UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 [PAGE 997]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Price, D., contract for instruction of, $2f 458 Price, E. C, degree, 55 Price, Esther F., appointment, 349, 746 sick leave, 654 Price, H., certificate, 253 Price, H. D., appointment, 109, 329, 426, 562, 727 Price, L,, certificate, 253 Price, Mary A., degree, 895 Price, Mary W., degree, 904 Price, V. E., degree, 904 Price, W-, gift. 461 Prichard, W. T., certificate, 513 Priestley, Kate W., degree, 238 Priestley, R. B-, degree, 905 Prillaman, J. R., degree, 907 Primm, Ruth P., degree, 904 Printing, appropriation, 22, 214 budget, 275, 667 paper, contracts, Governor's approval required, 71 purchase, 216, 477, 566, 769, 796 State appropriation, 265 Print Shop, printing press, appropriation, 358 purchase, 456 revolving account. 356, 753 Pritchard, Arleen, degree, 904 Pritikin, D., appointment, 200, 342 resignation, 525 Pritikin, H. H., degree, 904 Pritkin, B., certificate, 20 Prizes, funds budget, 355, 752 Proctor, E. W., degree, 249 Proctor, G. P., degree, 895 Proctor, Louise I., degree, 904 Producers Commission Association of Kansas City, calves purchased, 83, 407 steers purchased, 187 Professional degrees, Engineering, list, 232, 888 summary, 230, 885 Professional schools, transfer, requirements, / i z, 793 Professors, minimum salary, 269 statutes, 582 exchange, 580 leave of absence, 584 Senate members, 575 See also Staff. ^ Professorships, visiting, budget, 275* 667 Promotions, staff members, procedure, 582 Property, University, private use forbidden,


Powers, T. A., degree, 437 Powers, Jennie E., degree, 38 Powers, L. D., appointment, 345» 743 Powers, VV. A., appointment, 670 Pownall, Ruth M., degree, 238 Practice teaching, compensation of supervisors, 21 Praeger, Doris D., degree, 136 Prather, E. R.( appointment, 426 degree, 247 Pratt, C. H., appointment, 276, 668 authority to sign name of President of Board, 147, 555 Pratt, D. E., degree, 895 scholarship, 639 Pratt, Edna M-, appointment, 914 degree, 896 Pratt, I., declination, 201 fellowship, 198 Predika, Stephanie A., degree, 895 Pree, R. J., degree, 238 Prentice, L. H., Co., bid, 476 President of Board, authority, Medical Building, agreements, 528 legislation for financing, 528 delegation of signature, 147, 406, 555, 611 F.E.R.A. checks, 23 director of Foundation, 442 election, 146, 554 signature required on contracts, 596 surety bond, statute, 594 President of University, authority, Agricultural Experiment Station budget, approval, 404 appointments, supervisors of practice teaching, 21 budget, adjustments, 267, 659 biennial, 66 building studies, release of funds, 396 chair of Slavonic languages and literature, 195 degrees, conferring, 196, 646 Medical Building, 528 medical park, policy, 478 purchases over one thousand dollars, 367 salary adjustments, 194 water tank, order, 194 W.P.A., application for funds, 364 automobile, purchase, 786 director of Foundation, 442 statutes, 57s attendance at meeting of teachers' associations, 589 authority to make purchases, 594 Council member, 576 faculty member o f each college and school, $77 member of teaching faculty of Graduate School, 580 power to act on service for outside parties, 592 Senate member, 575 traveling expense bills, 596 See also Willard A. C. President's Birthday Ball, use of New Gymnasium, 95, 521 President's Office, budget, expense, 275, 667 salary, 276, 668 Presler, Grace G., degree, 413 Press, See University Press. Pressures, granular materials, investigation, budget, 300, 306 Presta, P. S., degree, 543 Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery Corporation, assistantship, budget, 283 gift. S3, 461 Preston, Genie J., degree, 890 Preuss, G. E., certificate, 513 Preve, F. P., degree, 244 Prewitt, G. H., degree, 136 Price, C. C, appointment, 677 Price, C. M., degree, 904

See also Land and Equipment. Propst, D. W., appointment, 336, 734 Prosek, J. R., degree, 244 Prosniewski, YV. S., certificate, 790 Prosthetic Dentistry, budget, expense, 342, 739 salary, 345, 742 < Proteins, investigation, budget, 333 gift, 82 Prout, C. U., degree, 900 Prout, F. O., degree, 413 Provine, Elizabeth W., degree, 238 Provine, L. H., appointment, 326, 724 Provost, statutes, 575 Council member, 576 lecture fund committee member, 580 procedure, laboratory fees, 597 senate member, 575 See also President's Office. Prucha, M. J., appointment, 315, 319, 709, 713 Prugh, Isabelle D., degree, 252 Pruitt, C. L., degree, 901 Prybvlo, C. L., degree, 911 Psychiatry, budget, expense, 730 salary, 737 clinical faculty, 761 Rockefeller Foundation grant, 533* S83