UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1944 [PAGE 1148]

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UNIVERSITY OF I L L I N O I S Hayden, D. B., appointment, 4, 545 Hayes, Mrs, Dorothy D., appointment, 463, 566, 821 resignation, 914 Hayes, E. L., degree, 817 Hayes, J. C , degree, 420, 884 Hayes, J. D., degree, 884 Hayes, M, J., degree, 753 Hayes, P. J., degree, 149 Hayes, W. B., letter, government insurance for members of armed forces, 455 Hayes, W. P., appointment, 380, 590 Hayman, Stasia V., degree, 151 Hays, A. H., degree, 148 Hays, Blanche L,, appointment, 637, 936 military leave, 919 Hays, C. K., degree, 296 Hays, R. W., degree, 883 Hayward, H. N-, appointment, 379, 613, 97G Hayward, Mary L., degree, 428 Hazeikorn, H. N., degree, 758 Hazelkorn, J., degree, i o n Hazen, K., appointment, 134 resignation, 287 Hazleton, H. A., appointment, 564 Hazleton, Mrs. J. A., sale of lot in Roselawn Cemetery, 815 Hazlett, Olive C , appointment, 594 Hazlett, W. H., appointment, 12, 554 Head, Annabelle, degree, 885 Health requirements, appointment to staff, Health Service, budget, 564, 57 * adjustment, 234 summer semester, 382, 979 medical examinations for staff



Heggerty, Theresa G-, appointment, 693 Hegman, J., trustees, sale of lot in Roselawn _ Cemetery, 815 Heicke, Dorothy, appointment, 700 Heiderscheid,_ M. V., degree, 885 Heidinger, Virginia A., degree, 154 Heidrich, E. £., Jr., loan fund, gift, 831 member of advisory committee, 440 Heifetz, M. D., degree, 934 Heilbrunn, G., appointment, 553 Heine Chimney & Construction Co., contract, Heineke, Margaret A., degree, 156 Heinicke, Betty L., degree, 427 Heinsen, Alice J., degree, 417 Heinze, A. C , certificate, 800 Heisler, F. B., appointment, 12, 554 Hejtmanek, Lillian B., appointment, 45, 386, 598, 768, 821 degree, 756 Held, Elizabeth A., appointment, 409, 699 Helfert, B. A., degree, 1009 Helfrich, Betty, degree, 420 Helfrich, L. S., appointment, 13 Hellberg, Hildur C , appointment, 345, 692 Helleberg, Angelene D-, degree, 291 resignation, 94, 262 Hellen, L. P., Jr., degree, 758 Heller, G. L., appointment, 463) 689 degree, 430 Helm, H. C., certificate, 833 Helm, M. S., appointment, 379, 613, 976 Helm, W. A., certificate, 833 Helmer, J. F., degree, 351 Helmericks, R. E., appointment, 192, 662 Helton, F. F., appointment, 87, 594, 768, 980 Hemp, P. E., degree, 426 Hempen, Marguerite C , degree, 151 Hempen, Marie C , degree, 151 Henderson, B. D., degree, 160 Henderson, E. H., degree, 428 Henderson, Elizabeth T., degree, 934 Henderson, Florence M,, appointment, 889 Henderson, Harriet E., degree, 882 Henderson, J. A., appointment, 637, 654 degree, 934 Henderson, M., appointment, 626 Henderson, R. A., degree, 156 Henderson, Rebecca J., scholarship, 931 Henderson, T. B. G., certificate, 944 Henderson, T. O., appointment, 707 Hendey Machine Co., bid, 992 Hendricks, A. R., degree, 934 Hendricks, G. R„, degree, 430 Hendrickson, R. J., certificate, 273 Hendrie, P. M., certificate, 944 Hendrix, Loretta F., degree, 156 Hendrix, R. L., degree, 426 Henehan, Mrs. Elizabeth, appointment, 819 Henert, B. E., degree, 760 Henkel, R. W., certificate, 735 Henkin, E., degree, 541 Henn, Elizabeth J-, degree, i o n Hennemeyer, R., appointment, 7, 548 Hennig, J. A., certificate, 800 Hcnningsen, A. M., degree, 295 Henningsen, Margaret T., degree, 156 Henry, D. L., degree, 425 Henry, Mrs. Helen W., appointment, 610 resignation, 826 Henry, T. A., appointment, 383, 615 Henry, J. C , degree, 538 Henry, M. D., degree, i o n Henry, M. L., certificate, 833 Hensel, J. A., military leave, 166 Hensel, V., member of advisory committee, Hensler, R., military leave, 729 Hensold, H. H., Jr., degree, 293 Henson, Mrs. Betty W., appointment, 768 Henson, June A., degree, 758 Henwood, Mrs. Ethel M., appointment, 595



Health Service Building, remodeling, appropriation, 807 Healy, Mrs. Camilla J., appointment, 674 Healy, E. D., degree, 760 Healy, Frances, degree, i o n Healy, Margaret V., degree, 348 Healy, Veryl, degree, 156 Heaney, N. S., appointment, 8, 550 Heat, light, and power employees, wages, policy, 399 Heater, E. F., appointment, 610 Heath, Helen M., degree, 53# Heath, Lydia J., degree, 427 Heatherton, R. C , degree, 421 Heathman, Jessie E-, appointment, 284, 652, 888 Heating, contracts, Military Stables, 520 Sanitary Engineering Laboratory, 453 investigation, 867 Heating pumps, purchase, 364 Hebert, Mary C-, degree, 1009 Hebron, M. E., degree, 418 Hecht, R., appointment, 4. 544 military leave, 165 Heck, A. E., Jr., degree, 148 Heck, C. V., degree, 753, 817 Heckel, N. J., appointment, 14* 55^ Heckel, Valleye E., appointment, 556 Heckert, Floweree, appointment, 768 Heddins, J. L., appointment, 636 Hedges, Mrs. Mildred B., appointment, 285, 344, 715, 854 r , Hedges, Virginia M., degree, 1013 Hedfin, J. P., degree, 295 Hedrick, Betty J., degree, 1015 Hedrick, F. Evelyn, appointment, 821 Hedrick, Marjorie M., scholarship, 39 See also Sibley, Mrs. Marjorie H. Hedrick, R. D., degree, 758 Hedrick, R. M., degree, 422 Hedstrand, Lillian E., appointment, 382, 7^8, 979 degree, 419 Heggemeier, G. H-, degree, 428 Heggemeier, W. S., degree, 428