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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

990 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Patents, cont'd. Burks, D., Jr., 185 concession of priority, 59 license agreement, 74 Buswell, A. M., license, 34 committee, faculty, appropriation, 195, 531 budget, 275f 667 members, 147, 555 Grant, F. R., assignment, 765 royalties, 114 Heubaum, U., 59 Johnstone, H. F., 114, 212, 460, 494, 541 British rights, 624 license, 797 waiver, 798 Kunz, J., license, fee, 658 request, 637 Marvel, C. S., release, 406 rights, 624 Parr, S. W., license, 34, 797 Ramsey, R. J., application, 122 Ruehe, H. A^ application, 122 Schlenz, H. E-, 114 public use, 215, 370 statutes, 590, 591 Straub, F. G., license, 34, 797 Swann, S., release, 406 Paterson, H. C, appointment, 330? 7^7 Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 338, 735 clinical faculty, 375, 760 See also Dental Pathology and Oral and Plastic Surgery. Patka, J. A., degree, 35 Paton, R. F., appointment, 108, 304, 562, 696 Pattengale, Nell T., appointment, 498, 758 Patterson, I. T., degree, 904 Patterson, J. M., degree, 901 Patterson, Katharine, appointment, 323 leave of absence, 489 resignation, 641 Patterson, Sarah A., degree, 238 Pattin, H. S-, appointment, 304, 697 Patton, Frances M., degree, 238 Patton, J. E., degree, 544 Patzman, Eleanor V., degree, 904 Pauker, N., appointment, 376, 761 Paul, Gladys L., appointment, 276, 668 Paul, H. G., appointment, 106, 287, 560, 679 Paul, Mrs. Katherine H., appointment,293,686 Paulsen, Mrs. Hilda, appointment, 339, 736 Paulson, R. B., degree, 56 Paving, campus streets and drives, appropriation, 207, 215, 357 contract, 390 Goodwin Avenue, contract, 410 Gregory Drive, balance reappropriated, 359, 777 contract, 410 Pavlov, M., scholarship, 197 Pawlicki, Audre E., degree, 903 Paxton, F., Lumber Company, lumber purchased, 390 Payne, J. N., degree, 238 Peabody, Jean F., degree, 243 Peabody Coal Co., bid, 408 contract, 51, 84 Pearce, H. W., appointment, 353. 750 Pearlman, B., appointment, 374, 759 Pearlman, M. D., degree, 909 Pearson, F. C, appointment, 277> 669 Pease, T. C, appointment, J07, 289, 561, 6S2 Peck, H., degree, 253 Peckham, C. G., degree, 895 Pediatrics, budget, expense, 333, 730 salary, 339, 736 clinical faculty, 376, 761 research, gift for, 53 Peel, Harriette M., degree, 895 Peel, T., appointment, 286, 678 Peer, H. L., degree, 137 Palmer, H. M., appointment, 330 degree, 247 Palmer, J. T., appointment, 64 degree, 543 Palmer, Lucille V., appointment, 425, 68.2 Palmer, M. P., appointment, 373. 758 Pamphlets, gift, 31 Pana, P. P. A., degree, 902 Pana Coal Co., bid, 51, 408 Panagos, P., degree, 247 Panayotides, S., degree, 235 Panhorst, F. W., degree, 888 Panitz, D. S-, scholarship, 640 Panzer, R, M., degree, 899 Papagiane, L., claim, death of son, 380, 460 Papendick, L. W., degree, 545 Paper for printing, contracts, Governor's approval required, 71, 596 purchase, 216, 477, 5.66, 769, 796 Paper towels, purchase, 433 Park, O., declination, 17 Park, Sarah E., appointment, 43 Park, Sunshine E., appointment, 106, 284 degree, 886 Parke, H. H., member of advisory committee, 472 Parke, H. W-, degree, 899 Parke, J., certificate, 253 Parker, Alice A., degree, 889 Parker, I), A., degree, 413 Parker, E. A., appointment, 425 Parker, E. M., degree, 35 Parker, Elizabeth, appointment, 483, 678 Parker, F. C., degree, 384 Parker, J., estate, land leased, 23 Parker, J. A., Jr., degree, 900 Parker, M. L., appointment, 341, 738 Parker, V. G., degree, 897 Parker, W. L., appointment, 921 Parker-Thomas & Tucker Paper Company, bid, 477 Parks, Catherine C, degree, 903 Parks, K., degree, 895 Parks, R. R., appointment, 572, 705, 721 Parliamentary procedure, statute concerning, 575 Parlier, R. B., degree, 902 Parmelee, C. W., appointment, 301, 694 Parmelee, R. C, degree, 133 Parmelee, T. D,, alternate for Kinley fellowship, 790 degree, 249 Parmely, O. C, degree, 137 Parr, Rosalie M., appointment, 285, 559, 6jy Parr, S. W., patent, license, 34, 797 Parrish, W. M., appointment, 65.7, 679 Parron, Carlotta, degree, 137 Parry, J. J., appointment, 287, 679 Parshall, G. W., degree, 242 Parsons, Elinor, degree, 252 Parsons, June E., degree, 250 Parsons, T. E., appointment, 303, 696 Partee, C. E., contract for instruction of, 29, 458 degree, 241 Parucka, G., degree, 436 Pask, J, A., appointment, 698 Paskind, J,, appointment, 374, 762 Pass, B., degree, 522 Passarelli, E. \V., appointment, 337, 734 Pasture studies, funds, 404 Pasvogel, M. \V\, degree, 902 Paszotta, H. M., degree, 904 Patacsil, A. C, degree, 895 Pate, R. S., appointment, 921 Patelski, Louise M., degree, 904 Patelski, R. A., declination, 17 Patents, Adams, R., anaesthetics, release, 12 Audrieth, L. F., release, 114, 406 Babbitt, H. E., 114 public use, 215, 370
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