UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1972 [PAGE 723]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1972
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Leaves of absence, cont'd Morris, R. W., 577 Mullane, Mary K., 246 Muller, D. E., 572 Munakata, K., 242 Murray, 1). L., 575 Nagel, S. S., change, 150 Nance, J. F., 570 Narayana-Rao, N., 568 Neely, W., 244 Nelson, R. T., 571 Neumann, F. L., 240, 567 Newman, J. K., 571 Nievergelt, J., 242 Noble, Yvonne, 443 nonacademic employees, policy and rules, changes, funeral leave, 4 jury duty leave, 4 military leave, 4 sick leave, 4 Offner, D. H., 241 Olson, E. C , 570 Omachi, A., 246 Osborn, H. A., 572 Osgood, C. E., 572 Ossman, E. T., 247 Otto, K. F , Jr., 575 Paden, 11. W.. 567 Paden, Elaine P., 573 Painter, J. P.. 570 Patterson, C. H., 568 Paul, G. L., 245 Paul, I. C , 243 Paxton, J. D„ 240 Payette, R. F., 568 Payne, W. W., 570 Perkins, Ann L„ 569 Perry, K. I., 248 Philipp, W. V., 572 Pigage, L. C , 569 Pilcher, D. W., 591 Pines, D., cancellation, 53 Plager, S. T., 243 Plath. D. W., 621 Powell, M. E., 591 Prosser. C. L„ 245 Pu, A. T., change, 114 Pu, Lena C , change, 114 Queller, D. E., 571 Quinn, J. A., 239 Radzimovsky, E. I., 241 Rago, L. T.. 240 Rank, J. R., 249 cancellation, 227 Rasmusen, B. A., 567 Ravenhall, D. G., 241 Reiner, I., 621 Remini, R. V., 248 Renfroe, E. W., 318 Renner. K. E., 245 Revno'ds. Wynetka Ann K., 246 Ringer, A. L., 242 Rodolfo, K. S.. 575 Rosen, A. J.. 576 Rosen, S., 573 Rouffa, A. S., 247, 575 Rowland, K. M., 240 Rowland, T. J., 569 Ruoff, G. W., 248 sabbatical, list, 239, 566 supplements and changes, 12, 53, 114, 122, 150, 181, 193, 216, 227, 270, 293, 317, 381, 393, 424, 443, 464, 491, 591, 620, 653 Sandberg, P. A., 571 Sanders, C , 243 Sanders, Lois I., 245 Savignon, G-, 244 Schiller, A., 575 Schiller, S. A., 491 Schleunes, K. A., 248 Schmidt, M. O., 568

Leaves of absence, cont'd Koeper, H. F., 247, 574 Kogan, B. R., 591 Koh, B. C , 248 Kokotovic, P . V., 568 Kolb, P., 571 Kouvel, Audrey L., 576 Kovacs, T. G„ 242, 569 Kramer, D. V., 243 Krausz, N. G. P., 239 Kruidenier, F. J., 245 Kuck, D. J., 242 Kummerow, F. A., cancellation, 227 change, 193 Kundrat, T. V., 249 Kyle, Carol Anne, 243 Lambert, R. J., 566 Lancaster, E. E., 242 Lanford, S. T., 241 Langhaar, H. L., 294 Larson, R. G., 576 Laughnan, J. R., 570 Leal, L., 573 Leffers, L. A., 569 Leng, E. R., cancellation, 227 Levine, N. D., 246 Levinson, D. W., 574 Levy, L., 621 Levy, Mildred B., 247, 574 Lewis, E. G., 245 Lewis, J. E., 248 Lipman, Vivian C , 12 Little, R. W., 576 Liu, C. F., 575 Llewellyn, D. A., Jr., 242 Lo, Y. T., 568 Loesch, Katherine T., 576 Looker, C. B., Jr., 569 Lyke, J. B . t 570 Lynch, J. H., 569 Maclay, H. S., 240 Maclay, Joanna H., 245 MacLeod, E. G., 571 MacRae, Edith K., 246 Maggs, P. B„ 243 Magner, G. W., 57" Maibenco, Helen C , 246 Majdiak, D., 243 Makino, S., 570 Makkai, A., 575 Makkai, Valerie B.. 575 Malmstadt, H. V., 570 Mann, C. J., 244 Marfort, C. T., 242 Margulies, S., 576 Masur, E. F., 247 Matthews, IX O., 573 Matthews, Dorothy E., 571 Maurice, A. P., 574 Mayes, P. E., 241 McCaig, R., 248 McCloy, R. W., 568 McCord, J. H., 570 McGlamery, M. D., 239 McGlathery, J. M., 571 McKeon, P. R., 271 McMahon. W. W., 567 Mehr, R. I., 567 Melin, J. W., 568 Meyer, M. M., Jr., 567 Millar, J. R., 240 Miller, G. E., 577 Miller, I. M., 575 Miller, R. J., 239 Mills, Queenie B., 567 Minkowycz, W. J., 574 Mitchell, P. M., 244 Mittra, R., 241 Molnar, J.. 246 Monroe, G. E., 574 Montano, R., 573 Monypenny, P., 572