UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1962 [PAGE 2140]

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1678, 1679 invention, patent r i g h t s , release to foundation, 534 royalties, 71 leave of absence, 414 jlayeske, G. W . , appointment, 56 /Wree. 1530 UsvIeW C. K., fellowship, 1484 Mavfidd Julie M . , appointment, 9 2 3 , 1828 Mavhak, Beverly T . , appointment, 1864 K a k D . H . , degree, 1564 S h e w , R. D - d e g r e e , 1124 Mavhew' S h a r o n K., a p p o i n t m e n t , 1852, 1854 «aihood, Eunice M . , appointment, 935, 1841 Mavhood, Mary A., appointment, 9 4 1 , 1848 Maylath, Elsie E . , degree, 1118 _ Maynard, J. F . , m e m b e r of Citizens Committee, 93 _ Uaynard, R- W . , appointment, 967 jlaynor, L., appointment, 946, 18;>7 Mayoh, B. H . , appointment, 1579 Mayor, nette G., degree, 1558 Mayor, R. R-, degree, 606 Mayr, T. A., d e g r e e , 1361 Mavron, L., appointment, 1173 Ma'vs, A. B . , appointment, 762, 1661 Maywood P a r k T r o t t i n g Association, I n c . , gift, 273, 1231 Mazanec, Antoinette, appointment, 1032, 1948 Maze, W. T., degree, 1354 Mazur, B., degree, 611 Mazure, J. E-, degree, 367 Mazza, A. L „ degree, 6 0 1 , 1539 Mazzier, A. G., degree, 1567 Mazzier, Lila, appointment, 1946 Mazzone, E. F . , degree, 121 McAdam, Janet R., degree, 116 McAdams, H . H . , J r . , d e g r e e , 1119 fellowship, 528, 688, 1258 resignation, 1588 McAleese, D. M., resignation, 158 McAllister, J . P . , degree, 1571 McAllister, J. T., fellowship, 1178 McAllister, W . G., appointment, 56, 403, 826, 1290, 1727 McAlpine, J. F . , degree, 1529 McAmlrew, J . R., appointment, 219, 1082 McAndrews, Dorothy R., appointment, 922, 1827 McArthur, C. R-, d e g r e e , 573 McArthur, S. W-, appointment, 4 1 , 1080 McAtee, D . E . , degree, 1544 McAulifTe, Marybeth, d e g r e e , 1541 Mcneth, D. E., degree, 132

-.^>nue, j . J J . , tellowsnip, 5ta McBride, L. W . , fellowship, 1586 HcBride, M. L., degree, 1562 McBride, R. P . , member of Citizens Committee, 335 McEumey, W . H . , appointment, 815, 1715 McCabe, Nancie M . , appointment, 1136, 1645 resignation, 1493 McCabe, R. J., appointment, 9 3 3 , 1839 McCabe, W . jR., appointment, 3 1,, I 1070 -jvv_alJC, v„. ^ . , appointment, o i U / U McCabe-Powers Body Co., p u r c h a s e , 2: McCabe-Powers Body Co., p u r c h a s e , 21 izens McCaffrey, J. L., m e m b e r of Citizens Committee, 338 •McCaffrey, L. J., appointment, 818, 1719 fellowship, 378 ''/Caffrey, Lillian, appointment, 1049, 1965 J ' c 9 A a n , J. F . , appointment, 39, 1077 McCall, Bonita Y., a p p o i n t m e n t , 1049, 1965 « 5? ' I, D - • r r - d e g r e e , 357 H°Ca , M a r y L . , d e g r e e , 1550 McCall, M y r a J., appointment, 1894

McCall, Rochelle, appointment, 1930 McCall, R u b y , appointment, 927, 1832 McCallum, E>. M., appointment, 146 McCallum, E . F . , degree, 577 McCallum, J e a n , appointment, 1031, 1948 M c C a m e n t , J o a n I . , degree, 1362 McCandless, J a q u e l y n B . , degree, 614 McCandltsh, C , appointment, 1938 McCandlish, G. H . , degree, 1363 M c C a n n , R. O., certificate, 9 1 M c C a n n o n , J. D . , degree, 592 M c C a r t h y , A . J., degTce, 364 M c C a r t h y , Cecelia, appointment, 852, 1755 M c C a r t h y , H . W . , d e g r e e , 1357 M c C a r t h y , J , G., degree, 1547 fellowship, 1484 M c C a r t h y , J . J., resignation, 692 M c C a r t h y , P a t r i c i a , appointment, 1024, 1938, 1939, 1953 M c C a r t h y , S. G., degree, 585 M c C a r t i n , J a n e , degree, 1550 M c C a r t n e y , F . J . , appointment, 989, 1903 M c C a r t y , C. G., fellowship, 4 6 1 , 1484 M c C a r t y , L . G., appointment, 1931 M c C a r t y , M a r g a r e t E., appointment, 986, 1899 M c C a r t y , R. E . , degree, 126 McCauley, J . J., appointment, 999 degree, 608 M c C a u l e y , J. M . , resignation, 630 McClain, Helen T., appointment, 1020, 1937 McClain, L o r e n a L., a p p o i n t m e n t , 1909 McClain, R. C , appointment, 873, 1778 McCleary, Beverly S., appointment, 1054, 1970 McCleary, L . E . , appointment, 395, 760, 1282, 1660 McClellan, G. I I . , fellowship, 1484 McClellan, J . G., degree, 1544 McClellan, J e n n i e C , appointment, 1036 McClelland, D . C , degree, 612 McClelland, D . R., appointment, 456, 714 1612 degree, 587 resignation, 463 McClelland, O. L., appointment, 963, 965 degree, 1536 McCliment, E . R., appointment, 1579 degree, 1530 fellowship, 189, 629 McClintic, R. D . , d e g r e e , 1167 fellowship, 64, 629 McClintock, E . C , J r . , appointment, 7 8 1 , 1680 r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of E n g i n e e r i n g Op«n H o u s e , introduction, 1406 McClintock, J. S., degree, 607 McClintock, K. A . , appointment, 1009, 1926 McClinton, Elvie, appointment, 1011, 1928 McClinton, E m m a L . , a p p o i n t m e n t , 1030, 1947 McCloskey, A n n M . , appointment, 1042, 1173 McCloskey, K. R., degree, 135 McCloy, R. W . , appointment, 768, 1667 leave of absence, 1375 McClung, L o n n y K., d e g r e e , 1548 M c C l u n g , M . B e t h , appointment, 1836 McClure, Carolyn L., appointment, 1921 M c C l u r e , Clara, a p p o i n t m e n t , 1040, 1956 M c C l u r e , J . H . , appointment, 875 resignation, 1145 M c C l u r e , L . W . , appointment, 804, 1705 M c C l u r e , M a t t h e w T . , appointment, 824, 1725 McClure, Melvin T., fellowship, 155, 688 M c C l u r g , A . C , & Co., p u r c h a s e , 1195 M c C l u r g , W . C , appointment, 1875, 1876 degree, 356 McColl, W . F . , J r . , appointment, 36, 1074 McColl, Z a y E., degree, 1359 McColley, R. M., appointment, 146, 821, 1286, 1721 fellowship, 378 McCollom, Carol A . , appointment, 389, 1032 McCoIIough, P e a r l L., appointment, 925, 1830 McColIum, J . P . , appointment, 747, 1646 McConkey, D . AC, degree, 371 McConkey, L . E . , appointment, 1001, 1916