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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
992 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Physical Plant Department, cont'd. purchases, cont'd. paper towels, 433, 769 steel, 28, 457 steel shelving, 635 trucks, 223, 539, 769 valve boxeSj 27 Venetian blinds, 634 revolving accounts, job system, 356, 753 stores, 356, 753 Roselawn Cemetery, agreement, 185 statutes, 59s automotive equipment, 600 buildings, rental fees, 598 permission for meetings, 598 steam line, deterioration, 33 tests of Illinois coal, 493 Union Building, remodeling, contract, 86 water system, improvement, 32, 194 wells, repairing, 87 replacement, 90 Physicians courses, special, authorized, 568 fee, exemption, 567 Physics, budget, expense, 300, 693 salary, 303, 696 summer session, 108, 562 fellows and scholars, list, 197, 198, 256, 640, 914 laboratory fees, 228, 768 lathe for shop, purchase, 517 Physics Building, appropriation, elevator replacement, 651 balance reappropriated, 777 Physiological Chemistry, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 339, 736 gift, equipment for humidifying air, 493 research, serum proteins, 82 Physiology, budget, expense, 283, 675 Medicine, 333, 730 salary, 291, 684 Medicine, 340, 737 summer session, 107, 563 clinical faculty, 376^ 761 ;ift for research, Vitamin D, 520 aboratory fees, 163, 228, 768 Piano, Gladys L., degree, 247 Pianos, fee for rental, 9 Piatt, Mrs. Mildred J., appointment, 347, 744 Piatt County, prairie remnant, lease, 172 Picco, J. D., Jr., degree, 907 Picco, J. J., cancellation, 75 Pickel, J. R., degree, 242 Pickets, Elizabeth C, degree, 247 Pickels, G. W., appointment, 301, 694 Pickens, Louise M., appointment, 317, 711 Piech, R. J., degree, 241 Pieper, J. J., appointment, 313, 706 Pierce, Ruth E., degree, 54 Pierson, A. C.f degree, 238 Pierson, Beatrice J., degree, 895 Pierson, Irene D., appointment, 279, 671 sick leave, 514 Pietrangeli, Angelina R., appointment, 292,685 Piette, E. C, appointment, 375» 760 Pigg, L. E,, degree, 244 Pilchard, E. I., appointment, 321, 716 Pilcher, R. E,, degree, 895 Pilka, H. J., appointment, 335, 732 Pillsbury, C. S., director of University of Illinois Foundation, 441 Pilot, I., appointment, 338, 373, 735, 758 Pinkney, P. S-, appointment, 15 fellowship, 382, 640 Pinsenshaum, A., appointment, 331, 425, 729 Pinsley, W. G., degree, 898 Pipe, purchase, 28, 71, 215, 492 Pipe joints, filling material, assignment of patent, 765 royalties, 114 Piper, P. E., degree, 245 Piper, W. N., degree, 909 Pippin, C. A., degree, 901 Physical education, Chicago departments, land, purchase, 540 need, 477 plan, j37 Physical Education, School of, bath towels, purchase, 390 budget, 329, 726 degrees conferred, list, 138, 251, 438, 907 summary, 230, 886 expendable endowment fund, 329, 726 locker fee, 8? 228, 767 laundry services, contract, 27, 456 requirements, bachelor's degree, 112 deficiencies, 793 revolving fund, budget, 726 Physical Education for Men, budget, expense, 329, 726 salary, 329, 727 adjustment, 440 summer session, 109, 562 fees, locker, 228, 767 special, 228, 439, 767 laundry services, 27, 456 Physical Education for Women, budget, expense, 329, 726 salary, 330, 728 summer session, 109, 562 fees, locker, 228, 767 special, 228, 768 laundry services, 27, 456 Physical examinations, chauffeurs, 600 food handlers, 5S9 persons doing hazardous work, 589 Physical Plant Department, appropriations, acoustical treatment of rooms, 510 awnings, 510 blinds, 510 building studies, 396 cattle feeding plant, 2 coal utilization research, 471 fans for summer session, 214 heating and ventilating studies, 557 horticulture barn, 104 pilot wells, 49 shades, 510 Shepherd cottage, 2 tool room and warehouse, 92, 215 balance reappropriated, 359 Governor's approval withheld, 207 request, 194, 207 statement, 357 University woods, 404 budget, expense, 351, 748 salary, 352, 749 adjustments, 782 Chicago, 353, 750 summary, 351, 748 conduit replacement, 78 Director, custodian of equipment, 599 duties, 595 procedure, budgets, 576 purchases, 594 Senate member, 576 elevator maintenance, 881 employee, civil service discharge, 473 expendable gift funds, 351, 748 Horticulture barn, plans, 91 maintenance work, expenditures authorized, 367 paving campus drives, bid, 390 power plant building, need, 94 purchases, air compressor portable, 366 arc welder, 366 automobile, 433 cement, 634 concrete batching equipment, 634 equipment, 704 fire brick and clay, 28 gasoline, 28 heating pump, 769 lumber, 366, 390, 492, 794 machinery, 769 magnesia pipe covering, 83 f
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