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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
988 BOASD OF TRUSTEES Northcott, Ruth, appointment, 85, 335. 733 Northern Illinois State Teachers College, receipts, regulation, 363 Northup, D. W.» appointment, 340 degree, 255 resignation, 416 Northwestern Plumbing and Heating Company, bid, 627 contract, 628, 771 Norton, Annette C, degree, 238 Norton, E. A., appointment, 313 declination, 416 leave of absence, 206 Norton, Esther J., degree, 247 Norton, Jeannette, degree, 247 Norton, L. J., appointment, 656, 704, 719 resignation, 99 Norton, Merry K., degree, 246 Norton, Nina M., degree, 38 Norton, W. S., civil service discharge, 473 Norval, Mildred A., appointment, 425, 683 degree, 236 Nourhan, L. H., degree, .235 Novak, L. J., degree, 136 Novick, M. M., degree, 250 Novotny, F., Jr., decree, 900 Nowack, A. J., appointment, 64 Novvlin, Mabel N., degree, 433 Noyes, F. B., appointment, 342, 344, 739. 741 present at meeting, 87, 94 Noyes, W. A., appointment, 284, 676 present at meeting 87, 94 N.R.A. literature, gift, 462 Nuess, Vivian R., degree, 38 Nutrition, research, budget, 73 r gift, 520 Nutrition Research Laboratories, Inc., gift, Nye, H. A., appointment, 920 Nye, L. A., degree, 250 Nylander, V. T., appointment, 343, 740, 741 Oakdale, U. O., appointment, 43, 345, 743 Oakley, Mrs. Louise G.. resignation, 45 Oakwood Coal Co., bid, 408 contract, 409, 481 Oats, purchase, 10 Obernght, E. A., degree, 240 O'Brien, J. P., degree, 136 O'Brien, P. J., degree, 383 Obstetrics and Gynecology, budget, expense, 333. 730 salary, 337, 734 clinical faculty, 374, 759 O'Callaghan Bros., bid, 476 contract, 495, 519 payments due, 556 Ocasek, W., Jr., degree, 383 Ocenasek, J. C, appointment, 346, 743 O'Connor, Charlotte E., degree, 56 O'Connor, Dorothy K., degree, 252 O'Connor, Rose C., degree, 904 O'Conor, V. J., appointment, 100, 377, 763 Odell, C. W., appointment, 298, 560, 691 Odell, R. T., degree,, 902 Oden, R. J. E., appointment, 377, 762 Odenweller, Rowena A., degree, 135 O'Donnell, Esther P., degree, 57 O'Donnell, T, E., appointment, 326, 724 Odum, H. VV., appointment, 490, 685 Oehler, Rene, appointment, 467, 551, 920 OeMcr, W. F„ degree, 383 Oehm, Katherine M., degree, 247 Oehmke, G. J., appointment, 303, 696 Oesterling, H. C, appointment, 279, 672 authority to sign name of Secretary of Board, 147, 555 Officers, administrative, academic rank, 582 Council members, 576 Senate members, 575 Board, delegation of signatures, 147. 555 election, 146, 554 5^0 Newman, C. R., degree, 895 Newmark, Mrs. Anne C, appointment, 305 resignation, 552 Newmark, N. M., appointment, 305, 698 leave of absence, 395 Newmark, S. S., degree, 891 News Bureau, General Electric Company, gift, 381 Newton, J. R., death benefit, 104 leave of absence, 50 Newton, W. A., degree, 240 Newton, W. H., appointment, 374. 759 New York, City of, registered corporation bonds purchased, 368 New York Central Railroad Company, lease, New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad Company, agreement, 24, 52 Neylon, Loretta E., degree, 904 Niagara Sprayer and Chemical Company, Inc., agreement, 634, 878 Nichamin, S. J., appointment, 376, 761 Nicholas, Constance, appointment, 920 degree, 889 scholarship, 197, 198 Nichols, C. H., member of advisory committee, 50, 472 member of Dairy Commission, 219 Nichols, H. E., certificate, 513 Nichols, Mary A., degree, 56 Nichols, R. J., degree, 134 Nicholson, A., appointment, 327, 724 Nicholson, C. T„ degree, 897 Nicholson, f>. G., appointment, 386, 559, 677 Nicholson, H. P., appointment, 303, 696 Nicholson, J. A., appointment, 291, 562, 683 Nickel, Dorothy L., degree, 238 Nickel, L. L., degree, 238 Nickell, Paulena, appointment, 317 resignation, 641 Nickell, Rosa M., appointment, 74, 313, 7°7 Nickell, V. L., appointment, 68, 141. 425, 572 Nickerson, A. J., appointment, 305, 698 Nicotine, insecticides, investigation, 794, 878 Nieder, S., certificate, 253 degree, 738 Niehaus, C. E., degree, 235 Nielsen, Myrtle K., appointment, 340 Nielsen, N., degree, 890 Nielsen, P. E., appointment, 302, 695 Nielsen, S. N., Company, hid, 475 Nielsen, Shirley E., appointment, 64, 143 resignation, 258 Niemiec, T. V., degree, 58 Nierenberg, H. H., degree, 383 Niess, Minnie, degree, 36 Niess, Netta V., degree, 412 Nijhoff, N. V. M., foreign journals purchased, 635 Nix, D. F., degree, 254 Nix, W. K., certificate, 253 Nixon, L. F., degree, 243 Noble, Mildred, appointment, 288 resignation, _ 525 Noble, Virginia L., degree, 235 Noggle, VV. L., appointment, 74. 347, 745 Nolan, A. W-, appointment, 299, 692 Non-resident fee, amendment, 79 Nordhem, Harriet J., degree, 908 Nordwall, Dorothy H., appointment, 425, 467 Noren, E. D-, degree, 245 Normal school revolving fund, 363 Norris, Margaret B., degree, 56 Norten, Sylvia M., degree, 904 North, C, member of advisory committee, Nortn° Elsie G-, degree, 246 North, W. A., degree, 247 North Electric Company, bid, $11 North Greenhouse, steam line improvements, appropriation, 168, 194 132, 172
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