Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19341 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 87 REPAIRS ON W E L L N O . 8 (2) A report from the Director of the Physical Plant Department that Well No. 8 needs to be repaired, and t h a t the estimate of the total cost of the work is between $3,500 and $4,000. He requests authorization to make these repairs and recommends that the Layne Western Company be employed to do the work since the Company is already on the ground engaged in drilling a new well. I concur in these recommendations. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these recommendations were adopted. The Executive Committee adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM MARJORIE R. H O P K I N S Clerk EDWARD E. BARRETT SECOND SESSION OF D E C E M B E R 22, 1934 When the Board convened after the recess on December 22, 1934, the following members were present: Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. Hopkins, Dr. Meyer. President Willard was present; also Director C. S. Havens, Dean D. J. Davis, and Dean F. B. Noyes. The following representatives of other organizations were present: Colonel Knowlton L. Ames, Jr., representing the Department of Finance; Professor W. A. Noyes, representing the Board of Natural Resources and Conservation; Dr. M. M. Leighton, Director of the State Geological Survey; Dr. T. H. Frison, Director of the State Natural History Survey; Mr. T. J. Thomas, representing the Illinois Mining Institute; Mr. C. C. Whittier, Secretary of the Illinois Mineral Industries Committee and President of the Western Society of Engineers. NEED FOR MEDICAL A N D DENTAL LABORATORIES B U I L D I N G On request of the Chairman, Dean Noyes and Dean Davis made statements concerning the urgent need for the completion of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building. Director Ames made a statement concerning the financial situation of the State. The Board adjourned and those present went on a tour of inspection of the old Dental Building. H. E. CUNNINGHAM J. W. ARMSTRONG Secretary Chairman