UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1960 [PAGE 1872]

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Johnston, W. Cy degree, 519, 1342 Johnstone, H. F., appointment, 673, 710, 1479. I 5 i 8 leave of absence, 1207 Johnstone, J. R., appointment, 831, 1643 Johnstone, Rosemary, degree, 1344 Johnstone, W. W., fellowship, 50 John Street, parking lots, construction, appropriation, 82 property at 502 East, purchase, 135, 1145 property at 508 East, acquisition, 58 purchase, 93 removal, contract, 82 property at 610 East, purchase, 93 removal, contract, 6 property at 614 East, purchase, 93 Joichi, J. T., degree, 1049 fellowshipj 280 declination, 281 Joiner, C. A., degree, 160 Joiner, L. C , degree, 1194 Joint Action Committee of Civic Organizations, resolution, site of Chicago Undergraduate Division, 1067 Joint Council on Higher Education, policy of institutional cooperation, statement, 181 Joints, study, contract, change, 96, 978 Jokela, J. J., appointment, 648, 1453 Joliet, central business district, redevelopment, study, gift, 1116 land, assignment to Agricultural Experiment Station, 567 Joliet Field Revolving Account, budget, 629, x 434 Jolley, R. A., appointment, 889, 1703 Jolly, R. D., Sr., fellowship, 597 Jones, A. G., degree, 1340 tones, A. T., certificate, 293 tones, Ada L., degree, 1354 Jones, Alice J., degree, 1190 fellowship^ 199. 59 7, 1064 declination, 997 Jones, B. A., Jr., appointment, 633, 1438 Jones, B. G., degree, 1344 fellowship, 1305 Jones, Bernice L., degree, 1356 Jones, Bette M., degree, 1356 Jones, Beulah M., appointment, 910, 1727 Jones, C. C , appointment, 197, 398, 657, 659, 1464 Jones, C. D., Jr., degree, 319 Tones, C. H., Jr., degree, 1015 Jones, D. M. A., appointment, 987, 1510 Jones, Daisy M., appointment, 1737 Jones, E. C., Jr., appointment, i393» i486 fellowship, 425, 1064, 1399 Jones, E. T., appointment, 25 Jones, Edith C , appointment, 747» 749> 1556. 1558 Jones, Esterfina C , appointment, 934 Jones, F. M., appointment, 660, 1393* '465 Jones, F. W., appointment, 22, 948 Jones, G. D., appointment, 834, 1646 Jones, G. E., appointment, 1058 Tones, G. N., appointment, 709. 1238. 15^7 Jones, H, A., degree, 514 Jones, H. W., appointment, 891, 1706 Jones, Ida E., appointment, 882, 1697 Jones, J. C , appointment, 22, 948 Jones, J. H., Jr., certificate, 1163 Jones, J. N., degree, i n Jones, John O., appointment, 1669 Jones, John Oliver, appointment, 811, 812, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones, Jones,

1622, 1623 gift, 1115


Jones, M. L., degree, 1010 Jones, Margaret F., appointment, 1058, 1578, 1579 Jones, Martha L., appointment, 831, 880, 1641, 1696 Jones, Mary E., degree, 1347 Jones, Maxine J., appointment, 919, 1735 Jones, Norma L., degree, 1361 Jones, O. E., member of Citizens Committee, Jones, P. B., degree, 1188 Jones, P. G., appointment, 384, 591, 690, Jones, P. N., appointment, 22, 948 Jones, P. V. B., appointment, 719, 1526 Jones, Roger A., degree, 1354 Jones, Rudard A., appointment, 693, 698, 1499, 1505 Jones, R. E., appointment, 147, 987 Jones, R. L., appointment, 870, 1685 degree, 519 Jones, R. M., degree, 1350 fellowship, 1301 Jones, R. Stewart, appointment, 375, 663, Tones, Roger S., fellowship, 553, 597 Jones, R, W., degree, 1010 Jones, S. F., appointment, 917, 1733 Jones, S. L., appointment, 387, 807, 1618 leave of absence, 349 Jones, S. S., appointment, 1679 degree, 1190 Jones, S. T., appointment, 1313, 1581 Tones, Sibba I. D., degree, 1346 Jones, T. E., degree, 1354 Tones, T. L., degree, 532 Jones, T. S., appointment, 761, 1571 portrait, gift, 261 Jones, V. D., degree, 1006 Tones, Virginia M., appointment, 908, 1724 Jongbloet, Jan, degree, 324 Jongkind, J., painting, gift, 1121 Jonietz, Alice K., appointment, 621, 724,

1241, 1460 1251, 1496 296


1425. 1532


Joanne W., appointment, 8491 lC>62 Josephine V., appointment, 919, *735 K, E., degree, 1351 Katharine K., appointment, 1662 Kay D., degree, 523 L, R., degree, 1016, 1363 L. W., degree, 105 Louise G., appointment, 43, 628, 143 3 M. A., degree, 1367

oos, L. A., appointment, 79, 651, 1456 opek, J. J., Jr., degree, 516 oranson, V., appointment, 764, 1575 ordan, A., degree, 518 ordan, Barbara J., appointment, 917 ordan, Bessie S., appointment, 928 Jordan, Cynthia R., appointment, 821 Jordan, D. M., appointment, 124, 725, 1532 Jordan, Dorothy M., appointment, 1633 Jordan, E. C., appointment, 67S, 1484 Jordan, G. L., appointment, 630, 1435 leave of absence, 345 cancellation, 1000 Jordan, G, W. t degree, 1192 Jordan, Georgiana G., degree, 1357 Jordan, H., appointment, 850, 1663 Jordan, H. H., appointment, 671, 1476 Jordan, Helen G-, appointment, 861, 1675 Jordan, Kathryn C , appointment, 845, 1657 Jordan, Laura J., appointment, 987, 1058, 1475 Tordan, Mary O., appointment, 877, 1692 Jordan, MoreenJ C., appointment, 804, 1616 fellowship, 3 4 leave of absence, 1221 Jordan, T. E., certificate, 941 Tordan, Velma W., appointment, 1697 tordens, J. H.. degree, 510 Jorgensen, R. F., degree, 324 Joseph, N. R., appointment, 786, 1597 Josephs, R., degree, 525 tosephson, Barbara, appointment, 1726 tosephson, D. R., degree, 166, 1371 Josey, A, D., resignation, 176 Joshi, L. H., degree, 1008 Joslin, R. S., certificate, 293 Joslyn, B. L., degree, 329 toslyn, Claudia R., degree, 1354 Josselyn, Irene, appointment, 776, 1586