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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVEKSITY OF ILLINOIS Leavitt, Frances L., degree, 545 LeBaugh, M. M„ bid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Lebensart, Mrs. Ruth, appointment, 374 cancellation, 463 Leckie, G. G., appointment, 550 LeCount, E. R., gift, 520 Lecture fund, committee, membership, 580 Lectures, budget, 275, 667 James, E., endowment fund, 216, 461 medicine, gift, 883 Taft, L., fund, transfer, 225 Ledbetter, G. W-, degree, 244 Lederer, F. L., appointment, 336, 733 gift, 520 Lederman, I. H., degree, 383 Ledgerwood, R. C, degree, 543 Lee, A. R.( appointment, 276, 668 Lee, Avice F., appointment, 142, 424, 572 Lee, Claribel, degree, 894 Lee, F., degree, 255 Lee, Frederic Edward, appointment, 296, 560, 689 Lee, Frederic Edward, Jr., degree, 894 Lee, Helen L,, degree, 906 Lee, J. K., appointment, 311, 320, 705. 7M Lee, R. T., degree, 901 Leedy, H. A., appointment, 304* 697 degree, 135 Leeper, C. K., degree, 242 Leffler, M. T., appointment, 63 degree, 887 fellowship, 197 Legal Counsel, See Counsel, University. Legal opinion, type of securities for endowment funds, 118 Legal services, Carter-Pennell farms, payment, 72 Legge, P. W., degree, 247 Leggett, J. G., degree, 906 Legislation, accident compensation, 37S Federal funds, building projects, 361 in State Treasury, reappropriation, 453, 481, 487 Medical Building, financing, 528, 530, 604 site, transfer of title, 452, 481, 500, 606 special appropriation requested, 497 medical park, proposed, 478 revision, 490, 542 Lehigh Stone Company, crushed rock purchased, 51 Lehman, L. O-, certificate, 513 Lehmann, A. S., degree, 902 Lehmann, E. W., appointment, 3r2, 705 Lehmann, Margaret L., degree, 894 Lehnerer, G. T., degree, 245 Lehwald, C. J., degree, 383 Leib, Dorothy E., degree, 251 Leib, H. H-, degree, 911 Leichenger, H., appointment, 376, 761 Leigh, Emma J., degree, 247 Leigh, W. H., appointment, 424, 686 degree, 234 Leighton, M. M., present at meeting, 87, 94 statement, status of Surveys Building, 447 Leimbacher, E. S., appointment, 338, 735 Leipold, Alice C. M., degree, 904 Leisenring, Mary J., degree, 907 Letter, L. E., degree, 238 Leiter, O. C, appointment, 294, 687 Leitz Microscope Company, microscopes purchased, 794 Leland, B. J., appointment, 307 degree, 891 Lemen, O. G., degree, 238 Lemna, T. F., degree, 894 Lemon, P. C, appointment, 424, 550, 676 degree, 891 Lemon, R. G., degree, 383 Lempke, Marjorie I., degree, 251 Lendrum, J. T., appointment, 302, 695 Lentino, J. A., degree, 255 977 Lentz, G. G., appointment, 550, 684 Leonard, A. L., appointment, 100, 312 resignation, 416 Leonard, Lena A., degree, 255 Leonard, Maria, appointment, 279, 671 Leonard, Naomi L., appointment, 277, 66g Leonard, P. T. P., appointment, 42, 63 declination, 45 resignation, 124 Leonhard, D. F., cancellation, 65 Lepak, A., appointment, 100, 335, 732 Lepak, J., death benefit, 225 Leppla, Mrs. Martha, appointment, 746 Leppla, P. W., appointment, 285, 642 Lerner, C. J., degree, 897 Lerner, D. L., degree, 34 Lerner, G. P., degree, 244 Lerner, L. S., certificate, 253 Lerner, L., degree, 139 Lerner, M., degree, 547 Lesar, H. H., degree, 907 Lescher, F. M,, appointment, 326, 724 Lescher, F. X., degree, 912 Lesicko, Mary A., appointment, 278, 282, 671, 674 Lesinski, E. V., degree, 139 Lesko, E. J., degree, 911 Leslie, C. R., degree, 904 LeSure, Essie, degree, 433 Lete and Sons, bid, 408 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 302, 695 Leutwiler, R. W., Jr., degree, 901 Levan, A. B., certificate, 910 Levenson, J. C, Jr., degree, 897 Levenson, J. M., degree, 438 Leventyn, H, G., degree, 911 Levin, A. M., certificate, 20 Levin, B. M., appointment, 376, 761 Levin, L., certificate, 910 Levin, M. J., degree, 252 Levin, S. O., degree, 35 Levine, A. J., degree, 35 Levine, E,, degree, 252 LeVine, H. J., appointment, 374, 759 Levine, M,f degree, 383 Levine, S. S-, certificate, 253 Levine, V., appointment, 523, 760 Levinson, S. A,, appointment, 336, 373, 375, 733, 758, 760 gift, 52 r Levinthal, D. H., appointment, 200, 375, 763 Levis, \V. E., loan fund, regulations, 881 Levisohn, M. J., certificate, 910 Levisohn, R. M., certificate, 910 Levitas, S., degree, 242 Leviton, J. S., certificate, 790 Levy, A. M., degree, 243 Levy, H., appointment, 290, 562, 683 Levy, H. A., appointment, 63, 374* 759 Levy, T., degree, 35 Levy, M. W., degree, 905 Lewers, C. R., degree, 898 Lewis, A. B., degree, 136 Lewis, Alta H., degree, 238 Lewis, Anna D., degree, 904 Lewis, B. C, Jr., degree, 242 Lewis, Blanche L., appointment, 321, 716 Lewis, Clarissa O., appointment, 348, 745 Lewis, E. K., degree, 34 Lewis, E. P., reimbursement, 93 Lewis, Elizabeth M., degree, 435 Lewis, J. W., degree, 135 Lewis, L. D., appointment, 331, 728 Lewis, Marjorie L., degree, 894 Lewis, Mary E., contract for instruction of, 52 Lewis, Mary F., degree, 894 Lewis, R. C, degree, 901 Lewis, Verda M., degree, 36 Lewis, \V. J., degree, 547 Lewis, W. T., degree, 238 Lewison, M., appointment, 373, 758
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