UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1968 [PAGE 1457]

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U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S Women's Gymnasium, cont'd name, change, approved, 976 remodeling appropriation, balance reappropriated, 85, 716 contract, electrical, change, 99 eneral, change, 784 eating_ and ventilating, change, 784 plastering, change, 99 Women's Independent Student Association, gift, 328 Women's Student Aid Fund, gift, 328 Women students, endowment fund, gift, 453 self concepts and academic motivation, research, contract, 454 Womick, J. P., degree, 940 Wonderlick, J. F., degree, 629 Wong, C. M. P., degree, 941 Wong, C. S., degree, 744 Wong, D. P., degree, 616 Wong, K. F„ degree, 797 Wong, K. W., appointment, 374, 856 Wong, Marian Y. H., degree, 941 Wong, S. P., degree, 391 Woo, Teddy C. Y., degree, 1164 Woo, Tony C. H., degree, 1164 Wood, B., degree, 623 Wood, Mrs. Barbara S., appointment, 209, 641 Wood, Christina R., degree, 796 Wood, D. E., degree, 410 Wood, D. K degree, 587 Wood, David Richard, degree, 942 Wood, David Ross, degree, 122 Wood, Donald R., certificate, 268 Wood, E. S., I l l , degree, 795 Wood, F. S., degree. 629 Wood, Faith A., degree, 1149 Wood, G. D,, appointment, 293 degree, 1148 Wood, Geraldine J,, degree, 750 Wood, J. M tJ appointment, 157 Wood, Janet B., degree, 1153 Wood, Joanne, degree, 1135 Wood, L. D., degree, 629 Wood, Melissa E., degree, 588 Wood, P. C , degree, 754 Wood, R. F., authority to sign name of President of Board, 52, 430, 825 Wood, W. L., certificate, 654 Woodall, Mary B., degree, 941 Woodard, Margaretha W., resignation, 162 Wroodard, Sandra L., degree, 579 Woodbury Chemical Co., gift, 339 Woodcock, L. R., degree, 131 Woodford, Susan E., appointment, 157 Woodhead, R. W., appointment, 157, 1024 Woodmansee, D. E., degree, 919 Woodriff, Barbara W., degree, 576 Woodruff, B. W., appointment, 293 Woodruff, D. T., degree, 623 Woods, C. M., degree, 1172 Woods, D. C , degree, 800 Woods, D. G., degree, 617 Woods, E. G-, bequest, value, 816 land in Manatee County, Florida, sold to P. Salvatori, 505 Woods, Elizabeth A., degree, 596 Woods, Ellen M., degree, 1185 Woods, H. J,, Jr., degree, 403 Woods, J. A., degree, 1189 Woods, J. F., degree, 926 Woods, J. L., appointment, 465 Woods, L., degree, 595 Woods, M. L., degree, 744 Woods, Mary A., Memorial Scholarship, gift, 328 Woods, Robert Brian, degree, 634 Woods, Robert Bruce, degree, 1161 Woods, R. D., degree, 129 Woods, S. L., degree, 750 Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., gift, 331 Wood scientists, scholarship, gift, 327 Woodshop and Foundry Laboratory, contract, general, change, 41



Woodson, R. D., appointment, 810 Wood Street, property at 715 South, contract, air conditioning, change, 732 heating and ventilating, change, 732 Wood-using industry, technical services to, contract, 356, 783 Woodworth, R. E., Jr., degree, 637 Woodyard, J. D., Jr., appointment, 253 Woodyard, Marion E., degree, 1165 Woolever, L. J., degree, 402 WooHey, D. E., appointment, 957 degree, 922 Woolwine, J. R-, appointment, 209 Wootton, J. L., degree, 131 Wopat, Jean L., degree, 1172 Worcester, Cynthia A., degree, 1173 Worcester, Elizabeth M., degree, 133 Worcester, P. F., degree. 1165 Worcester, R. P., degree, 1172 Wordell, Mary E., degree, 1129 Working capital fund, stores and services operations, increase, 247 Workman, L. R., degree, 608 Works, B. R., appointment, 868, 869 Workshops, nurses education program, contract, 96 World of work instructional programs, development, contract, 680 Worley, Pamela W., degree, 1172 Worley, W. J., invention, patent rights, release, 367 Woronicz, R. C . degree, 626 Worra^ W. C , degree, 743 Worthmgton, W. A,, degree, 944 Worthington Corp., contract, 837, 978 Wosk, Paula S., degree, 939 Wosoba, J. E., certificate, 973 Wound infection, research, gift, 351 Wozniak, J. J., degree, 758 Wozniak, To Ann M. F., degree, 1156 Wozniak, L., appointment, 157, 293 degree, 790 Wozniak, M. R., decree, 937 Wozniak, Melanie A., degree, 623 Wray, J. J., appointment, 512 Wrede, K. C , degree, 194 Wren, G. R., degree, 388 Wren, M. F., decree, 130 Wright, A. J., I l l , certificate, 235 Wright, C. A., appointment, 478 Wright, D. A., certificate, 706 Wright, D. J., degree, 1164 Wright, Dana E. t degree, 1173 Wright, Diane C , degree, 413 Wright, E. W., degree, 188 Wright, Elizabeth V., appointment, 477, 956 leave of absence, 444 Wright, F. D., leave of absence, 546 Wright, Flora L„ degree, 1157 Wright, G. E., degree, 582 Wright, G. W., degree, 599 Wright, H. B., degree, 1148 Wright, H. L., certificate, 808 Wright, H. 0 . , Jr., degree, 623 Wright, Tames A., degree, 132 Wright, Jon A., appointment, 550 Wright, J. C , Jr., appointment, 542 Wright, J. D., degree, 1163 Wright, Jo Ann, degree, 1120 Wright, Lois R., degree, 407 Wright, M. W., degree, 1173 Wright, Mary F., degree, 608 Wright, Q., honorary degree, 538, 589 Wright, R. C , appointment, 157 Wright, R. G., appointment, 710, 866, 1023 Wright, R. H., Jr., degree, 601 Wright, R. L., appointment, 8 Wright, R. N., apnointment, 298 undergraduate instructional award, 439 Wright, R. W.. degree, 403, 1147 Wright, Sylvia A., degree, 133 Wright, W. E., degree, 925