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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 [PAGE 1141]

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be completed for less than the amount appropriated, leaving an estimated balance of £1,114,492. The construction budget includes $568,980 for remodeling in the present Research and Educational Hospitals required as a result of the construction of the new addition, leaving an unallotted balance of $545,512. There is also an allocation of £176,875 in the "Contingencies" appropriation for buildings in Chicago available for remodeling making a total of #722,387 for this purpose. Two proposals have been made for the possible use of these balances: 1. Remodeling work in the existing Research and Educational Hospital buildings, in addition to the work contemplated in the item of £568,980. This would provide for some of the modernization of the existing hospital buildings originally scheduled for the 1951-1953 biennium. 2. Reduce the indebtedness on the Medical Center Steam Company plant which would result in a saving in the operating budget of the University. When this project was being discussed with the State Director of Finance, he suggested that consideration be given to such use of any unexpended funds. It is not certain that the funds available can be used for either of these two purposes. The matter will have to be discussed with the Auditor of Public Accounts and the State Director of Finance, and the decision will rest largely on the interpretation of the appropriation acts by these officials. Approval of the Governor would then be necessary. Preliminary discussions with the Assistant to the Legal Counsel indicate that there is more likelihood of obtaining the funds for reducing the Steam Plant indebtedness than for remodeling and modernization of present buildings. There is also a question of how much remodeling and modernization work can be completed during the current biennium before the appropriations lapse. This matter has been studied by the Provost, the Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, the Comptroller, and the Director of the Physical Plant. They recommend that a complete study of all needed remodeling be made, classified as to stages and categories of work. They further recommend that Holabird and Root and Burgee, architects for the hospital addition, be employed to prepare plans for this remodeling estimated to cost £1,550,000. Payment to the architects will be 7 per cent of the cost of the work less a credit of 1 per cent for preliminary work done by the University, or a net fee of 6 per cent for this phase of the work. The total estimated cost of such services is £70,000 for plan preparation plus an additional £23,000 to be paid when and if the remodeling work is done. I concur. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . REPORT OF APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL FUNDS FOR ADVANCE PLANNING (20) Public Law 352 enacted by the Eighty-first Congress provides additional funds to be loaned by the federal government to states and their political subdivisions to complete the plan preparation of public works. The Board of Trustees at its meeting on January 12, 1950, authorized an application for funds to prepare the plans and specifications of five buildings at an estimated total cost of £846,000 as follows: Biology Building £225 000 Pharmacy Building 247 500 Student and Staff Housing 135 000 Law Building 103 500 Psycho-Educational Clinic 81 000 Physics Building Addition 54 000 £846 000 The University was advised that funds were not available to approve the entire request, and the Board of Trustees on March 14, 1950, authorized an adjustment in the request for federal funds, limiting the application to preliminary plans for the Biology and Pharmacy buildings. The University has been advised that the Bureau of Community Facilities Service of the General Services Administration has approved allocations of federal funds of £75,000 for advance planning for the construction and equipping of the Biology Building and of £152,000 for the advance planning for the construction and equipping of a Pharmacy Building.

This report was received for record.