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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 957 j Fritzlen, J. A., degree, 907 Frank, M. C, degree, 894 Froehlich, R. J., degree^ 36 Frank, M. L., degree, 252 Fromm, Rose, degree, 909 Franklin, W. H., certificate, 20 Froschauer, F. E-, degree, 246 Franklin County Coal Co., bid, 51 Frost, Helen E„ degree, 897 Frankovich, Leona M-, appointment, 346, 743 Frost, Lillian X., degree, 237 Franks, M. E., degree, 137 Froyd, H. N., degree, 137 Franz Decorators, bid, 786 Fruin, L. T., degree, 383 contract, 34 Fruin, Mary L., degree, 896 Franzman, H. B., degree, 903 Fruin, R., degree, 894 Fraser, J. R., degree, 243 Fraser, L. S., degree, 245 Fruin, R. L., degree, 909 Fraser, W\ J-. appointment, 315, 709 Fruth, E. A., certificate, 790 Fraternity houses, financing, supervision, 532 Fry, Maude B., appointment, 571 Frautnick, A. D., degree, 244 Fry, S. S-, degree, 897 Frazee, Mary S., degree, 908 Frye, L. E., degree, 897 Frazen, A. W., degree, 905 Fryer, H. C., appointment, 290, 683 Frazer, Mrs. G. E,, gift, 216 Frystak, T. K., degree, 243 Fuel, contracts, Governor's approval resecurities, 461 quired, 71, 596 Frazier, J. W., member of advisory comFugate, W., appointment, 917 mittee, 50, 472 Fulkerson, E-, degree, 53 Freda, V. C, appointment, 642, 760 Fulkersori, J. R., member of advisory comdegree, 383 mittee, 50, 472 Frederick, C. R., appointment, 279, 671 Fuller, G. A., Company, bid, 475 Frederick, G. R., degree, 545 Fuller, H. J., appointment, 106, 284, 558, Frederick, H. L., degree, 250 676, 917 Frederick, Katherine, appointment, 142, 420, gift, 381 642 Fuller, M. G,, appointment, 40, 318, 322, 712, cancellation, 384 717 Fredrickson, R. M., degree, 237 Fullerton, A. D., degree, 545 Freed. Emma P., degree, 246 Fullerton, Belle M-, degree, 894 Freedlund, T. G., certificate, 513 Fullerton, W. W., degree, 383 Freeman, A. A., degree, 894 Fullington, J. M., degree, 138 Freeman, C. Y., appointment, 352, 749 Fulmer, C. R., degree, 894 Freeman, J. J., degree, 383 Freeman, Mrs. Nellie V., member of comFulton, D. H., degree, 242 mittees, 147, 148, 555 Fulton, Elizabeth, degree, 237 Freeman, R. R., Jr., degree, 890 Fulton, J. M-, resignation, 65 Freeman, R. W., degree, 34 Funds, balances, reappropriation, 207, 359, Freeman, Mrs. Ruth C., appointment, 317, 776 320, 323, 522, 7 1 1 , 714, 718, 721 Bursar's authority to handle, 593 gifts, regulations, 597, 602 leave of absence, 161 lectures, committee, membership, 580 Freer, Louise, appointment, 109, 330, 562, 728 organizations, Comptroller's authority, 597 leave of absence, 535 petty cash, statutes, 594 resignation, 258 students' expenses, custodianship, 597 Freilich, E. B., appointment, 373, 758 See also Budget, Endowment funds, Loan Freitag, Ruth, appointment, 142, 420 funds, etc. French, Margaret, appointment, 287, 680 Fungicides, investigation, 364, 458, 634, 878 French, Ruth C, degree, 133 Funk, E., member of advisory committee, 50, French, T. M-, appointment, 372, 757 472 French, special fee, 227, 767 Funk, E. A., certificate, 513 Frese, W. F., appointment, 296 Furby, R. L., cancellation, 67 declination, 415 Furby, S. B., degree, 34 Freshman Frolic, gift, 381 Furman, Annabelle W-, degree, 908 Freshman Week, budget, 275, 667 Furnace, warm air, investigation, 113, 565, Freund, Estelle B., degree, 237 884 Frey, D. C, certificate, 513 budget, expense, 300, 693 Frey, H. W-, degree, 242 salary, 306, 699 Frey, S. W., degree, 55 Frick, J. W., degree, 906 Furnishings, Illinois Union Building, 132 Frick Company, Inc., gift, 636 Fuson, R. C, appointment, 106, 285, SS9» 677 Fricke, J. W., degree, 521 leave of absence, 126 Fn'drich, R. J., degree, 912 research, gift for assistance, 541 Fried, J. L., degree, 894 Friedenberg, R., certificate, 253 Gaa, C. J., appointment, 421, 689 declination, 913 degree, 438 Gaa, Elizabeth J., degree, 246 Friedland, Evelyn S., degree, 894 Gahbert, C. T., degree, 435 Friedline, Marie C, degree, 438 Gaede, Helen W., degree, 894 Friedman, A. N., degree, 240 Gagnon, J. A., resignation, 201 Friedman, B. S., appointment, 466 Gaines, W. L., appointment, 315, 319, 709, degree, 542 Friedman, H, S., certificate, 910 713 Friedman, I., degree, 909 Gairing, C. R., degree, 248 Friedman, J., degree, 909 Galaty, F. W., degree, 242 Friedman, L. D., degree, 909 Galbraith, Dorothy J., degree, 903 Friedman, M. H., degree, 546 Galbreath, C. S., Jr., degree, 903 Friedrich, Dorathea W, degree, 251 Galbreath, J. W., degree, 37 Friend, Mrs. Lester M., appointment, 482, Gale, Mary A., degree, 894 Gallagher, P., degree, 546 720 Galland, M. R., degree, 907 Friend, W. J., degree, 241 Gallati, C. M., appointment, 41 Fries-Walters Company, bid, 476, 646 certificate, 253 Frigidaire Corporation, gift, 381 Gallie, D. M., appointment, 343, 741 Frison, T. H., present at meeting, 87, 94 Gallivan, G., insurance representative, 152 Fritzinger, G. F., degree, 248 Gallivan, L. H., introduced, 448
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