UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1970 [PAGE 578]

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[ J u l y 23

the Hartford Insurance Group covering all University operations for the period from August 1, 1967, through July 31, 1970, with premiums payable annually on the anniversary date of the policy. This contract permitted cancellation by the company on sixty days notice and in light of recent experiences in the insurance industry with this coverage, it would be to the University's advantage to secure an amended cancellation endorsement to the above mentioned policy which would eliminate the right of the company to cancel the policy during the policy period. As consideration for this endorsement, the Hartford Insurance Group will require an additional premium of fifteen cents per student in addition to the eighty-four cents per student which the contract now requires. (The additional premium will be based on audit, but is estimated at $11,400.00.) The President of the University, with the concurrence of appropriate administrative officers, recommends that the Vice President and Comptroller be authorized to effect a change in this coverage as outlined above at the increase in premium noted. Funds are available in the Workmen's Compensation account and in Contract Research Reserves. O n m o t i o n of M r . S w a i n , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a p p r o v e d by the following vote: Aye, M r . Clement, M r . Grimes, M r . H a h n , Mr. H u g h e s , M r . Jones, M r . Pogue, M r . S w a i n ; no, n o n e ; absent, Governor Ogilvie, M r . P a g e , M r . Steger. RESOLUTION ON OAKLEY DAM (53) Mr. Hahn was recognized to present a resolution with regard to the Oakley Dam Project. H e moved the adoption of the following resolution. July 23, 1969 On July 7, 1969, the University of Illinois Board of Trustees received the report, The Waterways Alternativej Suggested Development for Oakley Reservoir and Sangamon River, dated June 2, 1969. A review of this report reveals some changes from the Waterways Alternative and Memorandum of Agreement dated May 29, 1969, which was signed by Board President Earl M. Hughes. This action was based upon a series of meetings with the University Administration, a representative of the Board of Trustees, Code Department Heads of the State of Illinois, the Division of Waterways, State of Illinois and the City of Decatur. Verbal agreement was reached by the above agencies on May 27, with.the draft of the May 29 agreement mailed to each member of the Board of Trustees by cover letter dated May 27. The University Administration will forward comments on the Waterways Alternative, dated June 2, to the State of Illinois Division of Waterways. The function of the June 2 report is to demonstrate the workability of the Waterways Alternative. As more accurate survey data become available and after the review of this report by Federal Agencies, it is anticipated that the suggested plan will undergo substantial changes in final development by the Corps of Engineers. Because the full impact of the changes in the June 2 report upon Allerton Park is not known as of this date and because further changes are anticipated, the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, ratifies the action taken by the University Administration, and by President Hughes in the Memorandum of Agreement, based upon the Waterways Alternative, dated May 29, 1969. The Board of Trustees will withhold approval of the June 2 report until such time as the magnitude of change from the May 29 agreement is known. When the magnitude of change is known and once the project is finalized, it is suggested that all parties to the Memorandum of Agreement request that Congress, in its authorization to the Corps of Engineers, include the technical provisions of the Agreement that will carry the force of law and will minimize changes. T h e resolution was unanimously approved. REPORT OF THE MEETING OF T H E COMMITTEE ON GENERAL POLICY Mr. Clement reported on the July 22 meeting of the Committee when evaluations and recommendations concerning the visitation programs in living units at Urbana-