furniture Co., purchase, .482 Coat hooks, David Kinley Hall, appropriation, Cohlmeyer, M. L., degree, 1210 balance reappropriated, 486 Cohlmeyer, R. C , appointment, 95, 581, 598, Coatney, Mrs. Winifred VV., appointment, 732 Coats, Military, purchase, 983 599 Cobb, A. C , appointment, 95, 722, 1152 degree, 126 resignation, 1055 declination, 1194 Cohlmeyer, Wilma D., degree, 1206 Cobb. J. E., degree, 444. 1204 Cohn, E., degree, 451, 1213 Cobb, Jane D„ degree, 475 Cohn, Mrs. Eva G., degree, 932 Cobb, S. M., degree, 1220 Cohn, Mrs. Eva M., appointment, 750, 831 Cobb, T. C , appointment, 379 Cohn, L. B., degree, 451 Coble, A. B., appointment, 564 Cohn, L. J., degree, 267 Coburn, J. T., degree, 1018 Cohn, R- G., apointment, 494, 509, 1146 Coburn, L., degree, 466 Cohoon, Mrs. Louise G., appointment, 73° Coburn, M., degree, 272 Coil, G. D., degree. 438 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Chicago, Inc., conCoin Operated Hair Dryer Co., contract, 65 tract, 1160 Coke, residence halls, purchase, 523 Coccia, Jacqueline C , degree, 269 Coker, J. N., degree, 1009 Cochran, H. E., degree, 448 Coladarci. P. P.. degree, 1223 Cochran, H. R., gift, 905 Colbert, D. L., degree, 1232 Cochran, J, A., appointment, 314. 337. 026, Colbert, Mrs. Gladys A., appointment, 734 1142 Colbert, J. S., degree, 1232 Cochran, V. D., degree, 856 Colbert, L. S., contract, 18, 29, 32, 93- 151, • Cochrane, J. J., appointment, 757 192, 246, 300 Cochrane, P. J., appointment, 732 additions, 30, 150, 177, 312, 328, 335, degree, 277 Cochmn, I. A., appointment, 95. 2 2 9 . 624 951 Cockerell, L. D., resignation, 304 adjustments, 185, 237, 282, 308, 356, 395, Cocose, P., degree, 466 483, 526, 903, 936, 961, 985- 1039Coddington, Mrs. Bertha M., appointment, 709 1063, 1118, 1160, 1258 Coddington, W. L., degree, 855 purchase, 1260 Code, D. E,, degree, 1213 standing contract for minor improvements, Coderre, Juliette A., appointment, 774 total amount, 367 degree, 1011